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. Towards the Partnership Conference for Development and Protection of the Marine and Coastal Environment in sub-Saharan Africa. GEF, GPA Co-ordination Office, IOC-UNESCO, UNEP & ACOPS. . The Genesis of the African Process. Conference on “Co-operation for the Development &
Towards the Partnership Conferencefor Development and Protection of the Marine and Coastal Environment in sub-Saharan Africa GEF, GPA Co-ordination Office, IOC-UNESCO, UNEP & ACOPS
The Genesis of the African Process Conference on “Co-operation for the Development & Protection of the Marine & Coastal Environment in sub-Saharan Africa” Cape Town, December 1998 Pan-African Conference on Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management: PACSICOM Maputo, July 1998 Cape Town Declaration Maputo Declaration AFRICAN PROCESS
Preparatory Committee of the Partnership Conference Chair: South Africa Vice-Chair: Mozambique AMCEN: Nigeria Representative Countries: Kenya, Mauritius, Tanzania Nairobi Convention Seychelles Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia Abidjan Convention Ghana, Senegal Implementing Agency: UNEP Executing Agency & Partners: ACOPS, IOC-UNESCO, GPA
Preparatory Committee PrepCom I Nairobi, Feb 1999 DECISION: Development of proposals for regionally significant … projects, including national projects of regional significance … should be carried out [and] should focus on areas, hot spots and problems expected to be identified …… PrepCom II PrepCom III
Towards the Partnership Conference: Political Endorsement OAU Summit 1999 African PrepCom- WSSD, Nairobi 2001 OAU Summit Lusaka 2001 “The [WSSD] must incorporate the outcomes of the African Process…. Including ... projects, programmes, resource commitments and partnerships.” (§ 52) [Decides] to convene the Partnership Conference on the African Process…in conjunction with the WSSD at the level of Heads of State and Government New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) PENDING MAYBE WSSD?!?! Becoming the Ocean Segment of the Environment Initiative?!?!?
Technical Implementation: GEF MSP for Sub-Saharan Africa Phase I: Integrated Problem Analysis Côte d’Ivoire The Gambia Ghana Kenya Mauritius Mozambique Nigeria Senegal Seychelles South Africa Tanzania Super PrepCom, Abuja June/02 Phase II: Development of Project Proposals Partnership Conference WSSD Sept/02 Programme of Interventions
Phase I Prioritisation of Hot-spots & Sensitive areas Comprehensive National Reports & Recommendations for Interventions Analysis of scientific, technical & socio-economic impacts Causal chain analysis
From Phase I to Phase II Programme of Interventions Assessment of scientific, technical & socio-economic impacts Development of Project Proposals Prioritisation of Causes: Immediate, sectoral, root, etc. Comprehensive National Reports Site-specific, Sub-regional & Regional projects
Development of Project Proposals THEMATIC WORKING GROUPS Coastal Erosion Management Key Ecosystems Pollution Sustainable Use Living Resources Tourism Eleven National Co-ordinators provide inputs, mobilise in-country partners, ensure endorsement & mainstreaming of project proposals Regional Co-ordinator + 2 Experts (Natural & Social Sciences) Targeted & costed Project Proposals Capacity building & capital investment in Africa
A Process Developed by Africans for Africa A total of xx African Experts carried out all the work of the GEF MSP : Phase I Country Phase II Coastal Erosion
Participation in Project Development Endorsement by National Governments Parnershp conf Workshops on Development of Project Proposals, Accra, 18-20 February Abidjan, 13-15 May Participation of potential External partners PROGRAMME OF INTERVENTIONS Development of Project Proposals SUPER PREPCOM, ABUJA, 17- 19 June
Culmination of the GEF MSP The main objectives of this Project are as follows: a) to identify areas, sites or living resources of regional and global significance that are suffering measurable degradation (i.e., hot-spots) b) to determine the sources/causes of this degradation and the associated scales of impact (national, regional and global) ….; c) to identify areas, sites and resources of regional significance that, although not currently degraded, are threatened with future degradation …..; d) to determine, through root-cause analysis, the fundamental causes of the damage or threat posed; E e) to design a programme of interventions … addressing problems of regional priority that may be presented to the partnership conference; and, f) f) to present the programme of interventions at the Partnership Conference for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in sub-Saharan Africa, in order to solicit support for the implementation of the programme.
Support for the Work Programme of the Abidjan Convention ABIDJAN CONVENTION AFRICAN PROCESS Coastal Erosion Control, IMCAM Implementation, Climate-Change Impact Monitoring Component 1: Coastal Erosion and Shoreline Changes Component 2: Fisheries, Mangroves and Associated Ecosystems Protection of Mangroves, Protection of Coral Reefs, Preservation of Over-exploited Fisheries Theme 1: Assessment & Component 3: Land-based Activities Impacting on Coastal Ecosystems Theme 2: Management Sewage Treatment, Eutrophication Control Countering Negative Effects of Tourism, Control of Destructive Fishing Practices Component 4: Marine-based Activities Impacting on Coastal Ecosystems
Support for the Work Programme of the Nairobi Convention • The work programme will focus on four main themes namely, Assessment; Management; Coordination and Legal Aspects, and Cross-cutting issues e.g. Information dissemination and exchange and emerging issues as its components. • The assessment theme will include the following four components: • a) Assessment of fragile Ecosystems: coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds • b) Shoreline changes • c) Land-based sources of pollution • d) Social and economic issues • Management related actions will focus on the following four priority components: • a) Management of Coral reefs and associated ecosystems • b) Shoreline changes • c) Land-based sources of pollution • Marine sources of pollution • 10. The third theme, Co-ordination and legal aspects; will focus on the review of the Nairobi Convention and its related protocols; strengthening programme co-ordination structures; and co-ordination with other conventions and partners. • The fourth is a new t theme; Cross-cutting Issues ;This theme will comprise of two major components namely: dissemination and exchange of information and emerging issues. [FEDERICO, NO MENCIONE NADA ESPECIFICO DE ESTO PUES TIENE QUE VER CON EL PROJECT WIO QUE TANTOS PROBLEMAS ESTA CAUSANDO • .
Beyond the Partnership Conference Programme of Interventions Phase I Phase II PARTNERSHIP CONFERENCE Super Prep Com
Beyond the Partnership Conference Possible Development of a Second Cycle, in accordance with previous decisions PARTNERSHIP CONFERENCE Further Development & Implementation of Project Proposals Participating Countries, in conjunction with relevant instruments & institutions