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Introduction • Many location technologies such as GPS, Timing Advance, AOA etc, have been well developed this few years. They produce a lot of data on moving objects. Hence in order to manage these spatial data efficiently, it requires a design and implementation of a spatio-temporal database prototype for managing moving objects.
PROBLEM STATEMENT: • Many spatial temporal applications are developed based on spatial data, such as traffic control, weather monitoring , military affairs and so on. The data related to moving objects’ positions and extents change continuously over time and the existing spatial database management systems are not well equipped to handle such continuously changing data so there is need to develop a new prototype on spatial temporal database technology to solve the problem related to manage the spatial data.
A Spatio-Temporal Database Prototype for Managing Moving Objects in GIS
INTRODUCTION : • In this paper, author presents the design and implementation of a spatio-temporal database prototype for managing moving objects. Proposed methods : • A Trajectory Model. • S-TB tree is proposed in the prototype.
PROPOSED METHODOLOGY: • A time dimension is added to the moving objects two dimension spatial attribute. So moving objects’ movement in the plane can be treated as a trajectory in the 3- Dimension spatio-temporal space. According to this idea, we propose the trajectory model. • In the trajectory model, each moving object’s movement is divided into continuous sections/ Fragments.
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK : • This paper has provided an overview of the design of a spatio-temporal database prototype for managing moving objects. • A S-TB tree index is built on this trajectory model and it is used in the filter of query processing.
An Extensible Framework for Spatio-Temporal Database Applications
PROPOSED METHOD: • In this paper the author presents an extensible framework, based on extending an object-oriented database system, with kernel spatio-temporal classes, data structures and functions, to provide support for the development of spatio-temporal applications and sophisticated management of spatio-temporal data
PREVIOUS METHOD: • The previous qualitative spatio-temporal systems were all prototype systems which did not support general spatio-temporal relation model and data input.
PROPOSED METHOD: • We design the qualitative spatio-temporal database (QSTDB) based on spatio-temporal reasoning. A general spatio-temporal relation framework is put forward and applied to QSTDB. • Thus QSTDB is compatible to most current spatio-temporal relation models and spatio-temporal systems.
DSTTMOD: A Discrete Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Based Moving Object Database System
PROPOSED METHOD : • In this paper, a new moving objects database model- Discrete Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Based Moving Objects Database (DSTTMOD) model, is put forward. • Trajectories are used to represent dynamic attributes of moving objects, including the past, current, and future location information. • Different moving objects can set up different threshold to trigger location updates. When a location update occurs to a moving object, not only its future trajectory is updated, but also the corresponding index records are adjusted.
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