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John Muir (1838-1914). A "poetico-trampo-geologist-botanist and ornithologist-naturalist etc. etc. !!!!". Timeline.
John Muir (1838-1914) A "poetico-trampo-geologist-botanist and ornithologist-naturalist etc. etc. !!!!"
Timeline 1838John Muir born April 21, Dunbar, Scotland1849Family emigrates to Wisconsin farm1860Leaves home; inventions win state fair prize; meets mentor Jeanne Carr1860Enters University of Wisconsin; Civil War begins1862Postpones studies to teach school; Thoreau, author of Walden, dies1864Moves to Canada; botanizes; works in sawmill. Man and Nature by George Perkins Marsh published1866Civil War ends; moves to Indiana; works in carriage factory1867Factory accident damages eye; takes 1,000-mile walk, Kentucky to Gulf of Mexico; writes first journal en route. His journal of the trip was published after his death1868Moves to California; first sight of Yosemite1871Finds glacier in Yosemite; meets Ralph Waldo Emerson there
1872Begins writing for Overland Monthly magazine; Yellowstone National Park established1874-76Begins study of trees; advocates federal control of forests1879Travels to Alaska1880Second Alaska trip1881Alaska travels on the ship Corwin1888Health poor; climbs Mount Rainier; wife urges taking up conservation writing again 1889Campaigns for a Yosemite National Park1890Writes Century magazine articles; Yosemite National Park established (without Yosemite Valley); explores what is now Muir Glacier in Glacier Bay, Alaska; U.S. census notes end of frontier1892Helps found Sierra Club; elected as its first president; forest reserves established in three western states1893-94Visits Europe; first book published, The Mountains of California1896Serves on Forestry Commission; honorary degree from Harvard1898Honorary degree from University of Wisconsin1899With scientific Harriman Expedition in Alaska
1901Our National Parks published1903-04Camps in Yosemite with President Theodore Roosevelt; makes world tour; the first federal wildlife reserve established1905California cedes Yosemite Valley back to the federal government1906Explores Arizona and Petrified Forest1908Muir Woods National Monument established; begins fight against damming Yosemite National Park’s Hetch Hetchy Valley1909Stickeen published1911My First Summer in the Sierra published; travels to South American and Africa; honorary degree from Yale1912The Yosemite published1913The Story of My Boyhood and Youth published; Hetch Hetchy battle lost; honorary degree from University of California1914Dies December 24, age 762000Creation of Sequoia National Monument continues Muir’s conservation agenda
The Wilderness Explorer As a wilderness explorer, he is renowned for his exciting adventures in California's Sierra Nevada, among Alaska's glaciers, and world wide travels in search of nature's beauty.
The Writer As a writer, he taught the people of his time and ours the importance of experiencing and protecting our natural heritage. His writings contributed greatly to the creation of Yosemite, Sequoia, Mount Rainier, Petrified Forest, and Grand Canyon National Parks.
Muir helped inspire President Theodore Roosevelt's innovative conservation programs, including establishing the first National Monuments by Presidential Proclamation, and Yosemite National Park by congressional action.
"do something for wildness and make the mountains glad." In 1892, John Muir and other supporters formed the Sierra Club "to make the mountains glad." John Muir was the Club's first president, an office he held until his death in 1914. Muir's Sierra Club has gone on to help establish a series of new National Parks and a National Wilderness Preservation System.
John Muir was perhaps this country's most famous and influential naturalist and conservationist. He taught the people of his time and ours the importance of experiencing and protecting our natural heritage. His words have heightened our perception of nature. His personal and determined involvement in the great conservation questions of the day was and remains an inspiration for environmental activists everywhere.
Muir's last battle to save the second Yosemite, Hetch Hetchy Valley, failed. But that lost battle ultimately resulted in a widespread conviction that our national parks should be held inviolate. Many proposals to dam our national parks since that time have been stopped because of the efforts of citizens inspired by John Muir, and today there are legitimate proposals to restore Hetch Hetchy. John Muir remains today an inspiration for environmental activists everywhere.
LINKS: http://yosemite.org/vryos/ http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/conditions.htm