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Transition Pages of the Oklahoma IEP. Dr. Amber McConnell. Transition planning is road map to life after high school…. How will the student get to the chosen destination?. Picture of road. Key Idea #1: REDUCE REDUNDANCY Key Idea #2: INCREASE USABILITY Key Idea #3: EMPHASIZE PROCESS.
Transition Pages of the Oklahoma IEP Dr. Amber McConnell
Transition planning is road map to life after high school…. How will the student get to the chosen destination? Picture of road
Key Idea #1: REDUCE REDUNDANCY • Key Idea #2: INCREASE USABILITY • Key Idea #3: EMPHASIZE PROCESS Cover photos of OSDE Policies Book, OSDE Special Education Handbook, and OSDE Process Guide
Oklahoma’s Transition Handbook Cover photo of OSDE Transition Handbook
Components To Be Covered • Postsecondary Goal(s) • Transition Assessment • Annual Transition IEP Goal(s) • Transition Activities/Services • Course of Study and Expected Graduation/Exit Date • Transfer of Rights
Transition Age • IDEA 2004: transition planning beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child is 16, and updated annually. • Oklahoma: must be in effect not later than the beginning of the student’s ninth grade year or upon turning 16, whichever comes first. • Transition planning may begin earlier, if deemed necessary by the IEP Team
Why Start Earlier? • Postsecondary education financial support • Planning for high school classes • Signing up for the OK Promise Scholarship • Interagency Linkages and Residential Placements • Begin planning for residential care early
Indicator 13 – Checklist Form A Indicator 13 Checklist A
Indicator 13 Checklist A • Are there measurable postsecondary goals in the areas of training, education, employment, and where appropriate independent living skills? • Are the postsecondary goals updated annually? • Is there evidence the measureable postsecondary goals were based on age appropriate transition assessments? • Are there transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals? • Do the transition services include courses of study that will enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals? • Is (are) there annual IEP goal(s) included in the IEP that is/are related to the student’s transition services needs? • Is there evidence the student was invited to the IEP meeting where transition services were discussed? • If appropriate, is there evidence that a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority?
Transition Assessment • IDEA 2004 requires that appropriate measureable postsecondary goals be based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training and education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills.
Transition Assessment Should Address Three Areas Independent Living Employment Education and Training Picture of man working at a computer Picture of husband, wife and son Picture of student and teacher
Goals of Transition Assessment • Make informed choices • Take charge of the transition process • Understand the skills needed for post-school environments Picture of boy daydreaming about a mansion, plane, sailboat, and Ferrari
Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance • Transition assessments are included in the PLEP to formulate strengths and needs.
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 present levels of academic achievement, current assessment data, and objective statements
Screen shot of OSDE IEP form 7 Strength, needs and anticipated effects.
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 Consideration of special factors and Parent concerns for enhancing the child’s education
Preferences, Strengths and Interests and Course of Study These must be BASED ONPresent Levels of Performance and Age Appropriate Transition Assessments
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 Preferences, Strengths, interests, and course of study based on present levels of performance and age appropriate transition assessment
Postsecondary Goals • Students of transition age must have further education and employment postsecondary goals • Independent living is optional • Students have input and write goals based on answers to the question: • Where do I want to live, learn, and work after high school? • Need to be updated annually
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 desired post-secondary/outcome completion goals. Postsecondary Goals occur after high school and answer the questions: Where will the student work, learn, and live (as needed)?
A Helpful Formula ____________ _______ will ______ ______ After high school The Student Behavior (Where and how) After graduation Upon completion of high school Pictures of want ads in paper, a bedroom, and a classroom Pictures of a man and woman wondering which way to go. Picture of a diploma Picture of students in caps and gowns
Sample Postsecondary Goals “Ryan will join the Air Force and receive on-the-job training. He plans to live on base.” Where will Ryan WORK? Where will Ryan LEARN? Where will Ryan LIVE? If you can answer these 3 questions, the postsecondary goal is compliant. Air Force Patch
Sample PostsecondaryGoals “Within three months of graduation, Isabelwill participate in/audit business development courses at the local Career Tech school. With the help of a habilitation training specialist (HTS), Isabel will implement her business plan for a home-based business of custom gift baskets.” Where will she work? Learn? Live? Basket of fruit
Rolanda • After graduation, Rolanda will live at home and participate to the maximum extent possible in her daily routines, and she will volunteer at least once per week at the local childcare facility as she receives on the job training as a childcare worker.
Let’s Practice! • Articulate a postsecondary goal in employment for the following case study. • Jamarreois a 19 year old student who enjoys working with computers. He is not sure what specific careers exist in the Information Technology field. He currently works at a gas station and would like to attend college close to home and commute to save on expenses. ____________ _______ will ______ ______ (After high school) (The Student) (Behavior) (Where and how) (After graduation) (Upon completion of high school)
EXAMPLE Attend the local community college, major in IT, live at home and work at the gas station until the degree is completed. Jamarreo After graduation ___________ _______ will ______ ______ (After high school) (The Student) (Behavior) (Where and how) (After graduation) (Upon completion of high school)
What is the difference between a Postsecondary and an Annual Goal?
1. PSG 2. AG 3. PSG 4. AG After high school, John will complete training as RN at PJC, then pursue a job as a nurse. Given computer assisted instruction on rights and responsibilities as defined by the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation law, John will identify who at the college he must contact for services, when he must provide information, what accommodations he will need, and what to do if his needs are not being met with 100% accuracy by the end of the school year. After high school, Brenda will attend Career Tech for Child Care; upon completion of course work, she will work for Early Rise Child Care Center. Brad will learn and describe 5 accommodations he needs in the general education setting and why he needs them with 100% accuracy.
Annual Transition Goals • Each postsecondary goal requires at least one annual transition goal to help students facilitate attainment of the postsecondary goal • Annual Transition Goal Question • What do I need to learn now to live where I want? • What do I need to learn now to do the career I want? • What do I need to learn now to have the education I want?
Annual Goals Need to Include • Condition • involve the application of skills or knowledge and describe the materials and environment necessary for the goal to be completed. • Behavior • identifies the performance that is being monitored. • Criterion • how much, how often, or to what standards the behavior must occur • Timeframe • usually specified in the number of weeks or a certain date for completion
Annual goal must be measurable • A measurable goal includes the behavior or skill that can be measured at periodic intervals against some criterion of success.
Education/Training Part 1 of the 5-Part Transition Plan Model To create goals based on academics, functional academics, life centered competencies or career/technical or agricultural training.
Transition Assessment • Student Participated in Career Clusters interest inventory • Identified Information Technology as field of interest • Discovered college courses are necessary to achieve desired career
Annual Education/Training Goal • Given Ocean County Community College information, John will demonstrate knowledge of the college’s admission requirements by verbally describing these requirements and identifying admission deadlines with 90% accuracy.
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 Education/Training goal, activities, person/agency and date of completion
Development of Employment Part 2 of the 5-Part Transition Plan Model To create goals based on occupational awareness, employment related knowledge and skills and specific career pathway knowledge and skills.
Transition Assessment • Student Participated in Career Clusters interest inventory • Identified Information Technology as field of interest • Needed to research the field to find a particular interest
OKCIS • Okcis.org
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 employment goal, activities, person/agency and date of completion
Annual Employment Goal • After researching possible careers, John will write an essay to compare and contrast two careers in the field of computer technology and include salary, benefits and required educational training, and describe which career is better suited for his strengths and abilities with 85% accuracy.
Community Participation Assessments Part 3 of the 5-Part Transition Plan Model Goals, as needed, based on knowledge and demonstration of skills needed to participate in the community (e.g., tax forms, voter registration, social interactions, consumer activities, accessing and using various transportation modes.)
Transition Assessment • The student completed the Transition Planning Inventory (TPI) and scored low in the area of community participation.
Transition Planning Inventory - 2 • Home version • Teacher version • Student version • CD version speaks to students or parents and automatically scores • Available From • (www.proedinc.com) • Pro-Ed
Annual Community Participation Goal • After participation in civics class, John will report steps necessary to become a registered voter, run for a public office, and to enroll in the selective service, the importance of voting and selective service with 100% percent accuracy by the end of the semester.
Screen shot of OSDE form 7 community participation goal, activities, person/agency and date of completion
Adult Living Skills and Post School Options Assessments Part 4 of the 5-Part Transition Plan Model (Skills, as needed, for self-determination, interpersonal interactions, communication, health/fitness and knowledge needed to successfully participate in Adult Lifestyles and other Post School Activities (e.g. skills needed to manage a household, maintain a budget and other responsibilities of an adult.)
Transition Assessment • The participated in the TAGGand scored low in “Involvement in the IEP.”