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Origin & Evolution of Planetary Systems: Theories versus Observations

Origin & Evolution of Planetary Systems: Theories versus Observations. D.N.C. Lin University of California, Santa Cruz, KIAA, Peking University, with. S. Ida, J.L. Zhou, K. Kretke, C. Baruteau, K. Schlaufman

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Origin & Evolution of Planetary Systems: Theories versus Observations

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  1. Origin & Evolution of Planetary Systems: Theories versus Observations D.N.C. Lin University of California, Santa Cruz, KIAA, Peking University, with S. Ida, J.L. Zhou, K. Kretke, C. Baruteau, K. Schlaufman S.L. Li, X.J. Zhang, H. Yi, J. Yan, C. Agnor, R. Laine Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets Shanghai, China July 20th, 2009 16 slides

  2. Planetary ubiquity Protostellar disks Solar system architecture transits Radial velocity Solar system exploration meteoritic microlensing 2/16

  3. Direct Imaging of exoplanets and brown dwarfs 3/6

  4. Formation theories: Gravitational Instability Sequential accretion: 4/16

  5. Observed diversity & population synthesis • Mass-period distribution of • planets around solar-type stars a) Mass limit: disk truncation b) Type I and II migration 5/16

  6. Calibration of theoretical models 3. Snow line accumulation of dust and embryos 6/16

  7. Predictions 2. rare brown dwarfs & many super-earths 1. Planetary desert 3. Cradle of gas giants: bimodal periods 4.Domains of gas giants: period boundary 5. Epoch of planet formation (1-10 Myr) 6. Dependence on stellar mass: K giants & M dwarfs and metallicity 7/16

  8. Multiple systems & eccentricity Formation time & space separation. Preservation of resonances & impact on residual planets Dynamical filling factor & orbit crossing time scale 8/16

  9. Hot Jupiters & super earths Tidal and Magnetospheric interaction Mass loss and orbital evolution 9/16

  10. Hot Jupiters’ structural diversity 10/16

  11. Super Earth: Resonance capture by isolated hot Jupiters Migration of gas giants can lead To the formation of hot earth Implication for COROT Definitive prediction of core accretion scenario Zhou, Fogg, Mardling Hot earths closer to the host stars of hot Jupiters are common Tidal decay out of mean motion resonance (Novak & Lai, Zhou) 11/16 Detection probability of hot EarthNarayan, Cumming

  12. Stand-alone hot earths Size-period distribution Post-formation tides Multiple systems 12/16

  13. Mass function of close-in planets All migrants Preserves initial mass All migrants coagulate Main uncertainty: Retention efficiency ! 13/16

  14. Prediction on the habitable planets Barrier & enhancement Barrier without enhancement No snow line barrier Needs to calibrate the efficiency of type I migration 14/16

  15. Frequency of Earth Hot Neptunes around M dwarfs (Ida) Gaudi 15/16

  16. Summary & Discussions 1) Rocky planets are common. 2) Without gas giants, super earths undergo type I migration and are halted by an ionization barrier 3) Multiple super earths can retain near resonance 4) Ubiquity of super earths implies planetary desert 5) Coexistence of super earths and hot Jupiters confirm core accretion scenario 6) Super earths and hot Neptunes can also form with cold Jupiters 7) Habitable planets have mass less than 10 earths 8) Statistical analyses are essential 16/16

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