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当代西方政治思潮(之三) 主讲人:黄岭峻. 第三讲 自由主义( 4 ) : 罗尔斯 Lecture 3, Liberalism ( 4 ): John Rawls. 一,罗尔斯的生平. 约翰 · 罗尔斯, John Bordley Rawls (February 21, 1921 – November 24, 2002). 1 , 1921 年出生于马里兰的巴尔的摩。. John Rawls was born in Baltimore, Maryland . . 2 ,进入纽约附近的康州肯特学校读书,该校由美国圣公会创办。.
当代西方政治思潮(之三) 主讲人:黄岭峻 第三讲 自由主义(4):罗尔斯 Lecture 3, Liberalism(4): John Rawls
一,罗尔斯的生平 • 约翰·罗尔斯,John Bordley Rawls (February 21, 1921 – November 24, 2002)
1,1921年出生于马里兰的巴尔的摩。 • John Rawls was born in Baltimore, Maryland.
2,进入纽约附近的康州肯特学校读书,该校由美国圣公会创办。2,进入纽约附近的康州肯特学校读书,该校由美国圣公会创办。 • Rawls attended school in Baltimore for a short time before transferring to Kent School, an Episcopalianpreparatory school in Connecticut.
3,1939年,进入普林斯顿大学,期间,对神学产生浓厚兴趣,一度想成为一名圣公会牧师。3,1939年,进入普林斯顿大学,期间,对神学产生浓厚兴趣,一度想成为一名圣公会牧师。 • Upon graduation in 1939, Rawls attended Princeton University, and was elected to the The Ivy Club. During his last two years at Princeton he “became deeply concerned with theology and its doctrines”.
4,1943年,大学毕业,进入美国军队,曾在南太平洋参加二战。1946年退役,回到普林斯顿攻读道德哲学的博士学位。4,1943年,大学毕业,进入美国军队,曾在南太平洋参加二战。1946年退役,回到普林斯顿攻读道德哲学的博士学位。 • In 1943, he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree and joined the Army. During World War II, Rawls served as an infantryman in the Pacific.
5,1950年获得博士学位后,留校任教,然后到英国牛津访学两年,期间结识伯林与哈特。5,1950年获得博士学位后,留校任教,然后到英国牛津访学两年,期间结识伯林与哈特。 • After earning his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1950, Rawls taught there until 1952, when he received a Fulbright Fellowship to Oxford University (Christ Church), where he was influenced by the liberal political theorist and historian Isaiah Berlin and the legal theorist H.L.A. Hart.
6,回到美国后,先后任教于康奈尔大学与麻省理工,1962年进入哈佛大学,并一直在该校任教40年。6,回到美国后,先后任教于康奈尔大学与麻省理工,1962年进入哈佛大学,并一直在该校任教40年。 • After returning to the United States, he served first as an assistant and then associate professor at Cornell University. In 1962, he became a full professor of philosophy at Cornell, and soon achieved a tenured position at MIT. In 1962 he moved to Harvard University .
7,1995年,患中风,坚持完成《万民法》,2002年去世。7,1995年,患中风,坚持完成《万民法》,2002年去世。 • Rawls suffered the first of several strokes in 1995, which severely impeded his ability to continue working. Nevertheless, he was still able to complete a work entitled The Law of Peoples, which contains the most complete statement of his views on international justice, before his death in November 2002.
(1)原初状态的提出,如同霍布斯提出的自然状态,是一种假设状态。(1)原初状态的提出,如同霍布斯提出的自然状态,是一种假设状态。 • The original position is a hypothetical situation developed by American philosopherJohn Rawls as a thought experiment to replace the imagery of a savage state of nature of prior political philosophers like Thomas Hobbes.
(2)在这种假设状态中,公民之间有自由而公平的合作。(2)在这种假设状态中,公民之间有自由而公平的合作。 • As a thought experiment, the original position is a hypothetical designed to accurately reflect what principles of justice would be manifest in a society premised on free and fair cooperation between citizens, including respect for liberty, and an interest in reciprocity.
Let us hypothetically imagine that the deliberating in this original position are surrounded by a veil of ignorance. That is, they are ignorant of any specific traits they may have as individuals.(无知之幕) 意思就是在人们商量给予一个社会或一个组织里的不同角色的成员的正当对待时,最理想的方式是把大家聚集到一个幕布下,约定好每一个人都不知道自己将会在走出这个幕布后将在社会/组织里处于什么样的角色,然后大家讨论针对某一个角色大家应该如何对待他,无论是他是什么人。 (3)无知之幕,The veil of ignorance
They would not be like the proverbial creature from Mars: they would be fully familiar with the general psychological, sociological, and historical background knowledge that every mature and sane human being possesses.(并非白痴) 所有的参加者都处在无知之幕背后,他们对他们的特性、能力、宗教信仰及个人的历史一无所知。他们不知道他们所处社会的经济条件和政治状况,不知道他们的社会身份或阶级地位。他们有对社会的一般的理论知识,但知道他们是理性的,并且不管他们的环境和生活计划如何都将追求基本的善。 (4)无知之幕(续)
2,罗尔斯思想的出发点:两个小孩如何公平地来分配同一块蛋糕?2,罗尔斯思想的出发点:两个小孩如何公平地来分配同一块蛋糕? • Imagine two children with a piece of chocolate cake in front of them. They wish to divide it fairly. Neither of them is to have any more than the other. What procedure should they use to insure a fair division?
那么,是否能够在社会成员中公开地分配社会资源呢?那么,是否能够在社会成员中公开地分配社会资源呢? • Is there any way of fairly apportioning social resources among members of society?( yes for Rawls.)
(1)尽管人没有假定的高尚与自我牺牲动机,但是每一个人仍然是整体世界中的一个微观世界。(1)尽管人没有假定的高尚与自我牺牲动机,但是每一个人仍然是整体世界中的一个微观世界。 • Without assuming noble or self-sacrificing motive, each individual has, nevertheless, become a microcosm of the whole.
(2)尽管没有集体利益或公意,但是,我们仍能够说每一个人拥有一般的或普遍的人类愿景。(2)尽管没有集体利益或公意,但是,我们仍能够说每一个人拥有一般的或普遍的人类愿景。 • Although there are no collective interests or general will, we can still say that each person possesses a generic or universal human perspective.
(3)每一个人看待社会的一些方式目的,也会被其他观察者所接受。(3)每一个人看待社会的一些方式目的,也会被其他观察者所接受。 • Each participant looks out onto the society that is being formed with concerns and objectives that would be accepted by every other observer.
小结:在原初状态与无知之幕后,选择一种社会。小结:在原初状态与无知之幕后,选择一种社会。 • 罗尔斯进一步概括以洛克、卢梭、康德为代表的契约论,在此,契约的目标并非是选择建立某一特殊的制度或进入某一特定的社会,而是选择确立一种指导社会基本结构设计的根本道德原则(正义原则)。罗尔斯的契约论是完全与社会历史分开的。他认为,订立契约的“原初状态”纯粹是一假设的状态,我们可以合理地设置原初状态的条件,使一个人任何时候都能进入这种假设状态,模拟各方进行合理的推理而作出对正义原则的选择。这些选择是在无知之幕后进行的。原初状态中相互冷淡的各方除了有关社会理论的一般知识,不知道任何有关个人和所处社会的特殊信息。
4,在原初状态与无知之幕后,应该选择什么样的社会?4,在原初状态与无知之幕后,应该选择什么样的社会? • 讨论:如果是你做这样的选择,你会选择什么样的社会?为什么? • 自由讨论时间:3分钟
(1)你会选择一种纯粹的资本主义社会吗? • Capitalism rejected—because unrestrained capitalist competition causes a sharply unequal distribution of wealth, each of us, having no clue as to our natural abilities or place in society, would fear ending up at the bottom of the heap. • 追求最大伤害的最小可能性。
(2)你会选择一种所谓的公平竞争吗? • Fair competition rejected—(1)所有的补尝计划都不可能完全做到机会平等;(2)补尝计划虽然能使我们站在相同的起跑线上,但结果仍然有输有赢。
(3)你会选择一种严格意义上的平等吗? • Strict equality rejected—the idea of mediocre physicians receiving strictly equal rewards for their services would be unattractive even to society’s weakest citizens. Higher quality medical care would be worth higher salaries for its providers. • 绝对平等对谁的最终利益都没有好处。
Proposals for the apportionment of resources would have to be scrutinized from the perspective of all members of society, including its least favored. 关于分配资源的计划应该从所有社会成员的角度来细察,包括最小受惠者。 结论1
We would never accept a society reality in which some individuals possessed vast riches while others were forced to scrounge for scraps amid the refuse. 我们不会接受一种社会现实——其中,一些个人拥有大量财富,而其他人则被迫从垃圾中寻找残渣冷汁。 结论2
We would reject an arrangement that allowed some to enjoy financial good fortune if that good fortune did not serve the benefit of us all. 我们应该拒绝一种安排:它允许一些人享有财政补贴,而这种补贴并不能服务于我们所有人的利益。 结论3
This would represent the optional point that social policy ought to strive for: creating the level of reward for individuals who contribute to the general welfare so that (1)the contributions could be expected to continue and (2) the rewards would be accepted as justified and worthwhile by society’s weakest members. 社会政策应该为贡献一般福祉的个人创造一种奖励机制。这种奖励机制 (1)能够使这种个人贡献得以延续。 (2)也能够使这个社会的最小受惠者接受。 结论4
罗尔斯的两个正义原则 • 第一个正义原则:每个人对与所有人所拥有的最广泛平等的基本自由体系相容的类似自由体系都应有一种平等的权利(平等自由原则)。
罗尔斯的两个正义原则 • 第二个正义原则:社会的和经济的不平等应这样安排,使它们(1)在与正义的储存原则一致的情况下,适合于最少受惠者的最大利益(差别原则);(2)依系于在机会公平平等的条件下职务和地位向所有人开放(机会的公正平等原则)。
罗尔斯的两个优先规则 • 第一个优先原则(自由的优先性):两个正义原则应以词典式次序排列,因此,自由只能为了自由的缘故而被限制。这有两种情形(1)一种不够广泛的自由必须加强由所有人分享的完整自由体系;(2)一种不够平等的自由必须可以为那些拥有较少自由的公民所接受。
罗尔斯的两个优先规则 • 第二个优先规则(正义对效率和福利的优先):第二个正义原则以一种词典式次序优先于效率原则和最大限度地追求利益总额的原则,公平机会又优先于差别原则,这也有两种情形(1)一种机会的不平等必须扩展那些机会较少者的机会;(2)一种过高的储存率必须最终减少承受这一重负的人们的负担。
Human beings are rational, enlightened, self-interested individuals. Their rights and welfare ought to be the central focus of social policy. Although they are bound to each other in commerce, community, and moral life, the interests of one individual should not be sacrificed for the interests of another. (1)人类是理性的、文明的、自利的个人集合体。他们的权利与福利应该成为社会政策的核心关注对象。尽管人类必须在一起过商业、共同体和道德生活,但是,一个人不必为另一个人的利益牺牲他/她自己的利益。 Summary(1/8)
Private enterprise and private property are basic and necessary. Not only do they hold out the promise of considerable social wealth, they are also indispensable for individual freedom and self-determination. (2)私人企业与私人财产是基本的,必要的。不仅他们持有相当可观的社会财富,而且他们对个人自由与自主也是不可或缺的。 Summary (2/8)
Nevertheless, the market mechanism, whatever its palpable advantages, is in itself an insufficient guide to the distribution of social resources. It often fails to take fairness, moral desert, and human dignity into account. (3)然而,市场机制不论具有何种明显优势,其本质上对于社会资源的分配不是一个充分的向导。它在分配资源时经常不考虑公平、道德沙漠与人的尊严。 Summary (3/8)
Private property, for all its importance, is not an absolute entitlement. It is held in the context of a common social life and, hence, may be adjusted and limited to foster important social objectives. (4)私人财产尽管重要,但它不是绝对的权利。它是在一种共同的社会生活背景下被拥有的,因此,为了达到重要的社会目标,它可以被调整和限制。 Summary (4/8)
Our responsibility for society’s weaker member is basic and unshirkable. Beyond the shrewd counsel contained in the adage “united we stand, divided we fall,” society as a whole is morally bound to its less fortunate fellows—and not only as a matter of personal charity. (5)我们对于社会中弱势成员的责任是基本而不可避免的。作为一个整体的社会,对于其弱势成员的帮助与关心是一种道德必然——并不仅仅是一种个人慈善行为。 Summary (5/8)
Private businesses are profit-making organizations; they do not necessarily seek the general good. Private businesses must be monitored and, if need be, restrained so as to protect the public from their potential rapaciousness and greed. (6)私人商业是逐利的组织,他们不一定追求公共福祉。私人商业必须被监管,而且必要的话,应该受到限制,以保护公众免受其贪婪的伤害。 Summary (6/8)
The only institution that transcends sectarian interests and possesses a total social perspective is government. Government is not the enemy! (7)能够跨越党派利益、并且拥有整体社会视角的唯一机构是政府。政府不是敌人。 Summary (7/8)
Summary (8/8) • A series of large-scale social programs • (8)失业保险;养老金;对残疾人、老年人的医疗计划;对生活不能自理者的救济;对在市场竞争中处于不利地位者的教育支持;公平雇佣;为低收入者提供低价住房;商品的卫生、安全和质量标准;劳动时间、条件、争议、最低工资的标准;环境保护法;累进所得税制。
五,对罗尔斯的批评 • 1,左翼的批评; • 2,右翼的批评。
Rawls’s exaggerated individualism—Rawls’s negotiators in the “original position” lack any common context. They are pre-social atoms thrown together by the practical necessity of establishing a society. 1,罗尔斯夸大了个人主义——罗尔斯在原初状态中的人缺乏任何共同背景,他们是被建立一个社会的实践必要性一起匆匆拼凑的前社会原子。 1,左翼的批评Critiques(1/2)
附录:社群主义者对罗尔斯的批评Michael Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice(1982) • 第一,关于人的概念,罗尔斯的理论以一种全新的方式重新表述了自由主义政治理论关于人的基本概念,即抽象的、不带任何价值观与善恶观的个人。个人先于社会,先于道德,是自由选择的主体。
附录:社群主义者对罗尔斯的批评Michael Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice(1982) • 第二,非社会的个人,罗尔斯关于个人与社会关系的讨论忽略了人是社会的动物,忽略了社会对个人价值观的影响,而以非社会的个人作为构建理论的出发点,在很大程度上承继了社会契约论的传统。
附录:社群主义者对罗尔斯的批评Michael Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice(1982) • 第三,普遍主义,罗尔斯的理论反应了自由主义一贯的普遍主义传统,即认为自由主义的结论具有普世意义,可以适用于不同文化与地域。而在社群主义看来,自由主义这种普遍主义立场忽略了文化的特殊性,忽略了不同的文化代表不同的价值观、不同的社会形式与制度,这些不同文化与制度都有其自身的价值。
附录:社群主义者对罗尔斯的批评Michael Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice(1982) • 第四,主观主义,罗尔斯的理论继承了自由主义的一贯传统,强调个人追求自己所选择的善。在这种信念背后是一种道德主观主义与怀疑主义的哲学立场。这种立场否认客观的善恶标准,将善恶的评价变成为完全主观的事。