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Exit 3

Exit 3. People and Places. How do you contact people who are far away ?. Letters? E-mail? Internet chatting? Go to visit them in person? Phone call? Making a phone call might be the most efficient way. How to make an efficient phone call. making a call & answering a call. The operator.

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Exit 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exit 3 People and Places

  2. How do you contact people who are far away? • Letters? • E-mail? • Internet chatting? • Go to visit them in person? • Phone call? Making a phone call might be the most efficient way.

  3. How to make an efficient phone call making a call & answering a call The operator The caller The receiver

  4. Sentence Patterns • Hello, this is ….. Speaking. • May I speak to ……, please? • I ‘d like to speak to ……,please. • May I ask who is calling? • Who ‘s that (speaking)? • Hold the line, please. • Hold on, please. • Wait a moment, please.

  5. Task 1:Substitute Dialogue Practicing • 1. All the students work in pairs to practice the dialogues using the scene pictures below the model dialogue. • 2. Three pairs come to the platform to show the whole class their dialogues.

  6. Task 2 : Role Playing Backgrounds : • Mary is the secretary of a clothes factory. She is phoning the exhibition company in New York to arrange a meeting with Mr. Jack, who is in charge of an clothes exhibition. • Mary doesn’t have Jack’s mobile number, so she just calls his office.

  7. Jack is not in the office and Jane, his colleague, answers the phone. • Mary gets Jack’s mobile number from Jane and try to call him directly. • Mary dials the wrong number to Jay at first. • Mary makes another call , reaching Jack successfully and setting the appointment.

  8. Two Groups will be asked to do the role playing. • Each group shall send 4 members .

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