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Business Process Management Way Beyond Workflow

Business Process Management Way Beyond Workflow. Roy Massie Director Enterprise Product Management SunGard EXP. BPM - Way Beyond Workflow Agenda. What does BPM look like? A Brief History of Business Process Management BPM from an ECM Perspective

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Business Process Management Way Beyond Workflow

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  1. Business Process Management Way Beyond Workflow Roy Massie Director Enterprise Product Management SunGard EXP

  2. BPM - Way Beyond WorkflowAgenda • What does BPM look like? • A Brief History of Business Process Management • BPM from an ECM Perspective • BPM Benefits, Challenges and Components • Applications that are Enhanced by BPM

  3. Ex: Settling Overpayment Disputes

  4. A Very Brief History of Process Management • Wave 1: Industrial Revolution: Functional silos • Wave 2: 1980’s and 90’s BPR: Shake and bake • Wave 2.5: Workflow: Less code dependence • Wave 3: BPM: Big winners adapt processes

  5. What is BPM? • Safe answer: Business Process Management • Other names: Orchestration, POA… • Entire organization is goal – some there now • Serve the customer…Six Sigma, Kaizen, et al. • Where are those V*#!o diagrams anyway? • Tools for continuous improvement of process • Monitor & maintain processes…consistently • Mixing people and machines…more easily

  6. Isn’t BPM Just Workflow? • Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve…but didn’t • BPM –> M is for management • Machines are people too • Strong EAI component influences BPM • Modeling, simulation • Performance Dashboards are a natural fit • Empower BAs, reduce “baked-in” IT processes • BPM incorporates both workflow and EAI

  7. Old Corporate Priority = Efficiency Goal is to Achieve Efficiency by Documenting, Standardizing and Optimizing Business Processes

  8. New Corporate Priority = Efficiency and Compliance Must be able to identify any document or data – from anywhere in the workflow process – and automatically retain or destroy based on corporate guidelines

  9. Some Flavors of Workflow in BPM • Predictable: BA designs the flow • Rules engine/designer • Answer yes or no… • Statements and/or grids • Graphical Process Designer • Flow cuts across/through organizational landscape • Rules usually play a supporting role • Unpredictable: Circumstance dictates the flow • Ad-hoc workflow • Preserve accountability at every stage • End customer can be told status no matter how messy

  10. Example of a rule…a good thing

  11. Brief DemoExample of a BPM engine… • SunGard EXP Process Director

  12. Proforma Simulation

  13. ProVision Integration – Staffing the “What If” Process Proforma Staff “What-if” summary

  14. Proforma Cost “What-if” summary

  15. ProVisionIntegration – Export process to Process Director • ProVision and BPM Engine are mutually independent, but can interop • Analysts can create, simulate in lab-environ • Export utility sketches/updates PD map for you • Sketch precisely matches the process proven in “What-if” simulator • Connect map to work queues insuring deployment of the analyzed process

  16. Barriers and Remedies for Workflow/BPM Adoption • Cultural changes in the organization • Analysts, analysts….analysts • Integration is implied, but still not trivial • Short term pressure vs. invest in long term • Start with a pilot, spread benefits organically • Locate a process, not just a department • Find all the process-thinkers you already have • Who has successfully worked in multiple areas? • Good mid-managers often think this way • Stay close to standards, use your vendors • If necessary, show a “near-death” experience

  17. BPM Engine Technology Options • Partner/Buy • Experienced vendor • Most are skilled in specific industries/processes, not all • Most allow customization • Be aware and beware of BPM standards • Several layers and competing standards • BPMN (notation) has traction, a bit technical. Likely winner of its niche • BPEL (execution) popular but incomplete, good alternatives exist • Build solution on your own • Not from scratch ! • On top of jBPM, MS WWF, etc.

  18. Recommended Reading for BPM • Business Process Management: The Third Wave, Smith & Fingar • Workflow Modeling Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development, Sharp & McDermott • Workflow Handbook (2001-2005), WfMC • www.BPTrends.com (2005 BPM Suites Rpt) • www.brsilver.com

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