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WORD WEALTH 1.8. impute. Attribute Ascribe(to another) The president is imputed more good characteristics by the people than he may possess. r enounce. To give up Cast off Deny a claim I renounce all of the bad implications. reprimand. To rebuke formally or severely

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WORD WEALTH 1.8

  2. impute • Attribute • Ascribe(to another) The president is imputed more good characteristics by the people than he may possess.

  3. renounce • To give up • Cast off • Deny a claim I renounce all of the bad implications.

  4. reprimand • To rebuke formally or severely He was reprimanded for his bad behavior in class.

  5. requite • To repay • Reward We were offered requital to anyone with any information on the crime.

  6. segregate • Separate • Set apart Schools were segregated before the Supreme Court ruled against it in 1954.

  7. subjugate • Bring under control • Subdue The fugitive was subjugated by the police.

  8. surmount • Rise above • Overcome Many people surmount disabilities by working hard when they are young.

  9. tabulate • Organize in tables and columns We need to tabulate our data for each class.

  10. traverse • Move across • Pass over Explorers traverse the world looking for new frontiers.

  11. vilify • Speak evil of • Defame You should not vilify your friends at any cost.

  12. intricate • Complicated • Complex Spider webs can be very intricate.

  13. martial • Warlike • Military Martial law may be passed in a state of emergency.

  14. negligible • Trifling • Unimportant Her issues with her hair are negligible.

  15. obstinate • Stubborn • Not easily subdued The class is being very obstinate about the new rule banning cell phones in class.

  16. precarious • Insecure • Uncertain Having a bad hair day may cause someone to be precarious.

  17. redundant • Repetitious It is very bad to be redundant when writing persuasively.

  18. requisite • Necessary • Indispensable Water is a requisite to live.

  19. servile • Yielding • Submissive Most pets are very servile to their owners.

  20. sundry • Various • Assorted • Diverse A prism shows a sundry of lights and colors.

  21. valiant • Brave • Courageous The running back gave a valiant effort, but still fell short of the goal line.

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