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Heä Thoáng Phaân Côõ

Heä Thoáng Phaân Côõ. 1. Khaùch Haøng Tieàm Naêng 2. Ñoøi Hoûi Cuûa Thò Tröôøng 3. Nhöõng Chöùc Naêng Môùi 4. Ñoái Thuû 5. Thoâng Soá Kyõ Thuaät. Toác ñoä cao: 600 ppm/ 2 haøng Chính xaùc cao:± 0,5 - 1g. 1. Khaùch Haøng Tieàm Naêng. Khaùch haøng Nhaät mua toâm theo kích côõ ñoàng nhaát.

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Heä Thoáng Phaân Côõ

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  1. Heä Thoáng Phaân Côõ 1. Khaùch Haøng Tieàm Naêng 2. Ñoøi Hoûi Cuûa Thò Tröôøng 3. Nhöõng Chöùc Naêng Môùi 4. Ñoái Thuû 5. Thoâng Soá Kyõ Thuaät Toác ñoä cao: 600 ppm/ 2 haøng Chính xaùc cao:± 0,5 - 1g

  2. 1. Khaùch Haøng Tieàm Naêng Khaùch haøng Nhaät mua toâm theo kích côõ ñoàng nhaát

  3. 2. Ñoøi Hoûi Cuûa Thò Tröôøng Khaùch haøng Nhaät mong muoán: - An toaøn veä sinh (HACCP) + Phaân côõ phuø hôïp + Giaù caïnh tranh Nhaø saûn xuaát toâm yeâu caàu: - Thieát bò phaân côõ naêng xuaát vaø chính xaùc 1. Toác ñoä cao ñeå taêng naêng xuaát 2. Phaân côõ chính xaùc ñeå ñaùp öùng yeâu caàu cuûa ngöôøi aên toâm vaø tieát kieäm nguyeân lieäu 3. HACCP: Deã veä sinh, keát caáu khoâng baùm buïi nöôùc, theùp khoâng ræ, tieâu chuaån chòu nöôùc IP66, v.v.

  4. 2. Ñoøi Hoûi Cuûa Thò Tröôøng 3. HACCP Thaùo laép baêng taûi baèng moät ñoäng taùc Chòu nöôùc theo IP66 ・Röûa ñöôïc baèng phun nöôùc ・ Deã thaùo rôøi chi tieát caàn röûa ・ Toaøn boä baèng theùp khoâng ræ Ñoäng cô theùp khoâng ræ gaén tröïc tieáp Keát caáu khung thoâng thoaùng Thuøng höùng deã thaùo rôøi

  5. 2. Ñoøi Hoûi Cuûa Thò Tröôøng Caân oån ñònh Heä thoáng naïp vôùi keát caáu thaúng vaø voøng quay ñoàng nhaát (ñaõ ñaêng kyù baûn quyeàn) Heä thoáng naïp kieåu naøy naâng cao naêng xuaát vaø giaûm sai leäch trong saûn xuaát. Vieäc ñoàng nhaát giöõa boä phaän naïp vaø boä phaän caân daãn tôùi toâm chuyeån ñoäng ñeàu treân daây chuyeàn. 15 m/min 15 m/min 90 m/min 90 m/min Baêng taûi naïp vaøo caân

  6. 5. Thoâng soá kyõ thuaät

  7. 5. Specifications of Grading System KW9265DW2A+KW4127HW KW9265DW2A+KW4127SW

  8. Rejection Limit Auto-setting Function Target average wt 90g 110g 130g Rank limit Rank limit 80g 80g 100g 100g 120g 120g 140g 140g Requires limit shift to + side Function: Since the average value of each rank shifts due to the change in the distribution of the population (parent set), the limit changes automatically to match the distribution. Effect: By fixing the average value for each rank, approaches fixed weight package count 1. When the average of the parent set is lighter than the required rank, the average value for each rank becomes lighter. Average mass of all Distribution 1 Average for each rank when limit not shifted Time Dist 1 127g Dist 2 Mass Distribution changes based on elapsed time Zone in which limit can be changed 2. When the average of the parent set is heavier than the required rank, the average value for each rank becomes heavier. Distribution 2 113g Mass Requires limit shift to – side

  9. Fixed Weight Package Function B A B A 190g 189 g 210g Function: Allocates weighed product to hoppers to approach fixed weight Effect: Prevents addition release of surplus single pieces to hoppers to improve yield of 1/2 of individual product mass Conditions: Fixed weight: 2 kg (permissible exceeded weight 200 g) with 10 products ・Average single weight (X): 200 g ・Time up: 5 minutes Hopper Same rank Time up: When 5 minutes exceeded, expands permissible exceeded weight and stops Cumulative mass ① Allocate to hopper A until approached fixed weight of 2 kg 4 minutes 2 kg 201 g Remainder 200 g ② Allocate to hopper B because weighed product not 200 g ③ ③ Allocate to hopper A because product of 200 ~ 220 g arrived Finish ① 2 kg Hopper A reached 2 kg so start accumulation in hopper B ④ Elapsed time ② ④

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