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GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. RABI CAMPAIGN -2005. Presented By: Sri. A. K. Sarkar, IAS Principal Secretary (Agriculture). Funds received from Central Govt. & its utilization :. Rs. in Lakhs. Readiness for Rabi 2005-06:

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  1. GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RABI CAMPAIGN -2005 Presented By: Sri. A. K. Sarkar, IASPrincipal Secretary (Agriculture)

  2. Funds received from Central Govt. & its utilization : Rs. in Lakhs

  3. Readiness for Rabi 2005-06: 1. Soil and water management in 19037 acre and establishment of 34 agro forestry nursery. 2.Watershed management in 200 micro watershed is in progress. 3.Establishment of 12 Vegetable Seed Villages to provide quality seed to farmer. 4. Crop diversification through Horticulture crops such as cashew nut, annanas, medicinal plants, tea and jetropha.  5. Establishment of germplasm (Hort. Crops) park. 6. Organic Farming Demonstration in 300 acre.  7. Training, Extension workshop for Technology transfer. 8. Farming system demonstration in 3244 panchayat & 128 SMF.  9. Supporting system for Agri Export Zone through establishment of two vegetable seed production farm post harvest management, sorting, grading, packaging facilities etc. 10. 15 days training on soil and water management for 200 farmers.

  4. RAINFALL (in mm): JUNE NORMAL 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 199.5 278.9 198.1 174.0 194.9 153.2 JULY NORMAL 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 325.3 370.9 259.2 167.9 193.7 284.2 AUGUST NORMAL 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 322.25 194.3 298.8 223.4 226.8 214.8 YEAR 2005 NAME OF MONTH NORMAL ACTUAL JUNE 199.5 153.2 JULY 325.3 284.2 AUGUST 322,25 214.8

  5. Name of Crop Year 2003-04 Year 2004-05 Coverage Production Productivity Coverage Production Productivity Paddy 1363.866 2310121 1700 1276.421 1908446 1495 Wheat 74.560 117626 1725 64.504 104136 1614 Maize 187.517 300027 1600 191.242 278588 1456 Pulses 301.899 167771 600 290.912 190096 653 OilSeed 101.077 39616 350 94.268 53198 564 Total : 2028.919 2935161 1917.347 2534464 1. Crop coverage, Production & Productivity Report During the Year 2003-04 & 2004-05  (Unit- 000 ha, Production- M.T, Productivity- kg/ha)

  6. 2.Details of Agriculture input distributed ( Kharif – 2005 ). i) HYV Paddy - 15216 qtls IR 64,IR 36, MTU 7029, IET 5656, LALAT II) Hybrid Paddy - 1266 qtls HPS 111, SAHYADRI 3. Liquid Bio Fertilizer (Azitobacter, Azospirillium, Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria) - 506400 packets 4. Issue of Soil health card ( in progress) - 25000 nos. 5. Distribution of agricultural equipments/ machinery - power tillers (in progress) - 844 nos.

  7. Readiness for additional funds 2005-06

  8. Progress of Seed Production • 105 seed multiplication farms is being revived. • Peoples participation in seed production is ensured : • Unemployed agriculture graduates/Other entrepreneurs have been allotted seed multiplication farm. • 10 seed villages has been sanctioned in 9 district of the state. • The seed demand (cereals) are met from the seed village and the state is moving towards self reliance on paddy HYV seeds. • HYV Paddy seed production started in 200 micro watersheds. • Metal seed bins have been distributed among seed growers.

  9. Success story of Seed Village: • During the year 2002-03 1st seed village has been established in E. Singhbhum (Bahragora). • 2. Margin money for infrastructure development is given under Macro Management Mode. During the Year 2003-04 the seed village has produced 6900 qt; HYV paddy seed which are purchased by the department at a rate of MSP + 30 % of MSP. During the year 2004-05 the seed village produced 14250 qtl of seeds out of which 13,000 qtl seeds are purchased by the department on the rate of NSC seeds.

  10. 3. Performance of Seed Production (Seed Village) • Year Production Remarks • 2002-03 1650qtl The entire seed has • 2003-04 6900 qtl been consumed Under • 2004-05 14250 qtl State Plan Scheme

  11. Rupees One Crore One Lakh Six Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Eight only has been handled over to this seed village as the cost of seeds they supplied.

  12. Steps taken to improve productivity • Supply of HYV seed on seed exchange programme –15000 qtl. • Supply of 1244 qtl of hybrid paddy in all blocks. • Supply of bio fertilizer of in 168800 farmers. • Technology dissemination through workshop, kissan mela, • supply of birsa kissan diary, ATMA mode extension in 8 district . • Watershed management in 200 micro watershed.

  13. APMC Amendment: Follow up to Promulgate Ordinance is in progress.

  14. Implementation of National Horticulture Mission: Work plan already submitted to horticulture commissioner, Govt. of India. Consultant are being entrusted to prepare final work plan. To sustain ATMA & SAMETI organization the Govt. Order is being issued.

  15. Status of Quarantine facilities: No major import/export hence no quarantine facilities is made available.

  16. Suggestion for improving Rabi Production • Extension of drip and sprinkler irrigation system for judicious utilization of water available. • Treatment of uncovered area of kharif with horticulture/vegetable crops pulses and oil seed crops. • Creation additional irrigation facilities like farm pond in series drainage line treatment with pucca check dam.


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