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Development of a national and subregional knowledge network to share information and practices for evidence-based policies to eradicate violence against women. Utilizing the Confluence Wiki platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Development of a virtual knowledge network Geraldine Velandria Social Affairs Officer Division for Gender Affairs 1 December 2010
Objective Development of a national and subregional knowledge network for sharing information and good practices in data collection and programmes to promote evidence-based policies to eradicate violence against women
Project framework Interregional project “Enhancing capacities to eradicate violence against women through networking of local knowledge communities.”
Virtual communitiesof knowledge Sustainability of the project depends in great measure on the commitment of stakeholders toward the building of a community of exchange and dissemination of knowledge, whereby information absorbed, understood, interpreted and used as a basis for action.
Wiki platform “Confluence” • Gateway to access the technical and sharing tools produced by the project. • Sharing space to encourage networks of exchanges between counterparts of the international project. • Support of communities of practices and project management, collaborative document preparation, real-time collaboration, web conferencing, application sharing, document repository, blogs, etc.
What is Confluence? • Confluence is a wiki (Enterprise wiki) • Wiki- is simple and quick web publishing • Developed using HTML standards and is tested with all major browsers (Internet explorer, Netscape …) • Runs on all operating systems/ Hardware Platforms (Windows …)
Aim of Collaboration • Share information and knowledge • Access to experts and their expertise • Facilitate the relationship building between individuals and communities • Improve productivity
Why wiki? • Manages textual and graphic content • Provides tools for editing and authoring the content • Allows users to view the content on their web browsers • Fine grained security with space and page level permissions. • Creates a blog in every space with 'News‘ • Pages, comments, blogs and attachments are all searchable. • Email integration PDF exporting, and more...
Types of space • Global spaces: areas which allow you to group content items (pages, attachments, news, etc) and create separate areas for each group of users or each project within the network platform. • Personal spaces for the particular users: They can contain pages and news items, be searched and browsed. Each user may decide to keep it private or to share it with every user of the platform, in which case the type of access will depend on the permissions granted by the administrator, just like global spaces.
Evolution of the collaborative space • Started as a project management collaborative space. • Second phase: community building to encourage networks of exchanges between mechanisms for the advancement of women, statistical offices and producers of administrative records. • Each country has now a specific page to share statistical data, substantive documents, meeting reports or any other national information on the situation of violence against women.
Getting started • Username and password • Quick and extended user guides • Pedagogical video (CD)
Related web pages • Interregional website: http://www.eclac.cl/mujer/cepal/ • Wiki restricted platform: http://wiki.cepal.org • Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean: http://www.cepal.org/oig/