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Interoperabiliteit. Microsoft Nederland hans.bos@microsoft.com National Technology Officer. perceptie. Van Dale “waarneming” Wikipedia “(...) Wat onze hersenen vervolgens met deze waarnemingen doen is onderwerp van de cognitiewetenschappen.”. interoperabiliteit.
Interoperabiliteit Microsoft Nederland hans.bos@microsoft.com National Technology Officer
perceptie Van Dale“waarneming” Wikipedia “(...) Wat onze hersenen vervolgens met deze waarnemingen doen is onderwerp van de cognitiewetenschappen.”
interoperabiliteit Keuze | toegang | openheid
interoperabiliteit Keuze | toegang | openheid
techniek sociaal markt interoperabiliteit regulering Keuze | toegang | openheid
standaarden Forum Standaardisatie(2007 Eindrapport open standaarden) Wie zich blind staart op het gebruik van een specifieke soort standaarden verliest gemakkelijk de doelen uit het oog. (...) Er zal altijd een keuze gemaakt moeten worden waarbij een afweging ontstaat tussen ondermeer functionaliteit, kosten, implementatietijd en openheid. Strikwerda (2006 Interop in de publieke sector)Voorkomen dient echter te worden dat men het interoperabiliteit vraagstuk gelijk trekt met het standaardisatie vraagstuk. Er is namelijk meer nodig dan alleen goede standaarden om samenwerking tussen verschillende individuele publieke organisaties te bewerkstelligen. Microsoft (2007 new world of government work) Portals and workspaces use standards-based protocols to bring data together across multiple platforms and systems, including desktops, email, calendar and contacts, in a single logical repository for search and retrieval. RAND Europe (2008 Towards a Dutch IF) The key is to employ standards without sacrificing the ability to adapt to new standards or new, non-standard opportunities as they arise. To do this, the Dutch IF should encourage the support of multiple, alternative standards and the use of self-defining, meta-level standards such as XML.
interoperabiliteit A A A API API Standaard Y Interface A Interface A X X Interface B Interface B API API Standaard Y B B I II III
Standaarden I've enjoyed telling the story of how Thomas Edison managed to convince the authorities in New York to use AC rather than DC to power the nation's first electric chair, and then ran around talking about that "deadly AC" in his efforts to make the nation's early electric grid DC rather than AC. His last great hurrah in that effort, was the widely publicized killing of Topsy, a rogue circus elephant, by 6000 volts of "deadly" AC.
Microsoft principesvoorinteroperabiliteitMicrosoft herkentdat in eenlandschap van steeds meerverbondensystemen, ondersteuning van interoperabiliteittussenproducten van verschillendeleveranciersbelangrijker is danooit.I: Open verbindingennaar Microsoft productenII: Ondersteuning voor standaardenIII: Data portabiliteitIV: Open betrokkenheid
Citizens and businesses want a government • that you can approach with your questions: that offers a state-of-the-art-service to citizens and businesses 24/7 • that does not ask what is already known: that will keep the administrative burden for citizens and businesses to an absolute minimum • that you can take seriously: that you can rely on to act decisively in the event of fraud and when upholding rules and regulations, permits and the like • that knows what it is talking about: where it is clear that it develops policies based on a thoroughly informed position. • that you can trust: that protects legal certainty and legal equality • that costs no more than necessary: that shows that, through good organization and by using modern aids, it can accomplish tasks efficiently. Dutch citizens and businesses experience services and enforcement that are still far removed from this ideal. The improvement of services for citizens and businesses is, therefore, an important cornerstone of Cabinet policy. One of the ways to bring this ideal picture of the Government closer is to develop e-Government services. For this to happen, those e-Government services must fit seamlessly with one another and with other service channels, such as the front desk, the post and the telephone - and share useful information for their users. This type of “interoperability” contributes to the effectiveness, efficiency, cohesion and consistency of government actions. It makes the government more transparent, approachable and credible and, ultimately, also furthers the quality of our democracy. Teamwork is essential and must be facilitated
Interoperabiliteit Microsoft Nederland hans.bos@microsoft.com National Technology Officer