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TECH-EDUCATION 2010. Athens , May 20th, 2010 Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook (MIH): Tools for Learning History and Geography in a Multicultural and ICT Perspective Valentina Zangrando, Francisco José García Peñalvo , and Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo
TECH-EDUCATION 2010 Athens, May 20th, 2010 Multicultural InterdisciplinaryHandbook (MIH): Tools forLearningHistoryandGeography in a Multicultural and ICT Perspective Valentina Zangrando, Francisco José García Peñalvo, and Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo Universidad de Salamanca, Grupo de Investigación en InterAcción y eLearning
Participants • Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) • PädagogischeHochschule Tirol (Austria) • HafelekarUnternehmensberatungSchoberGmbH - Innsbruck (Austria) • InstitutUniversitaire de Formation des Maîtres - Créteil (France) • Universityof Augsburg (Germany) • UniversityofSiegen (Germany) • UniversitàCa' Foscari di Venezia (Italy) • SpołecznaWyższaSzkołaPrzedsiębiorczościiZarządzania (Poland) 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Project Overview Theaimofthis Project istobuildandshare a set oftoolsthatincludes a HandBook, Digital Modules and a Teacher Training Course. Theywilloffer a structuredpaththrough European ContemporaryHistoryandGeographywherethecountriesconcernedwill be thoseofthe Project partners. 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Project Objectives • Furtherthedevelopmentof a common European identity by havingschoolsparticipate in the culture ofothercountriesusingtheirlanguagesandtheircollectivesymbolicimagery; • Contributetothecreationof a newgenerationofschoolHandBookand ICT-basedcontentsthat can supportteachersinvolved in CLIL experiences, orwho are simplyinterested in them; • Implement digital educationalcontents in schools. 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Project main results • A HandBookand Digital Materials, thatdealwith a choiceofhistoricalandgeographicaltopics, selectedamongthosethathavehadanimportantimpact in thenationalimagery in thelasttwocenturies. The final versionof HANDBOOK and Digital Modules will be available in allthelanguagesofthepartnercountries. • A Teacher Training Courseaddressedtobothfutureand in –serviceteachers. The training developsthetopicsdealt by theHandBookandexplainsitsmethodologyandissues. 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Impact Immediatebeneficiaries, whowillalso be involved in evaluationandpilottesting, are: • FutureteachersofLanguages, HistoryandGeographyenrolledwiththepartnerinstitutions. • Teacherscurrently in service in associatedschools as well as thosethat can be reached in thecourseprogramme. 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Project life Timetable October 1st 2009 –September 30th 2011 WP1 Management WP6 DesignoftheTeacher Training Course WP2 TechnicandDesign WP7 Teacher Training PilotCourse (Exp) WP3 BaselineStudy WP8 HB and Digital Modules Pilot (Exp) WP4 Handbookand Digital Modules WP9 Quality Management WP5 Translationand Edition of HB and WP10 Dissemination Storyboard 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Project Steps • Define keytopicsandmethodologybasedoncomparativestudiesandcollaborativeengagement. • Draftinitialversionofthehandbookandimplementqualityevaluation. • Writethe final versionofthehandbook in Englishand in thefivelanguagesofthepartnership. • Develop a storyboardofthe modules and produce thepodcasts. • Designtheteacher-training course. • Run a pilotstudyofthetoolsetandrelatedqualityevaluation. 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Workpackages WorkPackages (i) • Workpackage 1: Project Management Universidad de Salamanca • Workpackage 2: TechniqueandDesign Universidad de Salamanca • Workpackage 3: BaselineStudy UniversitàCa’ Foscari di Venezia • Workpackage 4: Handbookand Digital Modules InstitutUniversitaire de Formation des Maîtres - Créteil • Workpackage 5: Translationand Edition ofHandbookandStoryboard SpołecznaWyższaSzkołaPrzedsiębiorczościiZarządzania 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Workpackages WorkPackages (ii) • Workpackage 6: DesignoftheTeacher Training Course PädagogischeHoschule Tirol • Workpackage 7: Teacher Training PilotCourse UniversityofSiegen • Workpackage 8: Handbookand Digital Modules Pilot Universityof Augsburg • Workpackage 9: Quality Management - MonitoringandEvaluation HafelekarUnternehmensberatungSchoberGmbH - Innsbruck • Workpackage 10: Dissemination, ValorisationandSustainability HafelekarUnternehmensberatungSchoberGmbH - Innsbruck 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
LearningObjectModel MULTICULTURALITY LearningObject (A didactic goal with a cultural orientation) EUROPEAN DIMENSION LearningObject (A didactic goal with a cultural orientation) LearningObject (A unit or a topic) LearningObject (A unit or a topic) LearningObject (A unit or a topic) + MIH Handbook LearningObject (A didactic goal with a cultural orientation) + DIDACTICS Methodological guidelines + RESOURCES Basic LearningObject (a video, an audio, a text, a table, an animation, etc.) Basic LearningObject (a video, an audio, a text, a table, an animation, etc.)
CommunicationStrategies InternalCommunicationandWorkingEnvironment 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
CommunicationStrategies External Communication (websiteandcollaborative) 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Conclusions Althoughthe Project isnowbeginningitsresearchingactivities, wewereabletoconfirmtheclaimforsomekindofnewlearningtoolsandmethodologiesforHistoryandGeographywith a multicultural, CLIL and ICT approach. Weexpectto explore andexperiencenewmethodsandtofind a veryinterestingapproachtorenewsomelearningcontentsregardingHistoryandGeographywiththeseperspectives: multiculturality, CLIL, ICT. 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Contact • http://www.mihproject.eu • http://twitter.com/mihproject • http://www.facebook.com/people/Comenius-Mih/100000911645603 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
Acknowledgements Theproject MIH (502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP) has beenfundedwithsupportfromthe European Commission. Thispublicationreflectstheviewsonlyoftheauthors, andtheCommissioncannot be heldresponsibleforany use which may be made oftheinformationcontainedtherein 502461-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP
TECH-EDUCATION 2010 Athens, May 20th, 2010 Multicultural InterdisciplinaryHandbook (MIH): Tools forLearningHistoryandGeography in a Multicultural and ICT Perspective Valentina Zangrando, Francisco José García Peñalvo, and Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo Universidad de Salamanca, Grupo de Investigación en InterAcción y eLearning