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Python for XML Processing and Web Applications

Python for XML Processing and Web Applications. 資管所 碩一 R97725009 廖 耘 資管所 碩一 R97725023 曾子豪. Outline. Introduction to Python ( 廖耘 ) Basic XML Processing-DOM ( 曾子豪 ) Parsing HTML ( 曾子豪 ) Web Application Using Python ( 曾子豪 ) The Power of Python and XML ( 廖耘 ). Introduction to Python.

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Python for XML Processing and Web Applications

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  1. Python for XML Processing and Web Applications 資管所 碩一 R97725009 廖 耘 資管所 碩一 R97725023 曾子豪

  2. Outline • Introduction to Python (廖耘) • Basic XML Processing-DOM (曾子豪) • Parsing HTML (曾子豪) • Web Application Using Python (曾子豪) • The Power of Python and XML (廖耘)

  3. Introduction to Python • Python:一款簡單強大又好用的動態語言 • 簡單易學 • 可讀性佳 • 眾多的社群與豐富的函式庫 • 物件導向 • 動態語言 • 跨平台 • 容易擴充和嵌入 • 廣泛使用 • 良好的文件

  4. Introduction to Python • Sample Code: Hello World! """This is a sample code of python"""哈囉 世界! a = u'哈囉 世界!' print a • Sample Code: Output a 9*9 multiplication table #This is a sample code of python九九乘法表 for i in range(1, 10): for j in range(1, 10): print "%d * %d = %d" %(i, j, i*j) print

  5. Introduction to Python • Sample Code: Function Declaration def say_hello(): print 'Hello World!' # body of the function say_hello() # calling the function • Sample Code: Call C programs in python """Sample code: import a pre-compiled c program into python script""" import ctypes #object to access foreign library importedCFunction=ctypes.CDLL("./a.out") #import importedCFunction.Cfunction( ... ) #access foreign function

  6. Introduction to Python • Sample Code: OOP class Person: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def say_hi(self): print 'Hello, my name is', self.name p = Person('Swaroop') p.say_hi() • Inheritance: class Man(Person): …

  7. Basic XML processing-DOM • Create a Document and a school element with NS (d1.py) import xml.dom.minidom def get_a_document(): doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() school_element = doc.createElementNS("http://www.ntu.edu.tw/Eric/school", "school") doc.appendChild(school_element) return doc, school_element

  8. Basic XML processing-DOM(2) • Create a location element appended on school element (d2.py) def add_a_location(doc, school_element): location_element = doc.createElementNS("http://www.ntu.edu.tw/Eric/school", "location") school_element.appendChild(location_element) return location_element

  9. Basic XML processing-DOM(3) Create a surrounding element appended on location element and a text node appended on surrounding element

  10. Basic XML processing-DOM(3) (d3.py) def add_surroundings(doc, location_element): surroundings_element = doc.createElementNS("http://www.ntu.edu.tw/Eric/school", "surroundings") location_element.appendChild(surroundings_element) description = doc.createTextNode("A place with many handsome boys and beautiful girls.") surroundings_element.appendChild(description) return surroundings_element

  11. Basic XML processing-DOM(4) • Create another text node appended on surrounding element (d4.py) def add_more_surroundings(doc, surroundings_element): description = doc.createTextNode("But it's usually raining there. Damn!!!!!!!!!!.")surroundings_element.appendChild(description)

  12. Basic XML processing-DOM(5) • We can combine the two text nodes (d5.py) def fix_element(element): element.normalize()

  13. Basic XML processing-DOM(6) • We then write the result on screen (write_doc.py) import xml.dom.ext import xml.dom.minidom def write_to_screen(doc): xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(doc)

  14. Basic XML processing-DOM(7)

  15. Parsing HTML # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib # 抓取Yahoo!奇摩天氣的網頁內容放到WebContent weatherWeb = urllib.urlopen("http://tw.weather.yahoo.com/today.html") webContent = weatherWeb.read().decode('utf_8') weatherWeb.close()

  16. Parsing HTML import HTMLParser # 用來解析天氣資訊的解析器,繼承自HTMLParser class WeaterHTMLParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def handle_data(self, data): """處理標籤以外的資料,也就是網頁中的文字""" data = data.strip() # 如果台中地區已出現過,就記錄天氣資訊 if hasattr(self, 'found') and data: # 到了彰化地區,中止解析 if data == u'彰化地區': self.stop = True return self.weather.append(data) # 出現台中地區,設定旗標以通知後面幾次呼叫記下資訊 if data == u'台中地區': self.found = True self.weather = [] self.weather.append(data) def unknown_decl(self, data): """Override unknown handle method to avoid exception""" pass

  17. Parsing HTML Parser = WeaterHTMLParser() try: # 將網頁內容拆成一行一行餵給Parser for line in webContent.splitlines(): # 如果出現停止旗標,停止餵食資料,並且跳出迴圈 if hasattr(Parser, 'stop') and Parser.stop: break Parser.feed(line) except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError, data: print "# Parser error : " + data.msg Parser.close() print u"%s 今天的天氣是 %s,氣溫是 %s度%s,降雨機率是 %s" % tuple(Parser.weather)

  18. Web application using Python Zope:一套以 Python 撰寫的Web application server 框架,提供網站伺服器、資料庫、會員與資料管理、搜尋等功能。(後台資料管理) Plone:一套CMS(Content Management System),網頁式的應用軟體 (前台內容管理)

  19. Python, Zope, Plone 關係圖

  20. ZMI (Zope Management Interface)

  21. The Power of Python and XML • 對Unicode的強大支援 • 內建極強(極快!)的XML Parser • 程式碼易於閱讀及維護 • 互動式直譯器易於測試 • 跨平台 • 物件導向

  22. Thank You!

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