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Reporte de Actividades

Reporte de Actividades. Mario Rodríguez Cahuantzi 24 de Marzo de 2012. Contenido Offline de ACORDE UPC Cósmicos. Offline de ACORDE. Para datos reales no funciona. En simulaciones funciona.

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Reporte de Actividades

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  1. Reporte de Actividades Mario Rodríguez Cahuantzi 24de Marzo de 2012 • Contenido • Offline de ACORDE • UPC • Cósmicos Reunión sabatina

  2. Offline de ACORDE Para datosreales no funciona En simulacionesfunciona Bajoinvestigaciónesteproblema el lunes antes de las 12 hrs (GVA) debeestar la versióncorregida Reunión sabatina

  3. Selection of runs We have analyzed 129 runs of 2011 (LHC11h period) with the AOD reconstructed and staged in CAF (92 runs) and GRID (37 runs). 167806 167807 167808 167813 167814 167818 167915 167920 167921 167985 167986 167987 167988 168066 168069 168076 168175 168203 168205 168206 168207 168208 168212 168213 168310 168311 168318 168322 168325 168341 168342 168361 168362 168458 168460 168461 168464 168467 168511 168514 168777 168826 168992 169035 169040 169044 169091 169099 169138 169144 169148 169156 169160 169167 169236 169238 169415 169417 169418 169419 169420 169475 169498 169504 169506 169512 169515 169553 169554 169555 169557 169587 169588 169590 169835 169837 169838 169846 169855 169858 169859 169969 170027 170036 170040 170081 170083 170084 170085 170088 170089 170091 168107 168108 168115 168172 168173 168181 168512 169045 169094 169145 169411 169550 169586 170155 170159 170163 170193 170203 170204 170207 170228 170230 170268 170269 170270 170306 170308 170309 170311 170312 170313 170387 170388 170389 170390 170572 170593 Total number of CMUP1-B analyzed triggers: 2,632,600 The spectrum of invariant mass was fitted to Crystal Ball (CB) & CB + variable width Gaussian. March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 3

  4. Selection of runs CAF GRID March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 4

  5. Selection of runs CAF GRID March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 5

  6. Selection of runs CAF GRID March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 6

  7. Selection of runs CAF GRID March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 7

  8. Luminosity March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 8

  9. Luminosity sigma_1ZED cross section is 371.4 ± 0.6 (stat.) + 24 −19 (syst.) barns according to ALICE paper draft: Measurement of the Cross Section for Electromagnetic Dissociation with Neutron Emission in Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV https://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/100 March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 9

  10. Luminosity March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 10

  11. Luminosity LUMINOSITY ESTIMATION March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 11

  12. Luminosity ZDC VS VLN March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 12

  13. Selection criteria Event selection CMUP1-B triggers: 0SML + VZERO-C + Veto on VZERO-A + Reject events inside the VZERO beam gas window + Veto activity on VZERO-C, outside muonacceptance + Track selection Tracks in the muon acceptance → 2.5 < y < 4 + 17.6 < Rabs < 89.5 + Both tracks match the trigger → Low pt trigger (bothor at least) + At least one track has a Pt >= 1 GeV/c + Ptdimuon < 3 GeV/c March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 13

  14. Signal yield extraction Fit with CB + variable widthgaussian Fit with CB Both tracks match the trigger At least one track match the trigger March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 14

  15. Acc x Eff At least one track-trigger match LHC12a8b Coherent J/ To be weighted to the integrated luminosity Detailed studies by Jarda are ongoing DANIEL TAPIA March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 15

  16. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section • The computed integrated luminosity for each method is: • INT- LUMI (1ZED) = 45.61 (1/microb) • INT-LUMI (VLN) = 46.30 (1/microb) • INT-LUMI (MB) =46.53 (1/microb) • where: • L_1ZED differs from L_VLN in 1.48 % • L_MB differs from L_VLN in 0.48 % • L_1ZED differs from L_MB in 1.96 % IF WE VANISH THE CONTRIBUTION OF EQ. 4 (SLIDE 9) for L_MB • INT-LUMI (MB) =40.18 (1/microb) • L_MB differs from L_VLN in 13.21 % March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 16

  17. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section N(J/= 603 L = 53 220 mb-1, using ZDC method Acc x Eff = 21% → Caveat: not yet weighted to the total integrated luminosity! BR = 0.0593 For one track-trigger matching (J/ymb +/- 0.06 (stat) + 6.5% (syst) – 5.1% (syst) Systematic error on luminosity only Necesitamoshacer el análisisparabinnes en Y March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 17

  18. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=182920 March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 18

  19. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=177641 March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 19

  20. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 20

  21. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section Integrated L_{1ZED} = 53219.33170 +/- 70.5564 (stat.) +/- syst (?) (1/mb) <L_{1ZED}> = 412.55296 (1/mb) cross section = 0.90 mb +/- 0.06079 (stat.) +/- syst. (??) In (%) Integrated L_{1ZED} = 53219.33170 +/- 0.123% (stat.) +/- syst (?) (1/mb) <L_{1ZED}> = 412.55296 (1/mb) cross section = 0.94 mb +/- 6.46 % (stat.) +/- syst(?) mb March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 21

  22. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section Or both 2389200 CMPU1-B analyzed triggers March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 22

  23. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section 2.5 <= Y < 3.0 Bothtracksmatchesthetrigger At leastone muon has pt >=1 3.0 <= Y < 3.5 Bothtracksmatchesthetrigger At leastone muon has pt >=1 3.5 <= Y < 4.0 Bothtracksmatchesthetrigger At leastone muon has pt >=1 March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 23

  24. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section 2.5 <= Y < 3.0 Bothtracksmatchesthetrigger both muons have pt >=1 3.0 <= Y < 3.5 Bothtracksmatchesthetrigger Both muons have pt >=1 3.5 <= Y < 4.0 Bothtracksmatchesthetrigger Both muons have pt >=1 March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 24

  25. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section 3.0 <= Y < 3.5 At least onetrackmatchesthetrigger At leastone muon has pt >=1 2.5 <= Y < 3.0 At leastonetrackmatchesthetrigger At leastone muon has pt >=1 3.5 <= Y < 4.0 At least onetracksmatchesthetrigger At leastone muon has pt >=1 mb March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 25

  26. First estimateof the 2011 FW J/ cross section 2.5 <= Y < 3.0 At leastonetrackmatchesthetrigger Both muons have pt >=1 3.5 <= Y < 4.0 At least onetracksmatchesthetrigger Both muons have pt >=1 3.0 <= Y < 3.5 At least onetrackmatchesthetrigger Both muons have pt >=1 March 24th. 2012 Reunión sabatina 26

  27. Cósmicos Reunión sabatina

  28. Notas finales • DQM - OFFLINE • Se subirá la versiónnuevaparaque sea portada el siguiente release. • UPC • Irportoda la estadística ~3000000 eventos de trigger CMUP1-B • Hacer la estimación de la seccióneficazparaalgunosbinnes en aceptancia. • Comparar el número de triggers quetenemosahorarespecto al número de triggers que se obtiene al usar la “physics selection” • Cósmicos • Verificar los resultados de Bruno para p-Cov.  se dejaráproducción en GRID a inicios de la próximasemana. • Estudiantes de verano • Tienentareaasignada de simulación, reconstrucción y un ejemplo de análisis debencorrer el tutorial. • SE MANDARON LOS PAPELES PARA LA APLICACIÓN DE POSDOCTORADO CON EL PROF. GERARDO Reunión sabatina

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