As these photographers worked to document the war, they covered a variety of people and circumstances including combat missions, GIs, support personnel, medical units, and visits by dignitaries, politicians, and entertainers. While they may have been there to provide visual record of operations, equipment, and personnel; their photographs also tell a story. It is a story about the young men and women who fulfilled served their duty to their country by serving in the war in Vietnam.
Photographs tell a story! Assignment: Create a story using the following photographs and what you have learned about Vietnam
General Nguyen Ngoc Loan shooting a Vietcong guerilla pointblank, a photo that won Eddie Adams a Pulitzer Prize
The picture above was taken by photographer Nick Ut and shows children fleeing from their village, napalmed by the Americans in 1972. The soldiers behind the children are South Vietnamese troops. They’d requested air cover to strike the village, in the belief that Vietcong forces were hiding in it. The naked girl in the centre of the picture is PhanThi Kim Phuc. She received very bad napalm burns from the bombing.
Flower Power: The expression was coined by the American Beat poet Allen Ginsberg in 1965 as a means to transform war protests into peaceful affirmative spectacles.
Ginsberg advocated that protesters should be provided with "masses of flowers" to hand out to policemen, press, politicians and spectators. The use of props like flowers and music were meant to turn anti-war rallies into a form of street theater thereby reducing the fear, anger and threat that is inherent within protests
Evacuation of CIA station personnel by Air America on April 29, 1975. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdR2Iktffaw
“Burst of Joy” by AP Photographer Sal Veder – POW is released at the end of the war