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This online training provides an overview of viewing, updating, and printing credit card transactions and statements. Log in to SDOL using provided credentials to access user guides and resources. Learn to manage transactions efficiently.
Smart Data OnLine Training https://sdol.mastercard.com/jpmorganchase CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Payroll/Travel Services Warriner Hall 205 Phone: 774-3797 & 774-7363
This online training will give you a brief overview on how to view and update your credit card transactions as well as print your monthly statement. We hope you find this online training helpful.
Go to the Smart Data OnLine website https://sdol.mastercard.com/jpmorganchase. Use the User ID and Password that you were provided with to log into SDOL. The first time you log in you will be prompted to change your password and possibly your User ID. You will also be asked to answer a few security questions.
Once you get logged in, the SDOL Homepage will appear. Page Navigation- Back, Print, Reload, Search, Home, Help and Log Out User Menu User and Cardholder statistics. Watch for reminders, deadlines, updates, etc. in the News section. Links to additional resources, information and tools. User Guides created by MasterCard. Scheduled reports will show up in the Inbox.
To view and update Credit Card Transactions 1. To view your credit card transactions, click on the Financial Tab. 2. Click on Account Summary. OR
1. Click on Billing Cycle and select the appropriate month. OR enter the statement period dates (25th to the 24th) in the Date Range fields. Be sure to select Posting Date. OPTIONAL - If you are using the Cardholder Reviewed Status field when updating transactions, you can use Review Status to search for Cardholder – Not Reviewed transactions. Only transactions that need to be reviewed and updated will be displayed. 2. Select View. You can also enter additional search criteria.
If you have access to multiple credit cards, you will need to select an individual to see their transactions. If you only have access to one credit card, skip this step.
The credit card transactions will appear. To view your account codes: Click on the View Account Codes icon or select Expand All. OR
Enter an Expense Description. • Select Edit Account Codes if the transaction is not in edit mode and make changes to your default accounting codes. • OPTIONAL - It is recommended to mark transactions as Cardholder Reviewed once you have reviewed and updated them. When reviewing transactions at a later date, you can expedite the process by filtering Cardholder – Not Reviewed transactions. Only transactions that need to be reviewed and updated will be displayed. • Move onto the next transaction by clicking the View Account Codes icon, enter a description and select Edit Account Codes to make changes. • When finished, click the Apply button at the top or bottom of the page. 1 2 3 4
To view and print Credit Card Statement 1. Click on Reports. 2. Click on Run Reports. OR
1 3 2 4 • Select the Report you would like to view. • - The Account Statement Report is a very basic listing of credit card charges for a specific time frame. • - The Expense Report is very similar to the Account Statement Report but includes the assigned account codes and expense descriptions. • Either enter the statement period dates (25th to the 24th) or click on Billing Cycle and select the appropriate month. • - If you are using Date Range, make sure you enter the 25th to the 24th and select Posting Date. • 3. Select the Report Format you would like. • 4. Hit Run.
If you have access to multiple credit cards, you can either select the individual you would like to run the report for or you can print monthly reports for all of your cardholders at the same time. To run a report for all cardholders, click on your name which can be found next to “Supervisor”. If you only have access to one credit card, skip this step.
If you originally selected screen version and you now want to print, click the Printable Version icon. Your report will appear. If you decide you would like to print the report, click on Printable Version. - If you selected Printable Version, you may get a Browser Warning because of your security options. Allow the download.
When you are done working in SDOL, click on the Log Out button located in the top right corner.
To move to a previous screen, use the back button located in the top right corner. Watch for reminders, deadlines, updates, etc. in the News section located on the SDOL home page. If a report does not come up, check your popup blockers. When logging for the first time, check the User Tab to make sure your personal information is correct. Helpful Hints
Smart Data OnLine Assistance For more information regarding Smart Data OnLine, please check out the Credit Card Services website. You can see a list of all training sessions and a complete training manual here. Thanks!