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THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 23, 2014 What was the Samaritan woman looking for in those six men? Pope Benedict XVI writes that “the woman is made aware of what in actuality she has always known but to which she has not always adverted: that she thirsts
THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 23, 2014 What was the Samaritan woman looking for in those six men? Pope Benedict XVI writes that “the woman is made aware of what in actuality she has always known but to which she has not always adverted: that she thirsts for life itself and that all the assuaging that she seeks and finds cannot slake this living, elemental thirst… There comes to light the real dilemma, the deep-seated waywardness, of her existence: she is brought face to face with herself.” What brings this about in an encounter with Jesus? Pontius Pilate will declare: “Behold the man!” From our own living and elemental thirst, like the woman at the well, we do just that, giving ourselves to this man who in his thirst (“I thirst!”) asks us for a drink. We are certain that at last we will “have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our “hope does not disappoint.” We will not die in our thirst. The Lord is in our midst. Finally satisfaction can happen; this is the man we have been waiting for. story of schism and fear of contamination. // In the eyes of Jesus, Samaria is like this woman who has five husbands. It has become a prostitute to the idols. But the Word of God is thirsty. He desires the faith of this woman. He begins playing a game of question and answer with her. By the questions he raises, Jesus breaks through to the heart of this woman. She cannot avoid the question, who is this man who is greater than Jacob? Is he a prophet? Is he possibly the Messiah? Refreshed by the water of life, the Samaritan woman runs to the village, announcing the good news of the mystery of Jesus. // The hunger of the Word has now been satisfied. By introducing the woman to the life of faith, by bringing to God true worshipers, Jesus has begun to fulfill his mission. The Samaritans are already on the way. Their adherence to Jesus, the Savior of the world, prefigures the fruitfulness of a gospel preached to the end of the earth. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www.StMatthewTheEvangelistParish.org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Phone: (570) 544-2211 Fax: (570) 54-2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish!’ SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole (610-866-0581x19) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Adam and Irene Zitkus by The Genovese Family TUE – Alexander J. Sumoski (Birthday) by The Skibiel Family WED – Michael and Catherine Gober and Grand-daughter, Beverly by Katherine Chelak THU – Joseph Colitz by Family FRI – Vincent William Skibiel by The Skibiel Family SAT – 4:00 PM – In Honor of Millie Magic on Her 85th Birthday SUN – 8:30 AM – Living and Deceased Parishioners 10:30 AM – Anthony Melusky by Family ******************************************************************************************************************************************** REQUIESCNT IN PACE: May Jesus, who suffered and died for our sins, welcome to His eternal Realm ELIZABETH SERICOLA, a former member of the former St. Barbara Parish, and a member of our Parish, who died Thursday, March 20, and will be buried from our Parish Monday, March 24. May Mary, Mother of God, obtain comfort from Jesus, Her Son, for Elizabeth’s family and friends! ******************************************************************************************************************************************* THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: My eyes are always on the Lord,/ for he rescues my feet from the snare./ Turn to me and have mercy on me,/ for I am alone and poor. (Cf. Ps 25 (24):15-16) THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT,March 23–SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM.Don’t wait until Holy Week to make a good Confession. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS(FPC): Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. May the prayers of our participating families bear fruit. Our thanks to MILLIE MAGIC for hosting the Family Prayer Chalice for Vocations this week. Sign up in Church Vestibule for May or call 570-399-5056. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Our children are like the Samaritan woman in today’s gospel. They need more than material things. They need the ‘living water” only the adults can give. It will teach them how to make decisions, take responsibility, respect themselves and others and live their commitments. With this “living water” they will “never thirst.” PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: Regarding euthanasia and abortion: If we sit by and become complacent and put our heads in the sand, then we’re complicit. We must all work together to end the unrelenting attack on life. STEWARDSHIP: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again.” John 4:13. Jesus reminds us that material things, even something as basic as water, can never satisfy us for long. When we build our lives around material possessions we always want more. True satisfaction only comes when we follow Jesus. LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3,390; General 0. It is noon at Jacob’s well. Tired from the journey, Jesus stops to rest. The Word of God is hungry and thirsty. He calls a woman and her fellow citizens to faith. // A Samaritan woman comes to the well at the hour when the sun is burning. Perhaps this woman of bad reputation comes at this hour to avoid an encounter. But there is someone sitting by the well. Who is he? He is a Jew, and Jews do not associate with Samaritans. It is an old Repair: $533; Expenses: $9,658.07. Thank you for your generosity! Your consistent support keeps our Parish’s heart beating! LENTEN CHARITIES: (1) ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY– Your donation of all TYPES OF BOXED SOUPS will allow the SVDP Society to aid the needy of our area. Volunteer to help our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table. Call570-544- 2739. (2) OPERATION RICE BOWL – This week, CRS Rice Bowl invites us to enter into solidarity with the people of the Philippines. We are encouraged to reflect on the Catholic social teaching principle, Option for the Poor, and reminded of Jesus’ words: “Whatever you did for these least of mine, you did for me.” Let us pray this week for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines and all around the world, that we see the Face of Christ in the poor among us. Our Parish’s ORB Contributions: Second Sunday of Lent: $721. (3) SISTERS’ LENTEN GIVING TREE – Select a cross and donate the suggested item. Your gift will be forwarded to elderly and retired Women Religious whose congregations have served our Diocese. Return your gifts by Palm Sunday, April 13. (4) Your personal Lenten Self-denial for OUR Parish – Your Lenten sacrifices for your Parish will be collected during Holy Week. There is a special Lenten Envelope in your boxes. Please be supportive! LENTEN VOTIVES:(1) SANCTUARY: IMO John Magic by Family. (Available Dates: August 3, 10, October 12, 19, November 16) (2) ALTARS: BVM: For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family; Special Intention. DIVINE MERCY: IMO Edward, Michael and Leonard Orlosky. (3) OTHER: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. REREDOS NICHE: IMO Fr. Joseph F. Reilly by Parents. Call 570-544-2211 to memorialize votives. ST. MARY CHURCH, HAMBURG PARISH MISSION: Today through Thursday. 7:00 PM daily service. Mission Director, Rev. Donald Miniscalco, CSsR, of the Shrine of St. John Neumann in Philadelphia. Call 610-562-7657 for information or directions. HALUPKI DINNER: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose. $9 per platter includes halupki, filling, mashed potatoes, green beans and roll. Eat-in or take-out. Advance tickets only by calling (570-544-4581). TUESDAY, March 25 –STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND BENEDICTION: 2:00 PM, for the residents of York Terrace Nursing Home. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, the Good Shepherd Building. Our Coordinator of Religious Education, Rosalie Novack (570-544-2211). PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN WORKSHOP: 6:00 PM, St. Michael Parish Center, Minersville. Call 570-544-4741 to register. NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 6:00 PM. Meet members of faculty, staff, students, parents, advisors, coaches and board members. Take a tour and learn about tuition assistance opportunities. Call 570-622-8110 for more information. SAINT PADRE PIO DEVOTIONAL SERVICE: 7:00 PM, St. Patrick’s Church, Pottsville. Sponsored by KofC Council 431. Fr. James Bechtel, former Moderator of the Padre Pio Shrine, Barto, will be the main celebrant. The first 100 attendees will receive a 32 page Padre PioPrayerbook. People attending will be encouraged to complete Prayer Intention Form to be placed on the Altar before Mass. A Homily on LENTEN FOOD PREPARATION: 12:00 Noon, Parish Center, Peel Onions. You help would be appreciated! (570-544-5485) MONDAY, March 24 – LENTEN FOOD PREPARATION: 9:00 AM,P. C., Prepare Vegetables for Soup. Please lend us a hand!
the Life of Service to God by Saint Padre Pio, and a Presentation on his life, the Man and the Saint, will be part of the service. An anointing with oils from Padre Pio’s home parish, San Giovanni Rotondo, and a blessing with his glove relic will conclude the service. Call Dave Donlin (570-624-1796) or Ron Whalen (570-294-6337) for more information. WEDNESDAY, March 26 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8:00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients/caregivers. GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony RicapitoAnnex Your help would be appreciated! (570-544-6484). LENTEN DEVOTIONS: Eucharistic Holy Hour and CONfessionsfollowed by Stations of the Cross and Benediction: Exposition and Confession begin at 4:00 PM. Stations of the Cross at 6:00 PM. Please attend! FRIDAY, March 28 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7:45 AM. Pastoral Note: All who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain totally from eating meat today and every Friday of Lent (Day of Abstinence). LENTEN ROSARY: 7:40 AM. We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries each Friday of Lent. Please join us! ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST LENTEN DINNERS: Every Friday in Lent in the Russell Building, Pottsville. Full course includes New England Clam Chowder, Full Salad Bar, choice of Macaroni and Cheese, Baked or Mashed Potatoes, Choice of Vegetables, Homemade Dessert, Beverage, and your choice of Fish or Crab Cake. Prices, $8 to $16. Call 570-622-5470. SATURDAY, March 29 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3:30 PM. Prepare for Easter. Make a good Confession! FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT, March 30 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): THE DENNIS FRANK FAMILY will host the FPC this week. Call 570-399-5056 or sign-up in the Church Vestibule. We need host families for May. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) No Special Parish Second Collection Envelope this week.. (2) OPERATION RICE BOWL: Please place your ORB envelope in the Second Collection all Lenten Sunday’s including Easter Sunday. All other Parish and Diocesan envelopes should be placed in the First Collection. Thank you! (3) Please check your Sunday Church Envelope Boxes for the envelopes you might have missed. Kindly catch up!(4) Please write the amount of your donation on your envelope. Do not staple or scotch tape it shut. Simply seal it with a lick AND A KISS. Thanks! ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT OFF. PROCESSIONLECTORS EUCH. MINISTERSALTAR SERVERS SAT 4:00 PM Magic Family Michael Novack Jack RuscavageKillian Clark Max Wigoda SUN 8:30 AM Parishioners Elaine Stine Nick Quinn Eric Andruchek Michael Perzel 10:30 AM Melusky Family Marge Walasavage Mary Jo NabholzJesse Stickell Jade Stickell ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! SEAFOOD DINNER: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Mahanoy City. Deviled Crab, Breaded Fish, Breaded Shrimp, Combo Meals. Entrée served with french fries, green beans, cole slaw and dessert. Eat-in or take-out. Call 570-773-2771. APRIL 5 – NATIVITY BVM YARD/FOOD SALE: Opens 8:00 AM. Call Diane (570-294-0551) for drop off or pick up times of your donations. APRIL 6 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST ANNUAL HAM BINGO: 2:00 PM in The Good Shepherd Building Cafeteria. Tickets are $3.00 each. 20 games, specials and raffles! Food and beverages will be available. Call Theresa (570-544-4316) or Roseanne (570-544-5304). APRIL 9 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. APRIL 12 – HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS PRAYER PILGRIMAGE: 8:00 AM Mass at Notre Dame of Bethlehem followed by Rosary after Mass at the AWC abortion facility with The Most Rev. John O. Barres, Bishop of Allentown. NATIVITY BVM H.S. 2014 CENTURY BENEFIT: Welcoming hour with Bishop Barres, 6:00 PM; Dinner, 7:00PM, with induction of the golden Cross Society members. Dancing follows. Schuylkill Country Club, Orwigsburg. $125 per person. Call 570-622-8110 for tickets. May 1 – THE EDWARD T. MALESKAS SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Registered members of the former Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, Minersville, PA can request a tuition aid/scholarship application for the 2014-2015 school year for Catholic elementary and high school students and students who attend a Catholic or secular college. Applications are available by writing directly to the trustee, Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky, Holy Trinity Rectory, 4102 S. Church St., Whitehall, PA 18052 or e-mail the request to danyen1977@aol.com. Please indicate which application is needed: elementary, high school and/or college. If possible, please e-mail the request. The application will be sent by way of an e-mail attachment. Completed applications are TODAY! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear friends at St. Matthew Parish, Our sincere thanks for your prayers, good wishes, and gracious regards on the Feast of St. Joseph. You helped make our day special and we are most grateful. Sister Mary Jane Dunleavy, SSJ, Sister Margaret Moore, SSJ EASTER FLOWERS AND VIGILS: We would appreciate your help in decorating our Church and its Altars with flowers ($10 donation would be helpful) and vigils ($5 offering per candle) for Holy Week and Easter. Flower offerings can be placed in the First Collection ASAP. Remember to write your intentions on the envelope. Vigil arrangements can be made by calling the Rectory (570-544-2211) Monday through Friday. DIOCESE OF ALLENTOWN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT: The tradition of a quality Catholic education in the Diocese of Allentown is based upon the collaborative partnership between parents/guardians and the school. As part of the routine Diocesan Administrative Assessment Process, a random sample of school families will be selected to complete a parent/guardian component of the Administrator Assessment. The input from this assessment will be kept confidential and will only be reviewed by the Diocesan Office of Education. In order to insure a more thorough assessment this process is taking place in a three year cycle: 2011-2012 Catholic Schools in Berks County; 2012-2013 Catholic Schools in Northampton and Carbon Counties; 2013-2014 Catholic Schools in Lehigh, Schuylkill Counties. PARISH MEMORIAL SOCIETY: We gratefully acknowledge the following donations:THERESA STOCHI: $25 from The Lundvall Family. IMO SCOTT RENNINGER: $15 from M/M Glen Sninski. IMO HELEN PYTKO: $10 Francis and Dolores Leister. IMO HELEN T. DEMCHER: $50 from John Kramer Family; $10 from Katherine Chelak. IMO CATHERINE BEURY: $10 from Katherine Chelak. IMO LEONA WITKOWSKI: $50 each from Joan Barton, Walter Barton and Lisa Buck; $30 from Mary Lou Runciman; $25 from George Gately, Jr.; $20 each from M/M John Capik, M/M Kenneth Koscil, M/M Gene Oakhill. IMO SOPHIE KUCHTA: $50 from “Sounds of the Spirit” Choir; $10 each from Andruchek Family, Students and Staff of the Parish Religious Education Program. IMO JOHN RODGERS: $100 each from Lescavage Family, Updegrove Family; $50 each from Florence Doyle, Becky Middleton and Reed Novitsky; $25 from M/M Fred Swantner; $20 each from Katherine Chelak, Toni and Carl Weist, Ronald Straiges, Joseph Duffy; $15 from M/M Glen Sninski; $10 each from Andruchek Family, Dave and Debbie Filiac. LENTEN FOOD PREPARATION: 9:00 AM, Parish Center, Prepare Halushki. Please lend us a hand! (570-544-5485) LENTEN FOOD SALE: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Parish Center. Eat-in or take-out. To place take out orders call the Parish Center (570-544-5485) from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Help is needed to Tally business orders in morning; Pack business and individual orders; Deliver business orders between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM; Serve eat-in customers between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM; Serve desserts, coffee, tea, soda, water; Cook perogi; Serve soups and halushki; Fry bleenies; Sell 50/50 chances; Help clean up. Your home baked goods would be appreciated for our dessert table and can be brought to the Parish Center between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. LAST LENTEN FOOD SALE APRIL 11. APRIL 4 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE LENTEN SOUP SALE: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Fr. Ricapito Annex. TAKE-OUTS ONLY. COLD QUARTS ONLY. PRE-ORDER BY WEDNESDAY. Call 570-544-6484 or 570-544-2211. Soups: Cabbage, Lima Bean, Spicy Potato, White Clam. Macaroni and Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes (pints) too. Prices, $3 to $7 per quart. Home baked goods would be appreciated for our dessert table. Bring to the Annex Wednesday,Thursdayor Friday, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. LAST SALE TODAY. Proceeds go for Annex utilities. APRIL 6 – COMMUNITY CONFESSIONS: 6:00 PM, our Church. At least 4 Priests will be available for Confessions. Please take this opportunity to prepare spiritually for Easter by making a good Confession! Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel! APRIL 17 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH 50/50 DRAWING: $2 each or 3 for $5. Call Joe (570-621-8269) or Rectory (570-544-2211). APRIL 23 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ MOUNT AIRY CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $25; Rebate $25. Includes free buffet and free Starbucks coffee. Bus leaves R&J 8:00 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 8:30 AM. Bus departs casino 4:00 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). MAY 1 – 31 – SPRING FLING CALENDAR DRAWINGS: 31 Days of prizes, cash and gifts. One winner per day. Winners are eligible to win every day of the month. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or the Rectory (570-544-2211).