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DI-XL Model

EU Lifelong Learning Programme, KA4 project 531194-LLP-2012-LV-KA4-KA4MP. DI-XL Model. DI-XL Model. Objective. DI-XL Model Draft D rafted by the NTK team with contribution s from partners B ased on findings of NAR – Need Analyses and Research r eport in libraries

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DI-XL Model

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  1. EU Lifelong Learning Programme, KA4 project 531194-LLP-2012-LV-KA4-KA4MP DI-XL Model

  2. DI-XL Model Objective DI-XL Model Draft Drafted by the NTK team withcontributionsfrompartners Basedon findingsof NAR – NeedAnalysesand Research reportin libraries Is dynamic;willincluderecommendationsand conclusionsfromthisworkshop To develop an effective and sustainable model for dissemination and exploitation of lifelonglearningprojectresultsvia libraries

  3. DI-XL Model DI-XL Model proposes: WHATis dissemination and what todisseminate – LLP results WHOparticipates – actors, targets WHYcooperate – benefits HOWto do it- tools and action - skills and knowledge EXAMPLES, BEST PRACTICES

  4. DI-XL Model Chapter 1 LLP results Chapter2 Actors and targetgroups Chapter3 Benefitsofcooperation, establishing partnerships Chapter4 Tools and action Chapter 5Knowledge and skills, training Glossary WHAT WHO WHY HOW

  5. DI-XL Model specifiesprojectresults to bedisseminated – Chapter 1 WHAT To comprehendthewiderangeof LLP results,itis useful to sort them by goals, formats,and audiences Example: NationalLibraryofLatviauses network oflibraries to promote and disseminateprojectresults – books,booklets, seminars, lectures Example: NationalLibraryofLatviauses network oflibraries to promote and disseminateprojectresults – booksbooklets, seminars, lectures

  6. DI-XL Model Chapter 1 LLP results Chapter2 Actors and targetgroups Chapter3 Benefitsofcooperation, establishing partnerships Chapter4 Tools and action Chapter 5Knowledge and skills, training Glossary WHAT WHO WHY HOW

  7. DI-XL Model definesactors and targetgroupsfor LLP results dissemination WHO Themainactorsare libraries and LLP organizations. Thetargetgroupsinclude: Library users Students Library professionals Participants of specific LLP events organized by libraries Users of lifelong learning services People in the labor market Decisionmakers Civil servants and officials Non-governmental organizations (NGO) Academics (teachers, lectors, trainers, researchers) Public (general public, users of LLP results) Media, PR Subjects providing consultancy and informational services related to all aspects of learning/education Research centers and subjects concerned with lifelong learning issues

  8. DI-XL Model definesactors and targetgroupsfor LLP results dissemination WHO

  9. DI-XL Model Draft Chapter 1 LLP results Chapter 2 Actors and targetgroups Chapter3 Benefitsofcooperation, establishing partnerships Chapter4 Tools and action Chapter 5Knowledge and skills, training Glossary WHAT WHO WHY HOW

  10. DI-XL Model suggestsbenefitsforlibraries and LLP organizations and a framework for establishing partnerships Establishingpartnerships and agreementsfor mutualaction - Definerolesofactors, formal/informalpartnership, specifications: language, time, resources, tools, … Concretesteps to initiatepartnerships WHY

  11. DI-XL Model Chapter 1 LLP results Chapter 2 Actors and targetgroups Chapter 3Benefitsofcooperation, establishing partnerships Chapter 4 Tools and action Chapter 5Knowledge and skills, training Glossary WHAT WHO WHY HOW

  12. DI-XL Model proposes tools and action for dissemination Differenttools relate to different forms of LLP results;mayrequiredifferentproceduresfor theactorsand have differenttargetgroups. Proposedtools and actionsmaybeusedaccording to specificconditionsoftheactors. Examples HOW SIF, Lithuania - promotes LLP projectswebsites via bannerson thelibrarywebsite (e.g., projectGender Equality and Diversity) Sedukon, Czech Rep., proposesdisseminationofproject „Safety and Health for New Workers“ – printedmaterials, online applications, events

  13. DI-XL Model proposestools and actionfordissemination – Chapter 4 HOW

  14. DI-XL Model proposestools and actionfordissemination – Chapter 4 HOW

  15. DI-XL Model Chapter 1 LLP results Chapter 2 Actors and targetgroups Chapter 3Benefitsofcooperation, establishing partnerships Chapter 4Tools and action Chapter 5 Knowledge and skills, training Glossary WHAT WHO WHY HOW

  16. DI-XL Model specifiesknowledge and skills and trainingfordissemination – Chapter 5 HOW Librariesneed to understandand beinformedabout LLP results. Librariansshould use theircommunication and lecturingskills, including use of IT, personalmotivation and enthusiasm. LLP organizationsshouldprovidelibrarieswithtraining, specifyformat and timingoftraining sessions. LLP organizationsshouldunderstandthe possibilitiesoflibraries. Bothactorsshouldregularlyupdate and shareinformation. Examples ???

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