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Science , Technology, Innovation and Culture for Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Presented by Dr. Precious Kalamba Gbeneol B. Med. Sci. (Pharmacology), MBBS, MPH, FWACP, FMCFM, Senior Special Assistant to the President on the MDGs
Science, Technology, Innovation and Culture for Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Presented by Dr. Precious Kalamba Gbeneol B. Med. Sci. (Pharmacology), MBBS, MPH, FWACP, FMCFM, Senior Special Assistant to the President on the MDGs At the 2013 Annual Ministerial Review of the Economic and Social Council . July, 2013.
Outline • Where are we on the MDGs? • What are the innovations driving MDGs progress in Nigeria ? • How have we harnessed the potential of science, technology innovation and culture for socio-economic transformation? • How have we mainstreamed sustainable development into national development strategies? • What are the emerging national challenges that need priority attention from governments and other key stakeholders?
MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development Debt service as a percentage export of goods and services (2000 – 2011) Telephone Lines (%) Internet Users (%)
What are the key drivers? Improved policy environment Improved economic performance Better collaboration among actors Adapting Science Technology and Innovation (STI) to improve MDGs interventions The disbursement of the DRGs continues to play a critical role. Key Drivers and Bottlenecks What are the key bottlenecks? • Unequal leadership commitment. • Weak involvement of beneficiaries. • Cultural and behavioural challenges • Climate change • Emerging security challenges
The implementation of the DRGs as additional funding to the traditional annual budget highlights Nigeria’s commitment to the MDGs framework with demonstrable impact at the grassroots. Debt Relief Gains Implementation (DRGs): Total Dollar Appropriation Across Time
MDGs/DRGs Capital Supplementation Appropriations Across 2006-2012: Line Chart
MDGs/DRGs Appropriations to MDAsAcross 2006-2012: Line Chart
In addition to the impact generated from the CCT scheme, some examples from the CGS are revealing: More than 2,844 primary health care facilities were rehabilitated or constructed 6,673 health workers trained More than 74,000 primary school teachers recruited Over 2.4 million insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) provided 3,524 small town boreholes with solar-powered pumps 6,031 boreholes with hand pumps 393 small town water supply schemes constructed 3,709 VIP toilets constructed 7,673 people trained on vocational skills. Implementation of the Debt Relief Gains: Conditional Grants Scheme • In 2011, around 26% of the population benefitted from the CGS. • About 28.4 million people are benefiting from the investment in primary care through the CGS. • Interventions in water and sanitation also benefits about 8.85 million people. • At least 213,437 benefitted from the skills acquisition programmes. • There is still room for substantial improvement in coverage, usage, access by the target groups and quality of facilities.
Planning and Targeting of Investment The CGS targets those with the greatest need. We deployed Science, Technology and Innovation to conduct the following in order to reach the most disadvantaged in society: • Poverty Mapping • Baseline Facility Inventory • Needs Assessment • Findings of Needs Assessment reveal that $78 per capita per yearis needed to attain the MDGs by 2015 inEducation, Health, Agriculture and Water & Sanitation sectors.
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) through e-registration and e-payment Structure 24 States – N10Bn (50% counterpart contribution from States) will go to extreme poor households with children 0-15 years & pregnant women. • 56,500households receive N5,000 per month for 12 months. They undergo agro-business training during the program and receive N100,000 at exit to aid in enterprise start-up. • Science, Technology and Innovation deployed through e-payment and e-registration Criteria for Selection Human Capacity Development Index broken down to state level, Needs Assessment, Baseline Facility Inventory and Poverty Mapping were used • Five poorest LGAs, five poorest wards in the LGAs with the selections of the poorest households within the wards. • Sim cards and mobile phones bought for all beneficiaries
OSSAP – MDGs in collaboration with UNDP, with support from the Democratic Governance Thematic Trust Fund (DGTTF), is implementing a project titled enhancing citizen engagement in accelerating attainment of the MDGs in Nigeria. It aims to strengthen and develop tools and mechanisms that would ensure communities’ voice is part of decision making Feedback is submitted from beneficiary communities on the performance of MDGs interventions across the country through SMS, Email, or a Web Form into a central database at www.mdgs.gov.ng/community Enhancing Citizen Engagement in Accelerating the Attainment of the MDGs in Nigeria
Other policy and institutional innovations driving progress on the Internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADGs) • Nigeria strengthened coordination through the Joint Planning Board, the National Economic Council and the National Economic Management Team • Establishment of an Excess Crude Oil Account (now replaced by the Sovereign Wealth Fund) and promulgating the Fiscal Responsibility Legislation to ensure transparency • Revamping the 23 Industrial Development Centres (IDCs) • Establishment of the National SMEs Credit Guarantee Scheme to facilitate easier access of SMEs to credit • Implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme to make funds available for interventions in primary and early secondary school education • Free Basic Health programmes especially for Children less than 5 years and pregnant women by State Governments, OSSAP-MDGs and other partners • Liberalization of the telecommunication sector, etc.
Science Technology and Innovation for socio-economic transformation • Nigeria had its first National Science and Technology (S&T) Policy in 1986 while the current policy commenced in 2012. • The institutional framework for planning and managing Science, Technology and Innovation in Nigeria is coordinated by The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (FMST). • The establishment of the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) in November 2001 has contributed to socio-economic transformation in a number of ways. • The National Agency for Science & Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) has aided socioeconomic transformation.
Maximizing the Benefits of Culture and the Creative Sector In June 1999, Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism established: • The Ministry built 12 Cultural Industrial Centres in the six geo-political zones. The centres provide physical infrastructure to enable cultural activities thrive and serve as a one-stop shop for cultural goods and services. • The country has a movie industry worth $500 million, creating some 200 videos for the home video market every month. The products from Nollywood have become a major source of export to various parts of the world. • Government recently began disbursing grants to movie-makers to boost investment in Nollywood
Threat of Flooding in Nigeria Nigeria witnessed an unprecedented flood that affected several states of the Federation in 2012. • The flood seriously affected 14 states in terms of its intensity and impact. • In these 14 states, 395,631 households in 116 out of 291 LGAs were severely affected.
Immediate evacuation of the affected population away from the flooded areas. Relocation of the affected population in temporary shelters/accommodation including relocation of pupils to other schools. Development of a consolidated Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) register Provision of food and non-food items, medical and other humanitarian assistance. Repair of roads to link cut-off towns/settlements. Interventions to Tackle the Threat of Flooding in Nigeria 6. The Federal Government in collaboration with development partners carried out the national 2012 Flood Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA). 7. The Federal Ministry of Environment with support from development partners like the UNDP developed the flood early warning system and tools to forecast occurrence of flood five days in advance in about 600 communities. 8. The National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) in collaboration with UNDP has developed the draft Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction as well as identification and monitoring of risks.
Tackling Environmental Challenges in Nigeria Specific policies and action plans to address environmental challenges that have been put in place include: • National Policy on Drought and Desertification; • Drought Preparedness Plan; • National Policy on Erosion, Flood Control and Coastal Zone Management; • National Environmental Sanitation Policy and Action Plan; • National Policy Guidelines on Solid Waste Management, Market and Abattoir Sanitation, Excreta and Sewage Management, Sanitary Inspection Premises and Pests and Vector Control; • National Forest Policy; • National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan; • National Healthcare Waste Management Policy/Action Plan and Guidelines.
Conclusion • The Federal Republic of Nigeria is committed to the realization of the MDGs and other Internationally Agreed Development Goals. • Nigeria’s Vision 20:2020 aims at optimizing the country’s human and natural resources to achieve rapid, sustained economic growth, translating such growth into inclusive, equitable and sustainable development for Nigerians. • Going forward, Government is committed to an STI-based development framework which delivers the needed critical socio-economic transformation to all without leaving anyone behind.