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Explore how Levitt and Dubner use rhetorical appeals in "Freakonomics" to convince their audience. Engage in movie analysis activities and writing tasks to strengthen your understanding. Don't miss out on tutoring opportunities for further support.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DO NOW

  2. AGENDA • Announcements • Freakonomics Introduction Activity • “Freakonomics” • “Pure Corruption” • “It’s Not Always a Wonderful Life” • Exit Ticket

  3. ANNOUNCEMENTS • Tutoring on Tuesdays

  4. HW Rhetorical Analysis HW 2

  5. OBJECTIVE Write a CELEL paragraph that: • Identifies the use of a Rhetorical Appeal in “Freakonomics” • Analyzes the effectiveness of the appeal for convincing the audience of Levitt and Dubner’s argument

  6. Freakonomics: Introduction • DIRECTIONS: • Read Introduction together as a class • Think/Pair/Share the questions as we come to them

  7. TODAY’s SECTION:“Pure Corruption” & “It’s Not Always a Wonderful Life” DIRECTIONS: • Watch the movie • Answer the movie questions • Analyze for Ethos, Pathos, and Logos after each section.

  8. Post-Movie Directions (Exit Ticket) Choose one of the sections today and write a CELEL paragraph that answers the following question: • “How do Levitt and Dubner use a rhetorical appeal to convince their audience and why is it effective?”


  10. HW Rhetorical Analysis HW 2

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