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ECIL PROFILE • Electronics Corporation of India Limited, well known as ECIL, was formed in the year 1967, to be the torchbearer of technology revolution in the seventies with the motto of R&D and self-reliance, the key factors for growth.
Today ECIL is well known in India for pioneering the electronics and computer revolution and has always been the leader in these fields by bringing out a number of 'firsts', especially in the area of national infrastructure building. Over the years the company has blossomed into a multi-product and multi-disciplinary organization providing key technology inputs, system integration and system solutions.
Information Technology, Strategic Electronics, Communications, Control and Automation, Instrumentation and Components. • Over the years, ECIL has set up extensive infrastructure for design, development, manufacturing and quality assurance which includes, computer aided design and manufacturing, computer networks for material management and MIS, antenna spinning facility, antenna test range, quality control and calibration laboratories and all that is required to enable the company to perform.
AREAS OF BUSINESS • ECIL's areas of business operations cover Automation and Controls including related Instrumentation, Information Technology including a wide range of IT based Solutions and related Tele Communications, Strategic Electronics and Communications covering a wide area, such as information and Broadcasting and Civil Aviation apart from Defense.
The company starting with a team of 200 technical experts operating in the area of 1000 sq mts. has grown over the last 3 decades to a conglomeration of business groups covering a wide range of products and systems in electronics from Components to large systems with focus on total solutions.
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition System (SCADA) System • Features • Central monitoring and control geographically spread industry like Oil and Gas pipelines and power plants. • SCADA system is interfaced with RTUs / PLCs for collection of field parameters using open protocols like MODBUS, MODBUS OVER TCP/IP, DNP3.0., DNP 3.0 OVER TCP/IP, IEC 870-5. • Interfacing RTUs/PLCs on proprietary protocols like FERRENTI MARK 3 & MARK 4, SRTP
System collects the data of important parameters such as Flow, Pressure, Temperature and status of equipment in case of oil pipelines at various points and Voltage, Current and Power and states of circuit breakers in case of Power Plants. • Applications like Leak detection and batch tracking in Oil and Gas pipelines and Maximum Demand monitoring, Load shedding and Power Accountancy in Power Plants. • RTU’s used for these applications are rugged and reliable to withstand the hostile environment.
SCADA Division of ECIL has been in the field of SCADA • For the past 25 years. Our clients are • IOCL, BPCL, HPCL, Oil India, ONGC • SAIL (BSL, RSP, DSP, VSP) • CCI • DAE (BARC, IGCAR, UCIL, NFC)
ECIL has got its own SCADA package (ECSCADA) Implemented for various oil and power applications On variety of hardware plat forms. ECIL has also got sufficient engineering skills to tailor 3 party SCADA systems for various applications. To name a few ECIL has integrated S/3 (Metso automation), Wonderware, Citect & iFix packages in various applications on customer Preference. ECIL has also got sufficient engineering skills in various PLC & RTU platforms. ECIL has successfully integrated RTUs/PLCs Of Ferranti, GE-Fanuc, Rockwell, Schneider, Kingfisher, Bristol, Foxboro make. ECIL has got its own RTU based on Motorola 68020 processor. Successfully commissioned at IOCL, ONGC, DSP, RSP, BSL, Oil India & CCI.
ECIL’s SCADA System – EC-SCADA • Basic Configuration • SCADA server • SCADA clients • Communication (Optical Fiber, VSAT, GSM) • RTUs that support MODBUS / DNP3.O / IEC-870-5 / FERRANTI Mark 3 & MARK 4 protocols • Server Configuration • Server can be built around platforms INTEL PENTIUM processor based systems To RISC processor based servers
Redundancy at • Server level • LAN level • Front End processor level • Communication level • Connectivity through LAN / WAN, Serial Lines, / RS-232 • Multiple Operating systems • Open VMS • Windows NT/Windows XP/Windows Vista/ Windows 2003 • Unix
RDBMS OPTIONS available • Oracle • Sybase • Microsoft SQL server • MySql
SCADA Server Software Functions • RTU Drivers used to integrate RTUs/PLCs with DNP/MODBUS/IEC-870-5-101.Native FERRANTI Mark 2 and Mark 3 protocol • Report by Exception/Snapshot poll and total poll of RTUs • Time synchronization across servers, clients, front-end processors and CCUs through GPS • Select-check back-execute control commands • Downloading facility of RTU data tables • SQL based data management for handling point database tables, alarm tables, archival database, application database tables etc.
Alarm management built with the power of SQL • Facility of periodic/event driven Application software • Current trend up to the resolution of 1 second data maintained for 24 hours • Historical trend maintained For 2 months with resolution of 5 seconds. • Archival database, which archives data at intervals of 1/4 hour/ FH/ DAY/ MONTH/ YEAR. • Memory resident database for faster response time. • Alarm and event printing • Report Generation using Microsoft Excel. • Periodic/online printing of reports
Connectivity to 3rd party Application software such as SSI/ESI/ttc etc. through TCP/IP. • Support for connectivity to multiple SCADA configurations making use of IEC-870-6 protocol through LAN/WAN. • Support for connectivity to Windows Based SCADA systems on OPC (Data Acquisition Server & Client). • Exposing SCADA data to web clients through web server.
SCADA Client Software Functions • EC-SCADA MMI in the client side is Configured under Microsoft Windows NT/2000/Windows XP • Full graphics picture editor that supports Static, dynamic and action objects building. • Facility for generating different shapes and symbols that can be integrated with SCADA graphics. • Facility for importing bit map files and AutoCAD files to SCADA graphics. • Dynamic representation of values in the form of Digits, strings, symbols, changing colors and Animation objects
User-friendly database editor for creating and modifying SCADA Database. Automatic database generation utility through Microsoft Excel. Different data types such as Analog Input, Digital Input, Analog Output, Digital Output, Analog Calculation, Digital Calculation, and Pulse Inputs. Display generation with easy to use navigation schemes Facility for providing different security levels viz., Operator / Engineer / Manager Etc.
Facility of creating trend groups with functionality of selecting variable Scales, different zoom levels, different time periods. Generation of X-Y plots (Profile displays) Facility for control command execution with operator definable permissive checks Facility of execution of operator definable control sequences Availability of picture Inset display for individual dynamic points.
Different point display formats consisting of bar graph, single loop display, profile group display, location summary, point summary etc. • Powerful telemetry commands for giving telemetry operations such as putting RTUs on scan / off scan, issuing control commands, downloading point database tables etc.
Engineering Skills • State-of-the-art technologies. • Continuous R&D in SCADA and associated applications. • System engineering skills in integrating different SCADA systems, PLCs, RTUs and Application software • To integrate PLCs of different makes • Interface flow computers/meter prover • Interface tank gauging system • Interface serial line devices Team of 20 engineers possessing above skills.
Experience Profile (In reverse chronological order) Product Pipelines • Mumbai- Bijwasan product pipeline • Approx 1400 km—multiproduct • 78 RTUs of GE-Fanuc & Foxboro make • Built around ECSCADA running under Open VMS with Windows Clients. • Integrated with Pipeline Application Software of M/s ESI(U.K) • MUNDRA-DELHI product pipeline • Approx 1050 km—multi product • 45 RTUs of GE-Fanuc make • Built around ECSCADA running under HP-UX with Windows clients. • Integrated with Pipeline Application software of M/s ESI.
Experience Profile (In reverse chronological order) • Product Pipelines • TROMBAY PAKNI PIPELINE • Approx 600 km—multiproduct • 21 RTUs of GE-Fanuc make • Built around ECSCADA running under HP-UX with Windows Clients. • Integrated with Pipeline Application Software of M/s ESI.
CTMPL Product pipeline • Approx 600 km—multi product • Based around MCC/SCC configuration • PLCs & RTUs of GE-Fanuc make • Built around ECSCADA running under Tru64Unix with Windows clients. • Implemented IEC-870-6 (ICCP) protocol for MCC-SCC communication • Integrated with Pipeline Application software of M/s ESI.
Experience Profile (In reverse chronological order) Other projects like KD-KRPL, KBPL, MJPL, HBCPL, SMPL of M/s IOCL SCADA & Energy management systems for DSP, RSP, BSL & VSP. Gas distribution network SCADA for Oil India Ltd.
Experience Profile (In reverse chronological order) • PROJECTS IN DAE SECTOR: • Control and instrumentation for waste immobilization plant of BARC based on Schneider quantum PLC with Citect SCADA. • Instrumentation & Control System for 3000 TPD Uranium Ore processing plant, UCIL-Turamdih based on Schneider primium PLC with Citect SCADA • Instrumentation and control system for New Zirconium & Sponge project (NZOSP)—NFC Pazhaykayal based on Schneider quantum PLC with Citect SCADA
Experience Profile (In reverse chronological order) • PROJECTS IN DAE SECTOR: • ECCON-3000 DCS system for ETPS, Chennai based on ECIL PLC system with ECIL’s HMI (Suvicon) • ECCON-3000 DCS system for SGTF, IGCAR based on ECIL PLC system with ECIL’s HMI (Suvicon)