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Are you aspiring to work in the capacity of Professional Engineer and are hassled by the complicated visa issues. Don’t be! At WriteCDR, we offer you consultation and assistance with Professional Engineer Summary Statement. Not limited to this, we offer assistance for complete CDR writing, CDR review, and more. Your Summary Statement helps assessor understand what goes in the Career Episodes, briefly. So we expertly showcase the essential skills desired for a Professional Engineer by carefully linking appropriate projects and initiatives you have undertaken until now. We understand your occupation with regular jobs and family requirements and also understand the significance of an approved CDR. So, don’t waste any more time and reach out to us today for a sure shot attempt towards a positive CDR assessment. Source: https://www.writecdr.com/cdr-summary-statement-writing-service/
WRITECDR SUMMARY Corporatehighlights • Who We Are Our Services • WhatWeDoOurFeatures • SuccessfulAchievedGoals KeyFigures • WritecdrTeam Testimonial Let'sTalk • https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
WHOWEARE WriteCDR.com helps engineers to prepare their Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) which they need to submit to Engineers Australia (EA) as a part of the Skill Assessment and Australian Immigration process. The EA is an Australian authority that assesses whether the engineers looking forward to Skilled Migration to India have qualifications that match the Australian standards or not. Those who do not possess Australian qualifications or qualifications from countries that are signatories of Washington Accord have to apply for the migration process through the CDR pathway. WriteCDR is an independent organisation with a highly professional team of writers and engineers who help you prepare the CDR and write your Career Episodes – and get them right in your first attempt. We can offer you several CDR samples from the engineering discipline of your choice for reference purposes at a very affordable price. These sample CDRs have already been assessed positively by EA, so be wary of copying or pasting any material from them or using the exact projects or career episodes they embed as a part of your CDR report. The Guaranteed CDR Approval our clients have received are testimony to the quality of CDR assistance services we provide. • https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
OURSERVICES CDRREPORTWRITING Get Complete CDR report preparation inclusive of 3 Career Episodes, CPD and Summary StatementasaDiscountedBundle.WiththehelpofourCDRyoucanproveyourskillsasan Engineer. CAREEREPISODEWRITING Getyourcareerepisodespreparedbyourskilledengineers.100%approvalGuaranteeby EngineersAustraliaasourengineersarewellversedwiththeEAstandards. SUMMARYSTATEMENTWRITING GetyourSummaryStatementwiththeinformationyouwillprovideusagainstyourcareer andeducation.100%GuaranteedApprovalbyEngineersAustralia. https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
OurCommitment OURCDREAAPPROVAL RATE IS99% WRITECDR.COM • https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
WHAT WEDO • WhyChooseUs • We offer the highest quality of CDR writing services across different countries. The expertise that we bring to the table is enhanced by our esteemed panel of domain experts, professional engineers, and CDR writers. While offering CDR Help, we abide by all instructions and guidelines shared by the assessing authority, Engineers Australia. Every one of your report section is worked upon in a manner that it comes across as a unique and impactful professional journey. This creates a high impact on the assessor and every other reader. This also strengthens your claim of having the knowledge and expertise required out of an engineer, from the Australian perspective. Our CDR Report Writing Services are not only just economical, they are everything that makes them the most sought after. From precision in information capturing to a seamless presentation, your report will have it all. Everything that is demanded of a professionalreport! • With decades of service experience, our CDR Report Writers are the best in the industry and leave no stone unturned towards the best CDR Preparation. One on one interviews, extensive research through your documents, and assessment of the skills that stand out, we go beyond putting just a report together. We understand the projects that you have worked upon and identify what goes best with the role you are applying for. We offer you the best and most comprehensive CDR ReportHelp! • https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
OURFEATURES Alongwithprofessionalreportwritingservices,herearesome featuresofWriteCDR.com,whichmakeusdifferentfromothers. AllEngineeringDomains OnTimeDelivery 24X7LiveHelp PlagiarismFree EngineeringExperts Best PriceGuarantee https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
SuccessfulAchievedGoals 1800 + DELIVERED ORDERS 1650 + HAPPY CLIENTS 4.8/5 CLIENT RATING 1000 + EXPERTS • https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
92.40% 93.70% Customersatisfactionin2017 Customersatisfactionin2018
WriteCDRTeam SENIOR LEADERSHIP StellaWhite ElectricalEngineering Expert CDRs Written:130 LucyHall CivilEngineeringExpert CDRs Written:160 HarryTurner MechanicalEngineering Expert CDRs Written:250 https://www.writecdr.com/ | (+61) 730-538-658 | info@writecdr.com
LET'STALK Website https://www.writecdr.com/ Phonenumber (+61)730-538-658 Mailing address Level 6/140 Creek Street, Brisbane,QLD4000,Australia Emailaddress info@writecdr.com