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Money and Power: An Introduction to Capitalism. Karl Marx The Bourgeoisie/ The Proletariat Labour Theory Alienation. Conflict. Conflict occurs due to a differences in opinion, or social inequalities
Money and Power: An Introduction to Capitalism Karl Marx The Bourgeoisie/ The Proletariat Labour Theory Alienation
Conflict • Conflict occurs due to a differences in opinion, or social inequalities • Conflict can also occur between what people feel they deserve and what they receive: distribution of wealth and power in society
The Bourgeoisie & The Proletariat Karl Marx, a sociologist, economist, revolutionary socialist in the 1800’s examined inequalities between two types of people: • The Bourgeoisie (the people who owned property, the means of production); and • The Proletariat (the working class, the people who owned their labour power)
The Bourgeoisie accumulated power by controlling and owning the means of production= own large-scale operations and corporations that produce the goods people in society consume • The Proletariat are the working class; they work for the ruling class and consume products of big companies • Marx= the bourgeoisie exploited the working class and oppressed them through this ideology we like to call : CAPITALISM
Economic, Political and Social Hierarchy – current day society
The Norm and the push for change… • While it is in the best interest for the Bourgeoisie to stay in a position of power and exercise their acquisition of power by keeping the working class down– in modern day society there is more questioning of this economic structure. • People have been “divided and conquered” by this economic system, however, there are some that will revolt, rebel and demand answers --
Capitalism: An Ideology • Marx sawcapitalism as destructive= wanted to getrid of it • ManyWesternersseeCapitalism in a positive light • Superstructure of society: law, morality and education • The key to understanding a society atany point in history: • mode of production (ex. feudal times= land- lords owned and controlledit; • capitalist= capital, machinery, mines, factories- owned and controlled by capitalists • In capitalistsocieties, capitalistsown and control the productive resources; workersonlyowntheir labour and work for capitalists, whothenown the productand sellit for profit.
Marxism and Alienation • Whatisalienation? • Marx refers to alientation in economicterms--- • the aspect in whichworkers are disconnectedfromwhattheyproduce and whytheyproduce= systemicresult of capitalism • Workerslose control over theirlives by losing control over theirwork= workerscease to beautonomous (no longer free, they are controlled) • Pre-capitalistsocietiesexample: A shoemakerwouldownhis shop, set hisownhours, determinehisworking conditions, shape and sellhisownproduct= hewasconnected to hiswork.
Today’scapitalistsocieties: averageworkerisreplaceable; expendable and impersonal • Workers have lost control over theprocess of production, the productstheyproduce, the relationshipsthey have witheachother= they have becomeestranged
Karl Marx’sIdeas • Humanscannotbehumansunderalienated conditions • Capitalism must beabolished if a society’semancipationis to becomplete • Real liberty does not existuntil a workercontrolshis/herworkplace and the productstheyproduce • Profit shouldbedispersedequallyamongstthosewho have contributed to the labour of the product • But willthiswork? Is there a model thatsatisfies all parties?
“Capitalism: A Love Story” • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNl_G0m_ABU