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STAFF DATABASE : CHANGES & REPORTING 2008-09. Presenter : Teresa R. Sancho. JUNE 2008 Florida Department of Education Information Database Workshop. AGENDA. Survey Dates Database Changes Reporting Clarifications &Reminders Resources /Contact Information. 2008-09 STAFF SURVEY DATES.
STAFF DATABASE:CHANGES & REPORTING2008-09 Presenter: Teresa R. Sancho JUNE 2008 Florida Department of Education Information Database Workshop
AGENDA • Survey Dates • Database Changes • Reporting Clarifications &Reminders • Resources /Contact Information
2008-09 STAFF SURVEY DATES Survey 6:Due – August 29, 2008 Survey date is August 29, 2008 (State processing: August 29 - September 3, 2008) Survey 2:Due – October 31, 2008 Survey week is October 13-17, 2008 (State processing: October 20 - November 14, 2008) Survey 3:Due – February 27, 2009 Survey week is February 9-13, 2009 (State processing: February 16 - March 13, 2009) Survey 5:Due – August 7, 2009 (State processing: August 3 - September 4, 2009)
REVIEW of 2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES • New Staff Survey Period – Survey 6: • Staff format required: Staff Demographic Information only • This new survey period was created in an effort to eliminate the separate data collection system that is used to populate the Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) system in the Florida Center for Reading Research. A Staff Demo record should be transmitted on all instructional staff members [EEO lines 21-43] for this survey period. [Refer to Note #1 on format page for Survey 6 reporting] • Required data elements: • District Number / Social Security Number / Survey Period Code / Fiscal Year / School Number, Primary Home / Employee Name, Legal / Exempt from Public Records Law, Employee • Data for the Staff Number Identifier, Local data element will be used if reported. • Default values will be loaded to the database for non-required data elements on the • Staff Demo format.
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Definition of Codes:[On Data Element pages - “Survey Period Section”]The new symbol [O] that you will notice at the bottom of data element pages beside the survey period it references stands for “OPTIONAL” reporting. That means information for the particular data element for that survey period can be reported but is not necessary to be reported. Districts can submit the default data for that field or report the required information; however the data will not be used in that survey period regardless.Another symbol that was instituted last year is [D] for “DEFAULT” reporting. That means for that particular survey period “only” report default data. Data elements with this symbol mostly means the data to be reported is only valid in a particular survey period anyway.The last symbol which most are already familiar with is the [X] - which has always meant “REQUIRED” and accurate data must be reported in the field.
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) APPENDIX E – Job Code Assignments52001 –RENAMEDFrom: Teacher, Educable Mentally HandicappedTO:Teacher,Intellectual Disabilities52002 -DELETEDTeacher, Trainable Mentally Handicapped52011 -DELETEDTeacher, Profoundly Mentally Handicapped63041 –RENAMEDFrom: Supervisor/Coordinator, Educable Mentally HandicappedTO:Supervisor/Coordinator, Intellectual Disabilities63042 -DELETEDSupervisor/Coordinator, Trainable Mentally Handicapped63053 -DELETEDSupervisor/Coordinator, Profoundly Mentally Handicapped
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revised-Renamed Data Element:DEGREE/CREDENTIAL EARNED[Located on the Staff Demographic Information format]This data element was renamed to collect and accommodate credentials earned belowa Bachelor’s degree for VPK data purposes, thus changing the name from “Degree Earned” to the above. Although districts may have already been limiting the reporting of this data to specific staff, the data element has been edited to specifically collect for employees whose Job Code places them on EEO lines 01-43.CODE/DEFINITION:C Child Development Associate (CDA) or CDA Equivalent A Associate’sB Bachelor’s M Master’s S Specialist D Doctorate Z Not applicable
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revised Data Element:PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, PRIMARY PURPOSE[Located on the Staff Professional Development format]New codes were added in response to S.B.E. rule 6A-5.081(2)(d)1 for Staff professional development regarding leadership development programs. As you can see by the new codes they reference leadership development programs under W. Cecil Golden or District Approved.CODE/DEFINITION :A Add-on Endorsement B Alternate Certification C Florida Educators Certificate Renewal D Other Professional Certificate/License Renewal E Professional Skill Building F W. Cecil Golden Professional Development Program for School Leaders G Approved District Leadership Development Program
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revised Data Element(s):READING ENDORSEMENT, COMPETENCIES 1-6[Located on the Staff Demographic Information format]Code C for “CAR-PD” on all six of the Reading Endorsement, Competency data elements was modified to more accurately define the status of a staff member’s stage in the content area reading professional development. At this point staff members should have completed the CAR-PD with the exception of perhaps working on the “practicum” portion.CODE/DEFINITION :C The instructional staff member is in the process of completing the practicum for content area reading professional development (CAR-PD) or has completed CAR-PD in its entirety.
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revised Data Element:SALARY SUPPLEMENT TYPE[Located on the Staff Salary Supplements format]Modified definitions for codes “H” and “X” on the data element to align with revisions to statutory requirements. CODE/DEFINITION :H Florida Excellent Teaching Program – deleted references to portfolio preparation incentives [s. 1012.72, F.S.]X MAP performance pay – deleted reference to “STAR” performance pay [s. 1012.225, F.S.]
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revised Data Element:SALARY SUPPLEMENT TYPE/VALUE[Located on the Staff Fiscal Year Salaries format]Modified definition for code “H” on the data element to align with revisions to the statutory requirement. [Code “X” on data element was already current.] CODE/DEFINITION :H Florida Excellent Teaching Program – deleted references to portfolio preparation incentives [s. 1012.72, F.S.]
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revised Data Element:SURVEY PERIOD CODE[Located on all Staff reporting formats]Added code and definition for the new Survey 6 period. CODE/DEFINITION :1July 2October 3February 4June 5End of Year 6 September
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) New Data Element:SCHOOL PRINCIPAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM[Located on the Staff Demographic Information format – new item #34/field 158]This data element which is located on the Staff Demographic Information format was created to describe the status of a participant in a district approved School Principal Certification Program in response to Staff professional development guidelines. This element applies only to employees who have been in an approved district School Principal Certification Program during the Fiscal Year being reported. It should be reported in Survey 5 only, and specifically for employees whose Job Code places them on EEO lines 01-43.CODE/DEFINITION:A Admitted (entered the program and not withdrawn during the fiscal year) B Enrolled (previously entered, still in the program, and not completed or withdrawn) C Completed (completed the program this year) D Withdrawn (exited the program without completing the program) Z Not applicable/none of the above
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) New Local Accountability Data Elements:RACE AND ETHNICITYThe USDOE has finally provided new race and ethnic reporting guidelines to states effective the 2009-10 fiscal year. To prepare districts for collection of the new federal race and ethnic categories, the Department has included the new race and ethnic data elements in the 2008-09 Staff & Student Database Manuals for local implementation.Six (6) New “Local Accountability” Data Elements:All require Yes (Y) or No (N) responses:Element Name – Ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino origin) Element Name – Race: American Indian or Alaska Native Element Name – Race: Asian Element Name – Race: Black or African American Element Name – Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Element Name – Race: White
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Revisions –Staff Reporting Formats:STAFF BENEFITSSTAFF FISCAL YEAR BENEFITSBeginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, charter schools were required to report data for all Staff reporting formats as do regular schools in the districts. Therefore language was added to the format pages above to include “charter schools” as a reporting entity. Example:On the Staff Benefits format page under Note #1 wording was revised as “…..each type of benefit the individual receives from the districtor charter school.” Also included under Note #2.On the Staff Fiscal Year Benefits format page under Note #4 wording was revised as “…..up to eleven types of benefits (and corresponding monetary values) to which the school districtor charter schoolcontributed.”
2008-09 DATABASE CHANGES (cont’d) Edit Revisions –Staff Reporting Formats:STAFF DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATIONSTAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTTEACHER EXIT INTERVIEWWith revisions to (or the creation of) data elements there will always be changes to the edit manuals of the database for the affected Staff format. Changes to edits may also happen if an edit was found to need fine tuning regardless of a change to the data element. Therefore, please review the edit manuals for the Staff reporting formats noted above for revisions.
2008-09 “STUDENT” DATABASE CHANGES Revised Data Element:CERTIFICATION/LICENSURE/QUALIFICATION STATUS[Located on the Teacher Course format – Student Database]Added a new code (“V”) for the VPK program to identify the qualifying status of prekindergarten instructors. [VPK Course numbers: 5100580, 5100590] CODE/DEFINITION :A …….. adjunct teaching certificate as per s. 1012.57, F.S. BSubstitute teacher. H……. qualified status has been documented pursuant to a … (HOUSSE) plan, as per …. I Instructional staff member certified/licensed in the field being taught. O ….. appointed by the school board to teach out-of-field under Rule 6A-1.0503, FAC. M….. teaching in a field that was the teacher’s minor field of study, as per s. 1012.42, F.S. S…… teaching in a field ….. has demonstrated sufficient ….. expertise, as per s. 1012.42, F. S. NNon-certificated ….. possessing expert skill in ….. appointed ….. under Rule 6A-1.0502, FAC. V Prekindergarten instructor certified/licensed to teach Voluntary Prekindergarten classes per ss. 1002.63(5), 1002.55(3)(c), and 1002.55(4), F.S.
2008-09 “STUDENT” DATABASE CHANGES Revised Data Element:HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER STATUS[Located on the Teacher Course format – Student Database]Modified the definition for code “G” to assist districts in where to report teachers that serve as Support Facilitators. (Also remember to code such teachers with a code of “N” for the Primary Instructor Indicator data element [to be excluded from class size calculations].) CODE/DEFINITION :YTeacher meets the definition of Highly Qualified Teacher for this course. ZCourse is not considered a core academic subject. Teacher does not meet the definition ….. and fits in the following category. AElementary school classes taught by certified general ….. BElementary school classes taught by certified special education ….. CElementary school classes taught by teachers who are not fully certified. ….. DSecondary school classes taught by certified general ….. E Secondary school classes taught by certified special education …..GOther (An academic core course taught by a teacher who does not meet the definition of a Highly Qualified Teacher ….. for any reason other than A-E above;or who is a Support Facilitator.)
2008-09 “STUDENT” DATABASE CHANGES Revised APPENDIX R:CORE COURSES FOR NCLB (Highly Qualified Teacher)[Located in the Student Database Appendices]Due to the elimination of courses for teachers identified as teaching self-contained subjects at the elementary level (K-5) from the Course Code Directory such courses were also deleted from the Appendix as valid core courses. KG – 05 Course Numbers that begin with: Subject Area: 5001 Art – Visual Arts 5007 Foreign Languages 5010 Language Arts (includes Drama – Theatre Arts) 5012 Mathematics 5013 Music 5020 Science 5021 Social Studies Below Courses for KG - 05*DELETED*5100 Graded, Self Contained - Kindergarten through Fifth Grade (Except 5100520, 5100530, 5100560, 5100570, 5100580 and 5100590) 5200 Ungraded Elementary (Except for 5200000 and 5200500)
2008-09 “STUDENT” DATABASE CHANGES Edit Revisions – Student Reporting Formats:TEACHER COURSEWith revisions to (or the creation of) data elements there will always be changes to the edit manuals of the database for the affected Student format. Changes to edits may also happen if an edit was found to need fine tuning regardless of a change to the data element. Therefore, please review the edit manuals for the Student reporting formats noted above for revisions.
REPORTING CLARIFICATIONS Staff Experience Format:Data Element: Experience TypeA code to identify each type of professional experience for instructional and instructional administrative employees (excluding substitute teachers). CODE DEFINITION C Service to the district in current job code assignment D Teaching in current district A Administration in education M Military Service F Teaching in Florida public schools S Teaching in Florida nonpublic schools P Teaching in out-of-state public schools N Teaching in out-of-state nonpublic schools The Staff Experience format page reads in Note #2: Each type of professional experience of the staff member should be submitted. Therefore if, e.g., the “S” code does not apply to that employee do not submit that code at all.
REPORTING CLARIFICATIONS (cont’d) Staff Experience Format:Data Element: Experience LengthSo what happens when you send an experience type that does not apply and zero fill it?Review the Note #3 on the Staff Experience format page:3. An Experience Length of "00" indicates that the employee is in the first year for the indicated Experience Type. So if you are defaulting all Experience Type codes to load for all instructional personnel and administrators with zeros, only to go back and enter the number of years for the codes that the staff member does have experience in, you are over populating your Experience data. For all those codes left with zeros, you are indicating to us that staff members are in their first year of experience.
REPORTING CLARIFICATIONS (cont’d) Staff Experience Format:Data Elements: Experience Type/Experience LengthJust recently several aspects of teacher data were reviewed as part of the Assignment of Teachers legislation. For one of the aspects, “first year teachers,” (which was pulled from the Staff Experience format) it was found that many districts had erroneously reported data for their first year teachers; while some were found to have reported no first year teachers at all.In the review process with districts in this area it was found that some were only reporting Experience Type “C” for a first year teacher, (or rather just codes C and D) instead of reporting all of the Experience Type codes that apply to the individual such as codes C, D, and F. The method the Department uses to identify first year teachers is to query on Experience Types F, S, P and N and sum the Experience Lengths. The total should equal 0.
REPORTING CLARIFICATIONS (cont’d) Staff Experience Format:Data Elements: Experience Type/Experience LengthGoing further with the issue of erroneously sending all experience types with a length of 00 is that there is no “default code” for these data elements. There is no default code because districts should only send a record for the Experience Type that applies to the Staff member.The DOE should not get codes C, D, A, M, F, S, P, N for every instructional administrator or instructional staff person you have showing experience in that area as 00. If that is what you are doing then whenever we pull a Staff Experience code with Experience Length of 00 – that tells us that the staff member is in the first year of that experience type. That is “not” what you mean when you report that for all instructional staff.
REPORTING CLARIFICATIONS (cont’d) Examples of Staff Experience reporting:#1: A principal has six years military experience, taught for three years in a private school, taught for three years in this school district prior to becoming a principal for which he has two years of experience. This principal should have “6” Staff Experience records sent: Code C with Experience Length 02 for experience in his current position as a principal; Code D with Exp Len 03 for the number of years he has teaching experience in this district; Code A with Exp Len 02 for experience as an administrator (principal); Code M with Exp Len 06 for military experience;Code F with Exp Len 03 for the years he taught in a public school; and Code S with Exp Len 03 for teaching in a FL private school.The DOE should not receive records for Codes P or N for this principal because they do not apply. To send Codes P and N with 00 Exp Len means he is in his first of year of experience for those codes which would not be true.
REPORTING CLARIFICATIONS (cont’d) Examples of Staff Experience reporting:#2: A teacher taught five years in Illinois and is new to teaching in Florida this year (2008-09). The district should send “4” Staff Experience records:Code C with Experience Length 00 for experience in her current teaching position; Code D with Exp Len 00 for the number of years she has teaching in this district; Code F with Exp Len 00 for the years she has teaching in a “FL” public school; and Code P with Exp Len 05 for years of teaching in an “out-of-state” public school.Those are the only codes that should be sent to the DOE for this teacher. Is this her first year teaching in Florida – yes! Is she a first year teacher – NO! Why, because she already has “teaching” experience having taught in Illinois. A first year teacher is one who has never taught “anywhere” before. When the DOE looks for first year teachers we query on Exp codes F, S, P , N and sum them – the total must = 0 to be a first year teacher.
DATABASE PROCESSING CYCLES • Initials, Batches, and Reports for Request • When a survey period is active the timing of processing is as such: REPORTING REMINDERS
REPORTING REMINDERS (cont’d): STAFF DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATIONSTAFF PAYROLL INFORMATIONFor Survey Periods 2 and 3:Please remember after the close of the state processing period for both Surveys 2 and 3, any Staff Demographic record that does not have a matching Staff Payroll record, or vice versa (a Payroll w/no matching Demo), will be deleted from the Data Base.Please refer to the following edits for more information: Staff Demographic edit #30 Staff Payroll edit #50The presence of a Staff Demographic record and a Staff Payroll record validates an employee for those reporting periods.
RESOURCES THE DOE AUTOMATED STAFF INFORMATION DATABASE Reporting Formats, Data Elements, Edits and Appendices are available on the DOE website at: http://www.fldoe.org/eias/dataweb/staff_0809.asp
CONTACT INFORMATION Teresa Railey Sancho Phone: (850) 245-9075 Email: Teresa.Sancho@fldoe.org Main Office Phone: (850) 245-0400 325 West Gaines Street, Room 852 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400