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Affordable, Clean, Local Plug-in Partners Campaign. Plug-in, Flexible Fuel, Hybrid Electric Vehicle. The Perfect Storm. Economics – Peak oil means that C heap oil is running out Environmental – pressure to curb pollutants from transportation
Affordable, Clean, LocalPlug-in Partners Campaign Plug-in, Flexible Fuel, Hybrid Electric Vehicle
The Perfect Storm Economics – Peak oil means that Cheap oil is running out Environmental – pressure to curb pollutants from transportation National Security – pressure to curb dependence on oil
Pollutant Lbs. Wind Coal Plant Gasoline NOx 0 7.5 41 CO2 0 7,000 10,000 HCs 0 0.13 80 SOx 0 25 Trace Year’s Equivalent of Energy
Alternatives to Petroleum Energy Efficiency Alternative Fuels Hydrogen Electricity
Electricity Advantages Cost Infrastructure Multiple Fuels Emissions Renewable Energy
Plug-In Hybrids Plug-in hybrid vehicles extend the all electric operating range Plug-in hybrids can be fueled through an electric wall outlet or at the gas station.
Plug-in Austin Austin Energy rebates -$1 million City of Austin and other local government fleet orders –600+ Petitions and endorsements – 12,000 from businesses, environmentalists,and others
National Plug-in Partners Campaign • Utility and Employer’s Rebates / Incentives • Fleet Orders from Government and Business • Consumer Petitions • Organizational Support