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Performance of Nearest Neighbor Queries in R-trees. Apostolos Papadopoulos and Yannis Manolopoulos Presenter: Uma Kannan. Contents. Introduction Spatial data Management Research Spatial Access Methods Research Statement of The Problem Solution to the Problem Background
Performance of Nearest Neighbor Queries in R-trees Apostolos Papadopoulos and YannisManolopoulos Presenter: Uma Kannan
Contents • Introduction • Spatial data Management Research • Spatial Access Methods Research • Statement of The Problem • Solution to the Problem • Background • The Packed R-Tree • Branch and Bound Algorithm • Metrics for NN Search • Pruning the Search in the R-tree • The NN Branch-And-Bound Search Algorithm • Experimental Results • Preliminaries • Experimentation • Result Interpretation • Conclusions • Future Work
Introduction: Spatial data Management Research • Spatial data management research focused mainly on: • the design of robust and efficient spatial data structures • the invention of new spatial data models • the construction of effective query languages • the query processing and optimization of spatial queries • A very important research direction is the estimationof the performance, and the selectivityof a query.
Introduction: Spatial data Management Research – Cont. • Performance: the response time of a query • Selectivity: the fraction of the objects that fulfills the query versus the database population. • Evidently, we want these estimates available prior to query processing, in order for the query optimizer to determine an efficient access plan.
Introduction: Spatial Access Methods Research • Nearest Neighbor (NN) queries are very important in Geographic Information Systems, in Image Databases, in Multimedia Applications. • However, researchers working on spatial accesses methods focused mainly on range queries and spatial join queries. • In the past the problem of NN query processing has been addressed by examining access methods based on k-d treesand quadtrees. • Recently a branch-and-bound algorithm based on R-trees has been developed for NN queries.
Statement of The Problem • How to estimate the performance of NN queries in spatial data structures (particularly in R-Trees), from the techniques inherently used for the analysis of spatial range and join queries? • What is efficiency of Branch-And-Bound NN queries?
Solution to the Problem • To address the problem the authors, • Uses Branch-And-Bound Algorithm for Spatial NN queries. • Combine techniques that were inherently used for the analysis of range and spatial join queries, in order to derive effective measures regarding the performance of NN queries. • Estimates the average lower and upper bounds for the number of leaf pages retrieved during NN query processing. • Evidently, CPU time is also important for computationally intensive queries, but in general the I/O subsystem overhead dominates, specifically in large spatial databases.
Background: The Packed R-Tree • The paper uses the packed R-tree of Kamel and Faloutsos. • The packed R-tree is constructed as follows: • The Hilbert value of each data object is calculated • The whole dataset is sorted based on the Hilbert values. • The leaf level of the tree is formulated by taking consecutive objects (with respect to the Hilbert order) and storing them in one data page. • The same process is repeated for the upper levels of the structure.
Figure: Data rectangles organized in a Hilbert R-tree Figure: The file structure for the previous Hilbert R-tree
Background: Branch and Bound Algorithm • Branch-and-boundsearch is a way to combine the space saving of depth-first search with heuristic information. • The branch-and-bound search maintains the lowest-cost and path to a goal found so far. • It is particularly applicable when • many paths to a goal exist and we want an optimal path. • Many goals are available and we want nearest goal. • Branch-and-bound search generates a sequence of ever-improving solutions. Once it has found a solution, it can keep improving it.
Branch and Bound Algorithm: A Simple Example Our aim is to find the goal (G1 or G2) from A
Metrics for NN Search • Given a query point P and an Object O enclosed in its MBR, there are two metrics for ordering the NN search: • MINDIST: The minimum distance of object O from P. • MINMAXDIST: The minimum of the maximum possible distances from P to a face (or vertex) of the MBR containing O. • The MINDIST and MINMAXDIST offers a lower and an upper bound on the actual distance of O from P respectively.
MINDIST P is a point in n-d space with co-ordinates (P1 ,P2, ...,Pn) R is a rectangle R with corners (s1, s2, ..., sn) and (t1, t2, ..., tn) bottom-left and top-right respectively.
Pruning the Search in the R-tree • Rule 1: If an MBR R has MINDIST(P, R) greater than the MINMAXDIST(P, R’) of another MBR R’, then it is discarded because it cannot enclose the nearest neighbor of P. • Rule 2: If an actual distance d from P to a given object, is greater than the MINMAXDIST(P, R) of P to an MBR R, then d is replaced with MINMAXDIST(P, R) because R contains an object which is closer to P. • Rule 3: If d is the current minimum distance, then all MBRs Rj with MINDIST(P, Rj) > d are discarded, because they cannot enclose the nearest neighbor of P.
The NN Branch-And-Bound Search Algorithm • Begin at the root and proceeds down the tree • Initially assume the NN distance as infinity. • During the descending phase (i.e., at every new non-leaf node) • Compute MINDEST for all its MBRs • Sorts them into an Active Branch List (ABL). • Apply pruning strategies 1 and 2 (i.e., Rule 1 and 2) to the ABL to remove unnecessary branches. • Repeat until ABL is empty • Select the next branch in the list • Recursively visit child nodes • Perform upward pruning • At leaf level compute the distance to the actual objects • Return new value for NN • Take the new estimate of NN and apply pruning strategy 3 to remove all branches with MINDIST (P,M) > Nearest for all MBRs M in the MBL.
Experimental Results: Preliminaries • Experiment Setup: • Branch-and-bound algorithm • Hilbert packed R-tree • C programming language under UNIX • DEC Alpha 3000 workstation • Dataset • Uniformly generated random points • Real-life points (9,552 road intersections of the Montgomery County, Maryland. )
Experimental Results: Experimentation • The authors conducted 3 experiments. • In all three experiments the authors calculated the following for each data set, • The average number of leaf accesses (calculated by issuing NN query for each existing data point). • The lower and upper bounds for the average number of leaf accesses.
Experimental Results: Experiment 1 • Dataset: 1,000 to 500,000 uniformly distributed points. • Fanout (The maximum R-tree node capacity): 50
Experimental Results: Experiment 2 • Dataset: 50,000 uniformly distributed points. • Maximum fanout: 10 to 200.
Experimental Results: Experiment 3 • Dataset: 9000 MG points. • Maximum fanout: 10 to 200.
Result Interpretation • From the results, the authors observed the following: • The measured number of leaf accesses is generally closer to the lower bound than the upper bound. • When the data (and hence the query) distribution is uniform, the bounds do not depend on the population of the dataset.
Conclusions • This paper focused on the performance estimation of NN queries in in R-trees. • The only known algorithm for NN queries in R-trees is the branch-and-bound algorithm to the best of the authors' knowledge. • Have shown that the actual distance between a point and its NN plays a very important role for the performance estimation of NN queries. • The performance of the branch-and-bound algorithm is closer to the lower bound, and therefore is very efficient.
Future Work • Modification of the Formulae for lower bound and upper bound in order to estimate the performance of arbitrary k-NN queries. • Derivation of a formula for the exact performance prediction of NN query processing . • The relaxation of the basic assumption. • Generalization for non-point objects. • Consideration of complex queries with several constraints (e.g. find the NN of the point P, such that the distance is >= d). • Consideration of the case where we request the NN for a point P that does not belong to the data set. • Examination of the case where the R-tree is not that “good” as the packed R-tree (e.g. Guttman's R-tree).
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