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Immerse yourself in a journey through Acts 5-7, discovering active, Holy Spirit-led prayers, witnessing Jesus in prayer, and exploring the trials faced by the early church. Delve into the stories of Stephen, a deacon filled with the Holy Spirit, whose prayer and vision of Jesus impacted those around him. Experience the poignant moment when Stephen, in the face of persecution, forgave his attackers, echoing the mercy of Christ. Reflect on Saul's role in the early church and the call to focus on things above where Christ reigns. Engage in a study of Acts 5-7 that will ignite your prayer life and deepen your connection with God.
Praying With Fire Seeing Jesus Acts 5-7
Praying With Fire • Experiencing prayer • Prayer that needs the Holy Spirit • It is active prayer • It is the prayer of a growing church • It is real time/ real life prayer
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • Waiting Prayer • Bold Prayer • Seeing Jesus in Prayer
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • Church Faces Trials • Hypocrisy – Ananias and Sapphira - Acts 5 • hipocresía • Apostles put in jail – Acts 5 • Apóstolesen la cárcel • Division – Acts 6 • discordia • Stephen – Acts 6-8
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • Stephen • Deacon • diácono • Full of The Holy Spirit • EspírituSanto • Sermon • Stoned to death • matar a pedradas
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • Stephen Prays • Stephen Sees Jesus • Stephen veJesús
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Acts 7:55 Pero Esteban, lleno del Espíritu Santo, fijó la mirada en el cielo y vio la gloria de Dios, y a Jesús de pie a la *derecha de Dios Hechos 7:55
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • Stephen Prays • Stephen Sees Jesus • Stephen veJesús • Jesus is Standing • Jesúsestá de pie • Jesus sees Stephen • JesúsveStephen
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep. Acts 7:59-60 Mientras lo apedreaban, Esteban oraba. —Señor Jesús —decía—, recibe mi espíritu. 60 Luego cayó de rodillas y gritó: —¡Señor, no les tomes en cuenta este pecado! Cuando hubo dicho esto, murió Hectos 7:59-60
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • Stephen Prays • Stephen Prays to Jesus • Stephen ora a Jesús • Stephen Asks For Their Forgiveness • Stephen pidesuperdón
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 And Saul approved of their killing him. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scatteredthrough out Judea and Samaria. Acts 8:1 Y Saulo estaba allí, dando su aprobación la muerte de Esteban. Aquel día se desató una gran persecución contra la iglesia en Jerusalén, y todos, excepto los apóstoles, se dispersaron por las regiones de Judea y Samaria Acts 8:1
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • A Man Named Saul Approves
Praying With FireTeaching through the book of Acts 5-7 • A Man Named Saul Approves Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God Col. 3:1 Ya que habéis resucitado con Cristo, buscad las cosas de arriba, donde está Cristo sentado a la *derecha de Dios. Colosenses 3:1
Praying With Fire Seeing Jesus Acts 5-7