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TOYS THE ONES WITH THE MOST TOYS….DIES. James Patterson& Neil McMahon Little Brown and Company Power Point By: Alexis Millender. Introduction .

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  1. TOYS THE ONES WITH THE MOST TOYS….DIES James Patterson& Neil McMahon Little Brown and Company Power Point By: Alexis Millender

  2. Introduction Toys take place in the year 2061 where the elites rule and humans are called skunks. Elites are humans with genetic enhancement , both mental and physical.

  3. Introduction Cont. • Hays Baker and his wife Lizabeth Baker attend President Hughes Jacklin’ s inauguration party and decided to leave early. • On their way home the two agents of change are ambushed by “skunks”, which is what the elites called humans. • There was a large massacre of Toys corporation executives in a toy store in which none of the witnesses seam to remember.

  4. Antagonist President Hughes Jacklin hugely impressive classically educated firm-jawed broad shouldered thick hair

  5. Protagonist Hays Baker Tall Dark hair Strong Dedicated

  6. Protagonist Cont. Lucy / Megwin shaggy blonde hair Blue eyes

  7. Central Conflict • The problem Hays Baker and Lucy face is weather or not they can save the entire human race. Fight or die trying…..

  8. Minor Character Cont. Lizabeth Baker Wife of hays baker who is a liar and cheater. She betrays her husband in search of power.

  9. Minor Character Owen McGill Owen was Hays Bakers partner at the agency of change and is yet another person who betrays Hays.

  10. MinorCharacterCont. Jax Moore Boss of both Hays and Lizabeth Baker, Jax Moore is all part of a plane to extinguish humans.

  11. WhatTheCriticsSay! • These particular reviews did NOT enjoy TOYS and believed that James Patterson could have done better. “It's the Christmas present in the shiny packaging that promises hours of enjoyment, but breaks on New Year's Eve.” http://www.thefish.com/books/reviews/11647992/Patterson%E2%80%99s-Toys-in-Need-of-Repairs/

  12. What Critics Say! Cont. • “This book was written by a mutated slime mold fungus, or perhaps a reindeer……” http://www.shittybooks.com/2011/08/toys/

  13. My Take On The Novel In my view the James Patterson noveltoys is a great book if your looking for a good actionor thriller book . The book is also a good book for those who don’t read much. Toys keeps your attention, has you wondering what will happen next.

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