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博尔特中国行 媒体推广方案

博尔特中国行 媒体推广方案. Blot`s foots in China Media Planning. 主办单位: 《 体坛周报 》. 体坛周报 ( Titan Sports )是中国目前期发量最大的综合类体育报,总部在湖南长沙。目前旗下还有足球周刊、全体育、高尔夫大师和户外杂志。编辑部现居北京,在世界各个体育强国都有常驻记者,并与法国 《 队报 》 、西班牙 《 马卡 》 报等建立长期合作关系。. 承办单位:匡合(北京)国际广告传媒有限公司.

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博尔特中国行 媒体推广方案

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  1. 博尔特中国行媒体推广方案

  2. Blot`s foots in ChinaMedia Planning

  3. 主办单位:《体坛周报》 体坛周报(Titan Sports)是中国目前期发量最大的综合类体育报,总部在湖南长沙。目前旗下还有足球周刊、全体育、高尔夫大师和户外杂志。编辑部现居北京,在世界各个体育强国都有常驻记者,并与法国《队报》、西班牙《马卡》报等建立长期合作关系。 承办单位:匡合(北京)国际广告传媒有限公司 匡合(北京)国际广告传媒有限公司,是一家集广告影视制作、品牌策划、公关策划及执行、媒体运营于一体的多元化广告传播服务机构。公司主创人员均为影视制作界、广告界、传媒界的资深人士,曾服务过众多国际和国内知名品牌.

  4. Organizer:Titan Sports Titan Sports ,localized in Changsha,Hunan Province,is currently the comprehensive newspaper on Sports with the most published issue in china.And it has various divisions ,such as football magazine, all sports, golf and the Masters of outdoor magazines.Its editorial department is in Beijing now,and there are many Permanent Correspondents all around the world. Titan Sports established long-term cooperative relationship with the French "team", Spain, "Marca" newspaper, and so on. Co-organizer:KuangHe(Beijing)International Media Advertisement CO.,Ltd KuangHe(Beijing)International Media Advertisement Co.,Ltd is a kind of multi-media advertising agencies specialized in Television advertising production, Brand Planning, Public Relations Planning and Executive, Media Operation and so on. The company officals were all senior casts coming from the Film and Television production industry, the Advertising industry and the Media. They had working experience in a number of international and domestic brands.

  5. 08年的鸟巢,博尔特以9.69秒的成绩谱写人类100米跑的新篇章。众多媒体的即时报道,让他迅速成为一颗璀璨的新星。奥运会后,博尔特的首次中国之行必将成为众多媒体的焦点,与之相关的产品和品牌以怎样的媒体组合传播形式,怎样最大程度地呈现在目标消费者面前。这是商家所关注的,同时也是主办方所要做的。 为此,我们特别对各地主流媒体进行全面分析,并针对博尔特作为体育明星的特点制定如下媒体组合策略:

  6. Bolt had written a new chapter of mankind in the 100-meter in 9.69 seconds in the Nest in Beijing 2008. Quickly he became a shinning star by a large number of media`s real-time reports. Bolt’s first time to china has become the hot spot of various media after the Olympics. Inevitably, it will become the focus of the companies and the organizers that how the related product and brand spread and how it present to the consumers. To this point, we do comprehensive, in-depth analysis on the media and make strategies by Bolt`s characteristic as a sports star to promote the media as follows:

  7. 主流媒体抢占先机,区域媒体全面渗透 我们的策略 08年底博尔特将再次成为中国的焦点

  8. Our Strategy The mainstream media in charge of the opinion The Regional media infiltration public opinion Bolt will become the focus again in China at the end of 2008

  9. 报纸媒体:《体坛周报》、《足球周刊》、 《全体育》、《高尔夫大师》、 《户外杂志》、《扣篮》 电视媒体:CCTV-5、BTV-6、湖南卫视 网络媒体:新浪体育频道、体坛网 广播媒体:中央人民广播电台 北京交通台 腾讯QQ电台 户外媒体:北京公交车内电视 主流媒体介绍

  10. The Mainstream Media Newspaper: Titan Sports,Football magazine, All sports, Golf ,Masters of outdoor magazines, Dunk. TV Media:CCTV-5、BTV-6、Hunan Statellite TV Internet :Sina Sports Channel、Sports Network Broadcast Media: China National Radio Beijing Transports Radio Tencent QQ radio Out-of-door Media:Beijing Bus-car TV

  11. 媒体分析(一) 主流媒体: 体坛周报—目前一周三期,期发量约为160万份,周期发量500万份。其与体坛网、全体育、扣篮、足球周刊、户外、高尔夫大师、愈加等联动,形成体育媒体网占据中国体育传媒市场。 CCTV-5—国内创办最早、规模最大、拥有世界众多顶级赛事国内独家报道权的专业体育频道,全天24小时播放,信息覆盖全国。 湖南卫视—湖南省最权威的电视机构,全国中心城市入住率位居省级卫视第一,06年底全国覆盖率达到60%,覆盖人群7.6亿 中央人民广播电台—是我国最重要的、最具有影响力的传媒之一,在全国各地(各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及香港、澳门特别行政区)设有40个记者站和办事处,目前已同40多个国家和地区的广播机构建立了业务合作关系。

  12. Media Analysis Ⅰ Mainstream Media: Titan Sports—is published three times per week recently, and there are about 1.6 million copies each circulation. the total is nearly 5 million copies.It has held the national sports media market cooperating with the Titan Net,All Sports,Dunk,Football Weekly,Out-door Magazine, The Golf and Yoga. CCTV-5—isthe first and the largest professional sports channel. It has the exclusive domestic reporting rights in many of the world`s top tournament,It`s information is covering 24 hours all day long. Hunan Statellite TV—It is the most authoritative TV organization in Hunan,and it is the first provincial-level TV by the occupancy among the national city. Its national coverage reached to 60% and the number of the audiences reached to 0.76 billion. China National Radio—is one of the most important and most influential media, and there are 40 reporter stations and offices all around (all provinces, autonomous regions, Municipalities, Hongkong and Maca).China National Radio has established Business cooperation relationships with the Broadcasts Station in more than 40 Nations and Zones.

  13. 媒体分析(一) 总结: 以《体坛周报》、中央人民广播电台、CCTV-5、湖南卫视等覆盖全国的主流媒体为宣传主体,在全国范围内快速形成信息的强势传播,抢占先机,必将使此次活动及参与企业和品牌的知名度在全国范围内迅提高。

  14. Media Analysis Ⅰ Summary: Titan Sports, China National Radio, CCTV-5 and Hunan Satellite TV, all of these mainstream media will take the edge of the information dissemination in the whole nation, and ultimately, the participated enterprises will be well known nationwide, as well as its brand.

  15. 报纸媒体: 《体坛周报》对活动全程进行跟踪报道,即时发布活动广告信息 电视媒体: CCTV-5、BTV-6、湖南卫视对活动进行新闻播报,同时湖南卫视密 切关注活动行程,即时发布广告信息 网络媒体: 新浪体育频道: 视频报道博尔特中华之行,《博尔特访谈》栏目 体坛网:全程视频播报以及活动信息发布 主流媒体传播方案(一)

  16. The Mainstream Media Planning Ⅰ Newspaper: Titan Sports will report the entire track of this activities and spread the ad launch real-time information TV Media: CCTV-5, BTV-6,Hunan Statellite TV will broadcast news of this activities, and at the same time, the Hunan Statellite TV will pay attention to the activities of Bolt`s trip, and realease the information immediately. Internet Media:Sina Sports Chanel: Video coverage of the Bolt`s trip to China , Bolt Interview. Sports Network:Video coverage of the full activities and the release of information

  17. 广播媒体: 中央人民广播电台:体育新闻播报 北京交通台:体育新闻播报 腾讯QQ电台:全程跟踪直播 户外媒体: 车内电视 :新闻播报以及活动信息发布 主力媒体投放时间:2008年12初至2009年1月末 主流媒体传播方案(二)

  18. The Mainstream Media Planning Ⅱ Broadcast Media: Chian National Radio:Sports News Beijing Transports Radio:Sports News Tencent QQ:Live Full Track Out-door Media: TV in-car :News and Release of information Mainsteram Media Running Time: in early Dec. 2008 to the end Jan. 2009

  19. 北京: 《北京晚报》《京华时报》《北京青年报》《法制晚报》《信报》《新京报》北京电 视台 北京人民广播电台等 长沙: 《潇湘晨报》《长沙晚报》《三湘都市报》《湖南日报》《当代商报》湖南电视台 湖 南人民广播电台等 成都: 《成都商报》《成都日报》《华西都市报》《成都青年报》《成都晚报》四川卫视 成 都电视台 成都人民广播电台等 区域媒体介绍

  20. Ragional Media Beijing: Beijing Evening News, Beijing Times, Beijing Youth Daily, The Law News,Beijing Stardaily, The Beijing News, Beijing TV, Beijing radio and so on Changsha:XiaoXiang Morning News, ChangSha Evening News, Sanxiang City News,Hunan Daily , Contemporary Chinese Commercial News, Hunan TV, Hunan Radio, and so on. Chengdu :Chengdu Commercial Daily ,Chengdu Daily,Huaxi City News ,Chengdu Youth Daily,Chengdu Evening News,Sichuan Statellite TV, Chengdu TV, Chengdu Radio, and so on

  21. 区域媒体介绍 广州:《南方都市报》《南方日报》《广州日报 》《羊城晚报》《新快报》《信息时报》 广东卫视 广州电视台 广州人民广播电台等; 上海:《新民晚报》《解放日报》《新闻午报》《东方体育报》《新闻晚报》《上海日报 》《文汇报》东方卫视 上海电视台 上海人民广播电台等; 深圳:《深圳特区报》《深圳商报》《深圳晚报》《晶报》深圳卫视 深圳电视台 深圳人 民广播电台等;

  22. Guangzhou:Nanfang City News, Nanfang Daily , Yangcheng Evening News , Guangzhou Daily, New Express, Information Times, Guangdong Statellite TV, Guangzhou TV, Guangzhou Radioand so on . Shanghai: Xinmin Evening News, Liberation Daily, News Time, Oriental Sports , Evening News, Shanghai Daily,WenHui News, Dragon TV,Shanghai TV, Shanghai Radio and so on. Shenzhen: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, Shenzhen Commercial Daily, Shenzhen Evening News, Jing News, Shenzhen Statellite TV, Shenzhen TV, Shenzhen Radio and so On. Ragional Media

  23. 媒体分析(二) 区域媒体: 《北京晚报》——通过北京市邮政报刊发行局对国内外公开发行,日发行量100万 份,最高达到120万份,是全国发行量较大的晚报之一。 《潇湘晨报》——是一份大型综合类都市日报,每期发行总量超过52万份 《成都商报》——发行量超过120万,读者多为社会中坚阶层的白领人群 《南方都市报》——是广东省内发行量最大的综合类日报,日均发行量达169万。 《新民晚报》——是中共上海市委直接领导的面向广大市民的综合性报纸 ,日发行量达 150万。

  24. Media Analysis Ⅱ Ragional Media: Beijing Evening News——be issued through the postal board for the public at home and abroad, it is one of the larger circulation in National Evenings,which is about 1 million and up to 1.2 million copies a day. Xiaoxiang Morning News——is one of the greatest City Daily and each phase of the total is issued more than 520,000 copies Chengdu Commercial Daily——It is issued more than 1.2million. Nanfang City News——It is the comprehensive daily newspaper with the largest number of issuing , and its daily issue is over 1.69 million. Xinmin Evening News——It is the comprehensive newspaper held by the municipal government of Shanghai, and its daily issue is about 500 thousand.

  25. 媒体分析(二) 总结: 我们将以各地区主流媒体为主体,全面配合全国性媒体对此次活动进行深度报道,使参与活动的企业和品牌信息在全国范围内渗透,使其像博尔特一样家喻户晓!

  26. Media Analysis Ⅱ Summary: We will focus on the mainstream media of all the regions and cooperate with the national media to make in-depth report about this event, in order to make the participating companies and their brand well known to the whole nation, just like Bolt himself.

  27. 区域媒体在活动期间配合主力媒体进行活动报道区域媒体在活动期间配合主力媒体进行活动报道 区域媒体投放时间:2008年12初至2009年1月末 区域媒体渗透方案

  28. Regional Media Penetration Programs Regional media during the event with the activities of the Main media coverage Regional media running time: in early Dec. 2008 to the end of Jan. 2009

  29. ——主流媒体向全国受众进行信息辐射,区域媒体配合主力——主流媒体向全国受众进行信息辐射,区域媒体配合主力 媒体通过新闻播报、信息采集等形式传播,形成多渠道、全 方位、立体的整合推广。 ——参与此次活动的媒体将达200多家,必将于2008年年底 在中国掀起后奥运新热潮;街头巷尾、茶余饭后,博尔特将 再次成为大众舆论的焦点,成为体育界、商家的关注点。 08年底博尔特将再次成为中国的焦点

  30. Bolt will become the focus again in China at the end of 2008 ——The mainstream media disseminates information to the national audiences, with Regional media, it forms multi-channel, all-round, three-dimensional integrated promotion, by news broadcast, information collection to improve the mainstream media itself. ——There will be over 200 media participating in this activity, it will ultimately boost China into a post-Olympic era . Bolt will once again become the focus of public opinion and also of that in the sports community, as well as the companies.

  31. By-laws:Titan Media granted the power of attorney to cooperate with our company about Bolt`s brand endorsement and promotion of commercial activities in the area of China. 附:体坛传媒就博尔特在中华区品牌代言及商业推广活动,予我公司的合作授权书.

  32. 谢谢! Thanks! 联系人:王先生 联系电话:13810898491

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