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Particle Physics Quiz

Particle Physics Quiz. Masterclasses 2008 D. Barney, K. Cecire, S. Schuh, P. Steinbach. Rules of the Game. 10 multiple-choice questions + 1 “tie-breaker” ~30 seconds per question Work in groups of 2 Answer sheets 2 sections fill in both hand bottom part to your instructor

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Particle Physics Quiz

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  1. Particle Physics Quiz Masterclasses 2008 D. Barney, K. Cecire, S. Schuh, P. Steinbach

  2. Rules of the Game • 10 multiple-choice questions + 1 “tie-breaker” • ~30 seconds per question • Work in groups of 2 • Answer sheets • 2 sections • fill in both • hand bottom part to your instructor • Winning teams in each institute will receive a prize from CERN • Overall winning team of the day will receive an additional prize from CERN • But the main aim is to have fun!

  3. Question 1 Our detector shows a signal only in the hadronic calorimeter (no signal in the tracker, electromagnetic calorimeter or muon chambers). Therefore, this signal is most likelyNáš detektor ukazuje signál len v hadrónovom kalorimetri (žiaden signál v dráhovom detektore, elektromagn. kalorimetri, ani v miónových detektoroch). Preto tento signál s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou pochádza od • a NEUTRON • a PION • an ELECTRON • a PHOTON

  4. Question 2 ATLAS and CMS will together produce 400MB of data every second. If written to CD how high a stack would this be in one year?ATLAS a CMS spolu vyprodukujú 400MB dát za sekundu. Ak by sa zapisovali na CD a CD ukladali na seba, akú vysokú vežu by ste vytvorili za 1 rok ? • Stratosphere, 20 000m • Mt. Everest, 8 850m • Sears Tower, 527m • Eiffel Tower, 276m

  5. Question 3 How do we see “quarks” in a detector?Ako vidíme “kvarky” v detektore ? • Not at all • By their characteristic spiral trajectory • Via “jets” of hadrons they generate • As two individual straight tracks in opposite directions Vôbec ich nevidíme Podľa ich charakteristickej špirálovitej trajektórie Cez “jety” hadrónov, ktoré kvarky generujú Ako dve individuálne priame dráhy v opačných smeroch

  6. Question 4 The CMS detector has the weight of how many Eiffel Towers?Koľkokrát je CMSdetektor ťažší ako Eiffelova veža? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 5

  7. Question 5 The particles carrying the strong force are theČastice, ktoré sú nosičmi (mediátormi) silnej interakcie, sa nazývajú • Photons • Gluons • Z- or W-bosons • None of these Fotóny Gluóny Z alebo W bozóny Nejako inak

  8. Question 6 Approximately how many times do the protons in the LHC fly around the accelerator ring in 1 second?Približne koľkokrát preletia protóny v LHC okolo kruhu urýchľovača za 1 sekundu ? • 1 • 100 • 10 000 • 1 000 000

  9. Question 7 Superconducting magnets bend the protons around the LHC ring. What do you think is the temperature of these magnets?Supravodivé magnety stáčajú dráhu protónov okolo prstenca LHC. Aká je podľa vás teplota týchto magnetov ? • Room temperature, 300K • Colder than outer space, 1.9K • Temperature of outer space, 2.7K • 163.2K Izbová teplota, 300K Chladnejšia než teplota vesmíru, 1.9K Teplota vesmíru, 2.7K 163.2K

  10. Question 8 If you would take the energy of all the protons in the LHC beam and put their energy into the speed of Mike’s Subaru, guess what it would it be?Keby ste zobrali energiu všetkých protónov vo zväzku na LHC a použili ju na urýchlenie Mike-ovho Subaru, akú rýchlosť by ste dosiahli ? • 250 km/h • 1000 km/h • 1700 km/h • 10000 km/h

  11. Question 9 • Space plane • We make huge amounts of anti-matter (few grams) • Secret lab • None of the above Which of the items below featured in Dan Brown’s book (Angels&Demons) is true?Ktorý z uvedených bodov spomínaných v knihe Dana Browna (Angels&Demons) je pravdivý ? Vesmírne lietadlo Vyrábame obrovské množstvá antihmoty (pár gramov) Tajné laboratórium Žiaden z nich

  12. Question 10 How much of our universe is made of matter or energy, which we do not know about?Aká časť nášho vesmíru je tvorená hmotou alebo energiou, ktorú nepoznáme ? • 0.001% • 10% • 45% • 96%

  13. Tiebreaker Question 1Identify the 4 tracks coming from a heavy Higgs Boson in the following event. 1 point for every right track!Nájdite 4 dráhy rozpadových produktov ťažkého Higgsovho bozónu v zrážke na obrázku.1 bod za každú správne nájdenú dráhu!

  14. Tiebreaker Question 2How many registered scientists and engineers were using CERN in 2007? Koľko bolo v CERNe registrovaných vedcov a inžinierov v roku 2007?

  15. Quiz Answers

  16. Question 1 Our detector shows a signal only in the hadronic calorimeter (no signal in the tracker, electromagnetic calorimeter or muon chambers). Therefore, this signal is most likely • a NEUTRON • a PION • an ELECTRON • a PHOTON

  17. Question 2 ATLAS and CMS will together produce 400MB of data every second. If written to CD how high a stack would this be in one year? • Stratosphere, 20 000m • Mt. Everest, 8 850m • Sears Tower, 527m • Eiffel Tower, 276m

  18. Question 3 How do we see “quarks” in a detector? • Not at all • By their characteristic spiral trajectory • Via “jets” of hadrons they generate • As two individual straight tracks in opposite directions

  19. Question 4 The CMS detector has the weight of how many Eiffel Towers? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 5

  20. Question 5 The particles carrying the strong force are the • Photons • Gluons • Z- or W-bosons • None of these

  21. Question 6 Approximately how many times do the protons in the LHC fly around the accelerator ring in 1 second? • 1 • 100 • 10 000 • 1 000 000

  22. Question 7 Superconducting magnets bend the protons around the LHC ring. What do you think is the temperature of these magnets? • Room temperature, 300K • Colder than outer space, 1.9K • Temperature of outer space, 2.7K • 163.2K

  23. Question 8 If you would take the energy of all the protons in the LHC beam and put their energy into the speed of Mike’s Subaru, guess what it would it be? • 250 km/h • 1000 km/h • 1700 km/h • 10000 km/h

  24. Question 9 • Space plane • We make huge amounts of anti-matter (few grams) • Secret lab • None of the above Which of the items below featured in Dan Brown’s book (Angels&Demons) is true?

  25. Question 10 How much of our universe is made of matter or energy, which we do not know about? • 0.001% • 10% • 45% • 96%

  26. Tiebreaker Question 1Identify the 4 tracks coming from a heavy Higgs Boson in the following event. 1 point for every right track!

  27. Tiebreaker Question 2How many registered scientists and engineers were using CERN in 2007? 9133

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