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eLMIS Overview

eLMIS Overview. Strengthening LMIS in Tanzania. List of Acronyms. eLMIS – Electronic Logistics Management Information System R&R – Report and Requisition form ILS – Integrated Logistics System OI – Opportunistic Infection NTLP – National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Program

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eLMIS Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. eLMIS Overview

    Strengthening LMIS in Tanzania
  2. List of Acronyms eLMIS – Electronic Logistics Management Information System R&R – Report and Requisition form ILS – Integrated Logistics System OI – Opportunistic Infection NTLP – National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Program IVD – Immunization and Vaccines development CHMT – Council Health Management Team RHMT – Regional Health Management Team DVDMT – District Vaccines Data Management tool SMT – Vaccines Stock Management Tool PIFWG – Pharmaceutical Infrastructure and Food Working Group
  3. Tanzania’s logistics systems ILS ARV/HIV Lab/Diagnostic Immunization Tuberculosis Essential Medicines Malaria Family Planning STI Medicines Program MSD Regional District Health facilities
  4. Current LMIS situation R&Rs Orders Shipments R&Rs R&R ARVs ZoneMSD ZoneMSD ZoneMSD R&R R&R HIV tests R&R R&R Lab R&R R&R ILS ORDER NTLP TB ORDER IVD Central MSD MSD Health Facilities DMO
  5. Some LMIS challenges Stock outs of essential health commodities Accuracy and timeliness of report Difficulties with ordering and reporting Absence of facility level data for decision-makers Required logistics supervision support Data mismatch during data capture
  6. Vision for the eLMIS in Tanzania An effective and sustainable electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) should be user friendly and facilitate that adequate quality and quantities of health commodities* are always available at the point of service to meet patient demand. The eLMIS must provide integrated access to: Accurate, timely and routine consumption data Real-time logistics management capabilities covering point of origin to point of consumption Demand forecasting, capacity planning & modeling based on consumption (* vaccines, medicines, medical & diagnostic supplies, etc.)
  7. eLMIS Business Process Framework Requisition Order Processing Transport (order tracking) Receiving Inventory management Dispensing (HMIS) Forecasting
  8. Conceptual functional model of the eLMIS Requisitions and Reports (R&R) Orders Shipments R&R R&R ARVs R&R R&R HIV tests R&R R&R OI R&R R&R ILS ILS-G NTLP TB Enterprise Resource Planning IVD eLMIS LMU Medical Store Department Service Delivery Point District
  9. Key benefits of the eLMIS to IVD All IVD tools will be automated and available on centralized system Vaccines data management (centralized DVDMT) Vaccines stock management (centralized SMT) IVD monthly reports Requisition form used for resupply Ability to send orders direct to MSD ERP for order processing Ability to aggregate facility level immunizations report at each level of the SC and provision of reporting rate reports and notification to remind HFC to send their immunization report
  10. Central, Region and District level benefits Ability to view aggregated facility level immunization reports and supplies throughout the vaccines SC system Ability to extract data for national-wide annual forecast based on the actual consumption Provision of high level dashboards showing country wide system performance Alerts and notification based on system KPIs Provision of country wide GIS view showing SOH of all facilities Ability to receive logistics data of selected tracer commodities (vaccines) from HCW via SMS
  11. eLMIS focus MDS MSD Orders and Shipments SMS Text Data Transportation Information/GIS (proposed) eLMIS LOGISTICS DATA WAREHOUSE Mobile RF Scanner (proposed) Reporting Dashboard And KPIs (proposed) Fax/Scan Optical Character Recognition (expand current capabilities) MOHSW and Partner Access (proposed) Web Based Data Entry and Data Uploads (proposed)
  12. Global project with global impact TANZANIA MOHSW, MSD, USAID, JSI UNICEF,WHO, IPs ZAMBIA MOH, MSL, USAID, JSI, IPs OpenLMIS BMGF, RF, USAID, JSI, PATH, VR A Design Develop Test Deploy Support Design Develop Test Deploy Support Design Develop Test Deploy Support B C D E F
  13. Thank You
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