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Introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography. CSIS 5857: Encoding and Encryption. RSA vs. Elliptic Curve. RSA requires very large key size Recommended minimum: 1024 bits (as opposed to 128-256 for AES) Speed of RSA proportional to key size Fast modular exponentiation

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Introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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  1. Introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography CSIS 5857: Encoding and Encryption

  2. RSA vs. Elliptic Curve • RSA requires very large key size • Recommended minimum: 1024 bits(as opposed to 128-256 for AES) • Speed of RSA proportional to key size • Fast modular exponentiation • Possible alternative: Elliptic Curve Cryptography • Not directly related to ellipses (special case) • 160 bit ECC key equivalent to 1024 bit RSA key

  3. Elliptic Curve Mathematics • General mathematical form (Weierstraus equation): y2 = x3 + ax + bFor some a, b (curve parameters)

  4. Elliptic Curve Encryption • Encryption: Transforming points on curve (P, KPU) into other point on same curve (C) • Main idea (Abelian group): Need a definition of “+” so that “sum” of two points on a curve is also on the same curveR = P + Q where P = (xP, yP) Q = (xQ, yQ) R = (xR, yR)

  5. Elliptic Curve Addition Cases • Case 1: R based on line formed by P, Q (xP ≠ xQ, yP ≠ yQ) Equations: •  = (yQ – yP) / (xQ – xP) • xR =  2 – xP – xQ • yR = (xP – xR) – yP

  6. Elliptic Curve Addition Cases • Case 2: P = Q, R based on tangent to curve (xP = xQ, yP = yQ) Equations: • xR = ((3xP2 + a) / 2yP)2 - 2xP • yR = ((3xP2 + a) / 2yP)2(xP – xR) – yP

  7. Elliptic Curve Addition Cases • Case 3: P = -Q, line does not intercept curve (xP = xQ, yP ≠ yQ) • R = “0” (additive identity) • Point at infinity • 0 = -0

  8. Elliptic Curves over Zp • Encryption requires modular arithmetic • Must be difficult to recover original points from R. • Modular arithmetic prevents “working backward”, as in RSA • Define “curve” as Ep(a, b) where p is the modulus,a, b are the coefficients of y2 = x3 + ax + b • Looking for (x, y) such that y2 = (x3 + ax + b) mod p • Note: “points” on curve are integers

  9. Finding Points on a Zp Curve Looking for a y value for which (x, y) is on the curve Algorithm in terms of p, a, b: for (int x=0; x < p; x++) {w = (x^3 + a*x + b) % p; for (int i=0; i < p; i++) { y = sqrt(w+i*p); if (y is an integer) { output (x, y), (x, p-y); }} Run x through y2 = (x3 + ax + b) mod p equation Since equation is in terms of y2, must find whether w is a square mod p. That is, is there some perfect square s for which s mod p = w? If so, y and its inverse mod p is on the curve for x

  10. Finding Points on a Zp Curve Example: E13(1, 1) • x = 0w = 03 + 1x0 + 1 = 11 + 13i is a perfect square for i = 0output the points (0, 1) and (0, 12) • x = 1w = 13 + 1x1 + 1 = 33 + 13i is a perfect square for i = 1 (13+3 = 16)output the points (1, 4) and (1, 9)

  11. Finding Points on a Zp Curve • x = 2w = 23 + 1x2 + 1 = 11No i for which 2 + 13i is a perfect square • x = 3w = 33 + 1x3 + 1 = 31 mod 13 = 5No i for which 5 + 13i is a perfect square • x = 4w = 43 + 1x4 + 1 = 69 mod 13 = 44 + 13i is a perfect square for i = 0 output the points (4, 2) and (4, 11) • …

  12. Finding Points on a Zp Curve • Points on elliptic curve y2 = x3 + x + 1 over GF(13):

  13. Adding Points on an Elliptic Curve • Computing (xR, yR) = (xP, yP) + (xQ, yQ) • Necessary to turn 2 points corresponding to key, plaintext into point corresponding to ciphertext • Main ideas: • Addition/subtraction/multiplication in mod p • Division = multiplication by inverse mod p

  14. Example: (4, 2) + (10, 6) on E13(1, 1) • step 1: compute  = (yQ – yP) / (xQ – xP) = (6– 2) x (10– 4)-1 mod 13 = 4 x 6-1 mod 13 6-1 mod 13 = 11 = 4 x 11 mod 13 = 5 • step 2: compute xR =  2 – xP – xQxR = 25 – 4 – 10 mod 13 = 11 • step 3: compute y3 = (xP – xR) – yP yR = 5 x (4 – 11) – 2 mod 13 = 2 (4, 2) + (10, 6) = (11, 2) note: also on curve!

  15. Multiplication on an Elliptic Curve • Multiplication = addition multiple times • Necessary for some forms of elliptic curve cryptography • Must use formula where P = Q • Example: 3 x (1, 4) on E13(1, 1)3 x (1, 4) = ((1, 4) + (1, 4)) + (1, 4) = (8, 12) + (1, 4) = (0, 12)

  16. Elliptic Curve Encryption • Generally based on using elliptic curves in place of exponentiation in existing public key algorithm • Examples: • Elliptic Diffie-Hellman • Elliptic ElGamal 2

  17. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman • Alice and Bob agree on global parameters: • Ep(a, b): Elliptic curve mod p (prime) with parameters a and b • G : “Generator” point on that elliptic curve • Example: p = 211Ep(0, -4) the curvey2 = x3 - 4G = (2, 2)

  18. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman • Alice and Bob select privatenAand nB • They each generate a publicnAand nB asPA= nAx G and PB= nBx G • They exchange these values • Example: nA= 121 PA= 121 x (2, 2) = (115, 48) nB= 203 PB= 203 x (2, 2) = (130, 203) (115, 48) (130, 203)

  19. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman • Alice and Bob generate the same key k k = PBx nA = PAx nB • Proof: PBx nA = G x nB x nAPAx nB = G x nA x nB • Example: 121 x (130, 203) = 203 x (115, 48) = (161, 69)

  20. Elliptic Curve Encryption Generating public and private keys: • Bob chooses an Ep(a, b) for an elliptic curve in Zp • Bob chooses a point (x1, y1) on that curve • Bob chooses a secret multiplier d < p • Bob computes a second point (x2, y2) on the curve as (x2, y2) = d (x1, y1) • public key: the values p, a, and b that define the curve the two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) • private key: the multiplier d

  21. Elliptic Curve Encryption Encryption: • Alice selects a point P onEp(a, b) that corresponds to the plaintext message she wishes to send • Alice selects a random multiplier r • Alice creates the ciphertext as two points on the curve:C1 = r (x1, y1) C2 = P +r (x2, y2)

  22. Elliptic Curve Encryption Decryption: • Bob computes the plaintext as: P = C2– (dC1)) • Why does this work?P = C2– (dC1)) = (P +r(x2, y2)) – (dr(x1, y1))) = (P +dr(x1, y1)) – (dr(x1, y1))) = P

  23. Elliptic Curve Encryption

  24. Security and Speed • Why is this secure? • Same type of inverse modular problem (elliptic curve logarithm problem) • No simple way to determine d from (x1, y1)and (x2, y2) without trying all possible values • Computationally secure as long as p large enough to prevent this (2160 for example) • Why is this fast? • Only uses addition and multiplication – no exponents!

  25. Elliptic Curves over GF(2n) • Represent points as polynomials {0, 1, g, g2, g3…}mod some irreducible polynomial in GF(2n) • Sort of like GF in AES • Added security • Slightly different equation used: y2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b • Example: GF(23) using x3 + x + 1 as mod

  26. Elliptic Curves over GF(2n) • Points on elliptic curvey2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b for a = g3 and b = 1

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