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Cars in the UK. Introducing into the British driving and cars :.
IntroducingintotheBritishdrivingandcars: • Atfirst I want to introduceyouintotheBritishdrivingandcars. As youknow in the UK thedrivershave to drive attheleftsideoftheroute. Britishcarshavethesteeringattherightside. Driving in the UK isn’thardbutyoumusthavegotsomepracticeandknowtherightrules. • The speed isn’t in metricunitsbutitis in miles per hourandtheconsumptionismeasured in miles to the galon (1 galon = 3,7 l) • Speed limitsisdifferentedagainsttheCzechrep. In the UK isthehighestallowed speed 30 miles / h in cities, on themainroadsis 60 miles / h and on themotorwaysis 80 miles / h.
Carsindustry: • Oneofthefirst car company in the UK wasAustin, LandRover, MG orVauxhall. • DuringthesecondWorldWarthe car industrymoved to themilitaryproductionand by 1950 75% ofproductionwasexported. From 1948 comesone legend whichisproducestilltoday – LandRover. Immortal car foreveryroad. • In 1960’s came many more legends – e.g. Morris Mini, Jaguar E-type orRangeRoverwhichis as good as his companybrotherLandRover. • Ifwemove far awayfrom 60’s we are in year 2000. From 2001 comesoneof my favourite car – Jaguar XJ6 • Todayisthecarsat a differentlevel – they are very safe, fastandtheyproduce much less CO2 / km. And they are more economical – e.g. with VW TDI enginesyoucan drive forlessthan 4.5 l / 100 km andthatisveryexciting.
Film cars: • CertainlyyouknowJames Bond 007 and his Aston Martin – itstarted in 1964 withGoldfingerwherewasAston Martin DB5 anditendstodaywiththenewest AM DBS. WhataboutMr. Beanand his green Mini?
Interestingroadsigns: • When I waswritingthisreview I discoveredaninterestingroad sign. Itiscalled „themagicroundabout“ anditislocated in Swindonwhichisabout 130 km from London. • Orthesecondroad sign istooverydifficult to drive through.