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Heart Health in Sudan A new beginning

Heart Health in Sudan A new beginning. Mr Ahmed S.A.ElSayed MBBS,FRCSED,FRCSED(cts) Consultant cardiothoracic Surgeon. Heart health in Sudan. The aim Who is doing what ? The new plan. The aim. Non-communicable Disease National Strategic Plan 2009-2013

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Heart Health in Sudan A new beginning

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  1. Heart Health in SudanA new beginning Mr Ahmed S.A.ElSayed MBBS,FRCSED,FRCSED(cts) Consultant cardiothoracic Surgeon AHN Abuja September 2009

  2. Heart health in Sudan • The aim • Who is doing what ? • The new plan AHN Abuja September 2009

  3. The aim • Non-communicable Disease National Strategic Plan 2009-2013 • Sudan National Strategic plan for the health sector (2003-2027) • reflecting a strong political commitment towards NCDs AHN Abuja September 2009

  4. The aim • Awareness • Prevention and promotion • Surveillance,monitoring,evaluation & research • Treatment and capacity building • Policy development AHN Abuja September 2009

  5. Who is doing what for the heart? AHN Abuja September 2009

  6. What a mess • National Center for Cardiology • National Consultative Council • Senior clinicians office • FMOH NCD sector • FMOH PHP • National schools program • Sudan Heart Society • Sudan Hypertension Society • Sudan Chest Society • Sudan Heart patients charity • Sudan Heart and Chest charity • SHI • Sudan Heart foundation 1970s • Sudan Renal society • Friend of renal transplant patients AHN Abuja September 2009

  7. Sudan cardiac surgery needs SUDAN • African average=540 • World average=5070 • Europe =17070 • America =36660 AHN Abuja September 2009

  8. So theoretically clinical needs are • 5000 open hearts • 15000 cardiac catheters • 100,000 outpatients/year • 1,000,000 risk factor patients AHN Abuja September 2009

  9. Actually (clinically) • AlShaab hospital • Ahmed Gasim Hospital • Sudan Heart Center • Police Hospital • Alsalaam Center • Wad Medani center • Asia hospital • AlFaisal hospital • Almawada hospital AHN Abuja September 2009

  10. Cardiac Catheterization (SHC & AG)(ALShaab6/2007 900) AHN Abuja September 2009

  11. operation types by year AHN Abuja September 2009

  12. Actually (out there –SHHS 2006) AHN Abuja September 2009

  13. Advocacy Sudan Society of hypertension AHN Abuja September 2009

  14. AHN Abuja September 2009

  15. AHN Abuja September 2009

  16. AHN Abuja September 2009

  17. AHN Abuja September 2009

  18. AHN Abuja September 2009

  19. All in good faithBUTNo coordinationANDno global plan AHN Abuja September 2009

  20. The new beginning • A general meeting for all • A consensus about the way forward AHN Abuja September 2009

  21. Objectives • Action Area 1: Health promotion and prevention of NCDs ; 4 objectives  • Action Area 2: Capacity Building & human resource development: 3 objectives • Action Area 3: Monitoring and Evaluation: 1 objective • Action Area 4: Research and Surveillance: 2 objectives • Action Area 5: Policy Development; 1 objective AHN Abuja September 2009

  22. Task groups • PHC setup and grassroots advocacy • Clinical setup • Clinical problems (hypertension+HF+arrythmia+ surgery) AHN Abuja September 2009

  23. PHCPartners • Public private initiative • Federal Ministry of Health • 25 State Ministries of Health • Insurance schemes (public and private) • Universities,armed forces and private sector • NGOs AHN Abuja September 2009

  24. PHCObjectives • Action Area 1: Health promotion and prevention of Non communicable Diseases • To raise the awareness of the community • To promote specific measures and interventions to reduce the main shared risk factors • To increase early detection of new cases with targeted NCDs • Action Area 2: Capacity Building and human resource development: • Provision of supplies and equipments and essential healthy working environment at PHC level • Develop guidelines and protocols • Build and train workforce capacity to identify, support self-management and prevent or delay NCD complications • Action Area 3: Monitoring and Evaluation: • Action Area 4: Research and Surveillance: • Action Area 5: Policy Development: AHN Abuja September 2009

  25. We have a problemLets face it AHN Abuja September 2009

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