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Windmetingen Gustiness & vortex compensation. Variabele en positie. Windsnelheid (FF) en –richting. (DD) o.a. bij TDZ, op 105 m van de centre line, h = 10 m sensor meetonzekerheid: FF: 0,5 m/s DD: 3 ° Annex 3, operational-desirable accuracy: FF: 0,5 m/s (< 5 m/s); 10% DD: 10°
WindmetingenGustiness & vortex compensation anti-vortex
Variabele en positie • Windsnelheid (FF) en –richting. (DD) • o.a. bij TDZ, op 105 m van de centre line, h = 10 m • sensor meetonzekerheid: FF: 0,5 m/s DD: 3° • Annex 3, operational-desirable accuracy: FF: 0,5 m/s (< 5 m/s); 10% DD: 10° • sample frequency: FF: 4 Hz DD: 75 Hz anti-vortex
Regelgeving waarnemingen, reports & displays • Conform ICAO Annex 3 • Annex 3 – App. 3 • ICAO Doc. 8876 (2004) – App.5 Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice • WMO-No. 731Guide on Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services • WMO-No. 8Guide to Meteorological Instruments & Methods of Observation anti-vortex
Regelgeving waarnemingen, reports & displays ICAO ANNEX-3 4.6.1 Surface wind mean direction and the mean speed of the surface wind shall be measured, as well as significant variations of the wind direction and speed (…). Recommendation. — When local routine and special reports are used for departing aircraft, the surface wind observations for these reports should be representative of conditions along the runway; when local routine and special reports are used for arriving aircraft, the surface wind observations for these reports should be representative of the touchdown zone. Surface wind observations for local routine and special reports should be representative of conditions at a height of approximately 10 m (30 ft) above the runway. Appendix 3 4.1.2 Displays 4.1.3 Averaging Theaveraging period for surface wind observations shall be: a) 2 minutes for local routine and special reports and for wind displays in air traffic services units; and b) 10 minutes for reports in the METAR/ and SPECI code forms (…). anti-vortex
Regelgeving waarnemingen, reports & displays Recommendation.— The averaging period for measuring variations from the mean wind speed (gusts) reported in accordance with c) should be 3 seconds for local routine and special reports and for METAR and SPECI. 4.1.4 Reporting In local routine reports and METAR and SPECI:, c) variations from the mean wind speed (gusts) during the past 10 minutes shall be reported when the maximum wind speed exceeds the mean speed by 20 km/h (10 kt) or more local routine and special reports:, d) when variations from the mean speed (gusts) are reported in accordance with c) above, they shall be reported as the maximum and minimum values of the wind speed attained anti-vortex
Regelgeving waarnemingen, reports & displays ICAO Doc. 8876: In reports disseminated locally at the aerodrome, surface wind should be based on an averaging period of 2 minutes. In reports in the METAR code form, surface wind should be based on an averaging period of 10 minutes Variations of wind direction and speed given in meteorological reports always refer to the 10-minute period preceding the observation. When the wind is gusty, with variations from the mean wind speed (gusts) exceeding 20 km/h (10 kt), speed variations are indicated. WMO-No. 731 A gusty wind is characterized by rapid fluctuations in wind direction and speed. At aerodromes, gustiness is specified by the extreme values of wind direction and speed between which the wind has varied during the last 10 minutes. anti-vortex
Regelgeving waarnemingen, reports & displays • Voorschrift wat en hoe zal/zou moeten worden gerapporteerd (of getoond): • Average windspeed: 2 min. avg.) • Variations (gusts): 3 s avg. • To be representative along the RWY (Take off), at the TDZ (landing) anti-vortex
History anti-vortex policy anti-vortex
History anti-vortex policy • Okt. 1995 nota i.a.a. HSPL (n.a.v. resultaten nieuwe meetlocaties), met vier oplossingen: 1. verplaatsen, 2. algorithme, 3. back-up WP (voor take-off) of 4. geen actie. • April 1996 nota i.a.a. RLD, twee oplossingen: 1. back-up of 2. algorithme (d.w.z. aanpassing bij detectie fortex) • Instantaan (beperkte reductie) • Met vertraging van ca. 30 – 60 s (optimaal) • Febr. 1998 nota implementatie algorithme (beperkte reductie) anti-vortex
anti-vortex algorithme: theorie FF12” FF10’ (FF12” – FF10’)/FF10’ anti-vortex
anti-vortex algorithme: theorie anti-vortex
anti-vortex algorithme: theorie • Voor MAX(FF(3”); 12”) = FX12:als FX12” > FF10’ + 5 • σFF10’dan FX12” FF10’ + 2,5 • σFF10’reductie • Om praktische redenen echter:als FX12” > FF10’ + 4 • σFF10’ + 0,5 m/sen FX12” < 15 m/s, FF10’ > 0,5 m/s, σFF10’ > 0,5 m/sdan FX12” FF10’ + 2• σFF10’ + 0,5 m/s anti-vortex
anti-vortex algorithme: theorie Reductie,instantaan FX12” FF10’ 1 2 anti-vortex
anti-vortex algorithme • De meting zelf is correct en de vraag is of kunstmatige impacts mogen worden weggefilterd (lokale windklimaat wordt beinvloed door de vortexen bij veel 747’s) – reductie lijkt redelijk compromis • Reductie, geen verwijdering (bijv. FF10’ i.p.v. FX12”) • Safety first, geen risico: natuurlijke variaties mogen nooit verwijderd worden • Instantane filtering, dus niet achteraf • Geen processing delay • Verwijdering (correctie) alleen achteraf mogelijk anti-vortex