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Fault-Tolerant Programming Models and Computing Frameworks. Candidacy Examination 12/11/2013 Mehmet Can Kurt. Increasing need for resilience. Performance is not the sole consideration anymore. i ncreasing number of components decreasing MTBF
Fault-Tolerant Programming Models and Computing Frameworks Candidacy Examination 12/11/2013 Mehmet Can Kurt
Increasing need for resilience • Performance is not the sole consideration anymore. • increasing number of components decreasing MTBF • long-running nature of applications (weeks, months) • MTBF < running time of an application • Projected failure-rate in exascale era: every 3-26 minutes • Existing Solutions • Checkpoint/Restart • size of checkpoints matter (ex: 100000 core job, MTBF=5 years, checkpoint+restart+recomp.=65% of exec.) • Redundant Execution • low-resource utilization
Outline • DISC: a domain-interaction based programming model with support for heterogeneous execution and low-overhead fault-tolerance • A Fault-Tolerant Data-Flow Programming Model • A Fault-Tolerant Environment for Large-Scale Query Processing • Future Work
DISC programming model • Increasing heterogeneity due to several factors; • decreasing feature sizes • local power optimizations • popularity of accelerators and co-processors • Existing programming models designed for homogeneous settings • DISC: a high-level programming model and associated runtime on top of MPI • Automatic Partitioning and Communication • Low-Overhead Checkpointing for Resilience • Heterogeneous Execution Support with Work Redistribution
DISC Abstractions • Domain • input-space as a multidimensional domain • data-points as domain elements • domain initialization by API • leverages automatic partitioning • Interaction between Domain Elements • grid-based interactions (inferred from domain type) • radius-based interaction (by cutoff distance) • explicit-list based interaction (by point connectivity)
compute-function and computation-space • compute-function • a set of functions to perform main computations in a program • calculate new values for point attributes • ex:jacobi and sobel kernels, time-step integration function in MD • computation-space • any updates must be directly performed on computation-space • contains an entry for each local point in assigned subdomain
Work Redistribution for Heterogeneity • shrinking/expanding a subdomain changes processors’ workload • ti: unit-processing time of subdomain i ti = Ti / ni Ti = total time spent on compute-functions ni = number of local points in subdomain i
Work Redistribution for Heterogeneity 1D Case • size of each subdomain should be inversely proportional to its unit-processing time 2D/3D Case • express as a non-linear optimization problem min Tmax s.t. xr1 * yr1 * t1 <= Tmax xr2* yr1 * t2<= Tmax … xr1 + xr2 + xr3 = xr yr1+ yr2 = yr
Fault-Tolerance Support: Checkpointing • When do we need to initiate a checkpoint? end of an iteration forms a natural point • Which data-structures should be checkpointed? computation-space captures the application-state MD checkpoint file 2D-stencil checkpoint file
Experiments • Implemented with C language on MPICH2 • Each node with two-quad core 2.53 GHz Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor with 12GB RAM • Up to 128 nodes (by using a single core at each node) • Applications • Stencil (Jacobi, Sobel) • Unstructured grid (Euler) • Molecular dynamics (MiniMD)
Experiments: Checkpointing • Comparison with MPI Implementations(MPICH2-BLCR for checkpointing) Jacobi MiniMD 42% 60% • 400 million elements for 1000 it. • Checkpoint freq: 250 it. • Checkpoint size: 6 GB vs 3 GB • 4 million atoms for 1000 it. • Checkpoint freq: 100 it. • Checkpoint size: ~2GB vs 192 MB
Experiments: Heterogeneous Exec. • Varying number of nodes slowed down by %40 Sobel MiniMD • Load-balance freq: 20 it. (100 it.) • Load-balance overhead: 8% • Slowdown: 64% 25-27% • Load-balance freq: 200 it. (1000 it.) • Load-balance overhead: 1% • Slowdown: 65% 9-16%
Experiments: Charm++ Comparison • Euler (6.4 billion elements for 100 iterations) • 4 nodes are slowed down out of 16 • Diff. Load-Balancing Strategies for Charm++ (RefineLB) • Load-balance once at the beginning (a) Homog.:Charm++ 17.8% slower than DISC (c) Heter. LB:Charm++, at 64-chares (best-case), 14.5% slower than DISC
Outline • DISC: a domain-interaction based programming model with support for heterogeneous execution and low-overhead fault-tolerance • A Fault-Tolerant Data-Flow Programming Model • A Fault-Tolerant Environment for Large-Scale Query Processing • Future Work
Why do we need to revisit data-flow programming? • Massive parallelism in future systems • synchronous nature of existing models (SPMD, BSP) • Data-flow programming • data-availability triggers execution • asynchronous execution due to latency hiding • Majority of FT solutions in the context of MPI
Our Data-Flow Model Tasks Data-Blocks Single assignment-rule Interface to access a data-block; put() and get() Multiple versions for each data-block • Unit of computation • Consumes/produces a set of data-blocks • Side-effect free execution • Task-generation • via user defined iterator objects • creates a task descriptor from a given index for each version vi (int) size (void*) value (int) usage_counter (int) status (vector) wait_list (di, vi) (di, vi) (di, vi) (di, vi) Task T status=not-ready status=ready usage_counter=3 status=ready usage_counter=2 status=garbage-col. status=ready usage_counter=1
Work-Stealing Scheduler • Working-phase • enumerate task T • check data-dependencies of T • ifsatisfied, insert T into <ready queue> otherwise, insert T into <waiting queue> • Steal-phase • a node becomes a thief • steals tasks from a random victim • unit of steal is an iterator-slice • ex: victim iterator object operating on (100-200). thief can steal the slice of (100-120) leaving (120-200) to victim. Repeat until no tasks can be executed
Fault-Tolerance Support • Lost state due to a failure includes; • task execution in failure domain (past, present, future) • data-blocks stored in failure domain • Checkpoint/Restart as traditional solution • Checkpoint execution-frontier • Roll-back to latest checkpointand restart from there • Downside: significant task re-execution overhead • Our Approach • Checkpoint and Selective Recovery • task recovery • data-block recovery
Task Recovery • Tasks to recover: • un-enumerated, waiting, ready and currently executing • should be scheduled for execution • But, work-stealing scheduler implies that • tasks in failure domain are not know a-priori • Solution: • victim remembers the steal by (stolen iterator-slice, thief id) pair • construct working-phases in failure domain by asking alive nodes
Data-Block Recovery • Identify lost data-blocks and re-execute completed tasks to produce them • Do we need (di,vi) for recovery? • not needed if we can show that its status was “garbage-collected” • consumption_infostructure at each worker • holds number of times that a data-block version has been consumed Uinit=initial usage counter Uacc=number of consumptions so far Ur=Uinit– Uacc(reconstructed usagecounter) Case1: Ur == 0 Case2: Ur > 0 && Ur < Uinit Case3: Ur == Uinit (not needed) (needed) (needed)
Data-Block Recovery completed task T4 ready task gc. data-block ready data-block T1 T2 T3 We know that T5 won’t be re-executed d4 d2 d3 d1 T7 T5 T6 d7 d5 d6 T11 T10 * Re-execute T7 and T4 T8 T9
Transitive Re-execution completed task T3 T2 ready task gc. data-block ready data-block T1 d2 d3 T4 d1 • produce d1, d5 • re-execute T1 and T5 • produce d4 • re-execute T4 • produce d2and d3 • re-execute T2 and T3 d4 T5 d5 T6 T7
Outline • DISC: a domain-interaction based programming model with support for heterogeneous execution and low-overhead fault-tolerance • A Fault-Tolerant Data-Flow Programming Model • A Fault-Tolerant Environment for Large-Scale Query Processing • Future Work
Our Work • focusing on two specific query types on a massive dataset: • Range Queries on Spatial datasets • Aggregation Queries on Point datasets • Primary Goals • high efficiency of execution when there are no failures • handling failures efficiently up to a certain number of nodes • a modest slowdown in processing times when recovered from a failure
Range Queries on Spatial Data • query: for a given 2D rectangle, return intersecting rectangles • parallelization: master/worker model • data-organization: • chunk is the smallest data-unit • group close data-objects together into chunks via Hilbert Curve (*chunk size) • round-robin distribution to workers • spatial-index support: • deploy Hilbert R-Tree at master node • leaf nodes correspond to chunks • initial filtering at master; tells workers which chunks to further examine o4 3 2 o2 o7 o5 o1 o8 o3 1 4 o6 sorted objects:o1,o3,o8,o6,o2 ,o7,o4,o5 chunk1={o1,o3} chunk2={o8,o6} chunk3={o2,o7} chunk4={o4,o5}
Range Queries: Subchunk Replication step1:divide each chunk into k sub-chunks step2: distribute sub-chunks in round-robin fashion Worker1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 chunk3 chunk4 chunk2 chunk1 step1 step1 step1 step1 k = 2 chunk2,1 chunk2,2 chunk3,1 chunk3,2 chunk4,1 chunk4,2 chunk1,1 chunk1,2 * rack-failure: same approach, but distribute sub-chunks to nodes in different rack
Aggregation Queries on Point Data • query: • each data object is a point in 2D space • each query is defined with a dimension (X or Y), and an aggregation function (SUM, AVG, …) • parallelization: • master/worker model • divide space into M partitions • no indexing support • standard 2-phase algorithm: local and global aggregation partial result in worker 2 Y worker 2 worker 1 worker 3 worker 4 X M = 4
Aggregation Queries: Subpartition Replication step1:divide each partition evenly into M’ sub-partitions step2:send each of M’ sub-partitions to a different worker node • Important questions: • how many sub-partitions (M’)? • how to divide a partition (cv’ and ch’) ? • where to send each sub-partition? (random vs. rule-based) Y M’ = 4 ch’ = 2 cv’ = 2 rule-based selection:assign to nodes which share the same coordinate-range a better distribution reduces comm. overhead X
Experiments • two quad-core 2.53 GHz Xeon(R) processors with 12-GB RAM • entire system implemented in C by using MPI-library • 64 nodes used, unless noted otherwise • range queries • comparison with chunk replication scheme • 32 GB spatial data • 1000 queries are run, and aggregate time is reported • aggregation queries • comparison with partition replication scheme • 24 GB point data
Experiments: Range Queries - Execution Times with No Replication and No Failures Optimal Chunk Size Selection Scalability * chunk size = 10000
Experiments: Range Queries • Execution Times under Failure Scenarios (64 workers in total) • k is the number of sub-chunks for a chunk Single-Machine Failure Rack Failure
Future Work • Retaining Task-Graph on Data-Flow Models and Experimental Evaluation (continuation of 2ndwork) • Protection against Soft Errors with DISC Programming Model
Retaining Task-Graph • Requires knowledge on task-graph structure • efficient detection of producer tasks • Retain task-graph structure • storing (producer, consumers) per task-level large-space overhead • use a compressed representation of dependencies via iterator-slices • iterator-slice represents a grouping of tasks • An iterator-slice remembers the dependent iterator-slices
Retaining Task-Graph • Same dependency can be also stored in reverse direction. b)after data-block has been garbage-collected a)before data-block has been garbage-collected
16-Cases of Recovery • expose all possible cases for recovery • define four dimensions to categorize each data-block • d1:aliveorfailed (its producer) • d2: aliveorfailed(its consumers) • d3: aliveor failed(where it’s stored) • d4: trueorfalse(garbage-collected) <alive,alive,failed,false> <alive,alive,alive,true> <alive,alive,alive,false> <alive,alive,failed,true>
Experimental Evaluation • Benchmarks to test • LU-decomposition • 2D-Jacobi • Smith-Waterman Sequence Alignment • Evaluation goals • performance of the model without FT support • space-overhead caused by additional data-structures for FT • Efficiency of proposed schemes under different failure scenarios
Future Work • Retaining Task-Graph on Data-Flow Models and Experimental Evaluation (continuation of 3rd work) • Protection against Soft Errors with DISC Programming Model
Soft Errors • Increasing soft error rate in current large-systems • random-bit flips in processing cores, memory, or disk • due to radiation, increasing intra-node complexity, low-voltage execution, … • “soft errors in some data-structures/parameters have more impact on the execution than others” (*) • program halt/crash:size and identity of domain, index arrays, function handles, … • output incorrectness: parameters specific to an application • ex: atom density, temperature, … * Dong Li, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Weikuan Yu “Classifying soft error vulnerabilities in extreme-scale applications using a binary instrumentation tool” (SC’12)
DISC model against soft errors • DISC abstractions • runtime internally maintains critical data-structures • can protect them transparently to the programmer • protection: • periodic verification • storing in more reliable memory • more reliable execution of compute-functions against SDC