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Transformation Profiles. From Here to There: What Building Healthy Community means for residents in East Oakland?. What We Are Covering. Where we want to be Where we are Informing Strategies. Where We Want to Be. Vision 10 Outcomes Outcome to Workgroup Cross-Walk. VISION.
Transformation Profiles From Here to There: What Building Healthy Community means for residents in East Oakland?
What We Are Covering • Where we want to be • Where we are • Informing Strategies
Where We Want to Be • Vision • 10 Outcomes • Outcome to Workgroup Cross-Walk
VISION A thriving East Oakland community: stable, joyful, with a sense of hope, abundance and possibility – living, learning and working in productive relationships with societal institutions.
All Children Have Health Coverage Families Have Improved Access to a Health Home That Supports healthy Behaviors Health + Family-focused Human Services Shift Resources Toward Prevention Resident Live in Communities w/ Health-Promoting Land-Use, Transportation + Community Development Children + Their Families are Safe from Violence in the Homes + Neighborhoods Communities Support Healthy Youth Development Neighborhood + School Environments Support Improved Heath + Healthy Behaviors Community Health Improvement are Linked to Economic Development Health Gaps for Boys + Young Men of Color are Narrowed California has a Shared Vision of Community Health TCE 10 OUTCOMES
Outcome to Workgroup Cross-Walk • Workgroups assigned to outcomes. • Allows cross pollination of solutions across policy area. • Refer to your handout.
Where We Are • Community Information Book • Case Studies • Demographically Representative • Demonstrative of East Oakland Data • Reflective of 10 Outcomes • Primary Focus Aligns with Workgroup • Secondary Issues from other Workgroups • Issue Identification • Systems Involved • Alignment with Workgroup Preliminary Priorities
Community Information: East Oakland • Residents: 426,000/91,000 in East Oakland (2009) • Ethnicity: 36% African-American/53% Latino/4% Asian/3% White • Age: 45% under 25 years of age (2000) • Crime Ratio: 22% of Population with 47% Crime • Poverty: 24% live below poverty level (2009) • Unemployment: Rates +50% in some areas, 27% overall (2008) • High School: 50% Dropout/44% adults without diploma (2000) • Safety: Homicide Leading Causes of Death,15-34 Year Olds • Households:Household size grew from ‘90 to ’00 • Housing: 38th highest foreclosure rate in the US Refer toE. Oakland Community Information Book
Community Information: East Oakland Housing Transit Food Choice Retail/Jobs Safety/ Re-entry City diverse but, still segregated by race + ethnicity 70% of Oakland housing stock has 2 or fewer bedrooms Substandard conditions concentrated in E. Oakland As rents grew, so did the gap b/w housing cost + income Overcrowding grew significantly from 1990 - 2000 E. Oakland underserved by full-service grocery stores Asian + Latino communities havehigh density of small food outlets w/ inexpensive meat + fresh produce 1 supermarket for every 93,126 living in flats compared to 1 supermarket for every 13, 778 living in hills - only 2 supermarkets in the entire EOBHC area Oakland is one of the most under-retailed large cities in the country $338 million in “retail leakage” in E. Oakland Job growth of about 40,000 jobs or 24% projected thru 2020 for the SL/ Oakland/ Berk Corridor Zoning + General Plan being updated by the city now: implications on retail + housing Plans underway to revitalize transit corridors in E. Oakland as mixed-use urban areas Violent crime rate falling, but homicide death rate still 3x’s the county rate Homicide leading cause of death from young people 15-24 in Oakland 60% of parolees + 50% of adult/juvenile probationers in the county live in Oakland 92% recidivism back to state prison
Case Studies • Jamal - 21 year old Black, emancipated, unmarried father with limited literacy on probation, marginally housed, no diploma/GED suspended license and uninsured. Raised by elderly grandmother with cancer in public housing receiving TANF/SSI. Mother on drugs, HIV infected, in longtime abusive relationship. Father unknown. • The Ortiz Family – Married mother and father, undocumented from Mexico, limited English proficiency; 3 US born children, 2 in OUSD, 1 incarcerated, drop-out. Day-laborers, living in one-bedroom apartment, without valid license or healthcare. • Tiffany - 18 year old, African-American teen mother with 2 children under 5 years old suffering from asthma and ADHD. Former sexually exploited minor (SEM) with mental health needs. Completed GED. On section 8. Relies on public transit. • The Nyugen’s– Married mother and father, refugees from Vietnam, limited English proficiency, on TANF; four US born children in OUSD.
JAMAL Facts Jamal, a21 year-old unmarried African-American father of three, is trying to turn his life around. After violent fights between his crack-addicted mom + her on again-off again boyfriend, Jamal was placed in out of home care with his elderly grandmother who lives in public housing and is battling lung cancer after years of smoking. Struggling academically, Jamal dropped out in the 9th grade, barely able to read. To survive, he turned to a life of dealing drugs. He was arrested + detained several times as a minor. When he turned 18 he lost all public benefits, including Medi-cal, + was soon arrested for illegal weapons possession. After coming home from jail, he found his drug convictions prevented him from living with his grandmother, + his mother’s death after a long battle with HIV left him with no family, he has never known his father. As a probationer with limited literacy, no high school diploma, + a suspended driver’s license, Jamal is trying to stay out of trouble and get a job. He struggles to find steady employment so he can secure permanent housing for him and his kids. • Data • E. Oakland is 36% African-American • E. Oaklandhas nearly 3x’s the rate of confirmed CPS cases than county + 75% of children in care are Black • Youth are 2% of County yet 21% of Foster Care • Oakland has 650-750 DV reports monthly but only 125 to 150 arrests • Among seniors in E. Oakland cancer is 2nd leading cause of death • Black 7th graders read below levels of White 3rd graders in OUSD • Homelessness and loss of medical coverage are primary problems for emancipating youth • AIDS is 2nd leading cause of death in E. Oakland among residents ages x to y • Nationally, 50% of Black males don’t finish high school, and of these 72% were jobless in their 20s, and by their mid-thirties, 60% of them have spent time in prison
Ortiz Family Facts Jesus + Maria Ortiz, came to the US without status seeking opportunity. They have three US born children, Juan (18), Liz (17), and Miguel (15). Every morning Jesus assembles with other men seeking work as day-laborers off High Street. Maria works as a nanny in Montclair. Neither have health insurance and Jesus has diabetes. Jesus + Maria speak limited English, relying on their children. Liz + Miguel attend Castlemont -- she is college bound while he struggles to find his way. Juan dropped out at 15 after joining a gang -- after three convictions as a minor, Juan was tried as an adult at 17 and sentenced to 10 year in State Prison for 2nd degree murder. The family lives in a residential motel + has a small beat up car to get around, but neither parent has a valid drivers license and the car is uninsured. For fear of being arrested and/or deported, the family primarily relies on public transit. The Ortiz’s are saving money for an apartment + Liz is considering working to help her family instead of going to college. • Data • E. Oakland is 53% Latino • There are 88,000 undocumented immigrants in Alameda County • Many E. Oakland Latino families are of mixed immigration status • 50% of Alameda County’s 90,000 uninsured residents are immigrants • Latinos in US are twice as likely to die from diabetes as whites • Day laborers earn $259 per week on average or $13,000 annually • Latino 7th graders read below levels of White 3rd graders in OUSD • More than 2/5 Latinos 25+ yrs old don’t have high school diploma • 23% of Castlemont students are known to probation
Tiffany Facts Tiffany, an 18 year old teen mother of two children under 5 years old, is a survivor of sexual + child abuse. As a former sexually exploited minor (SEM), Tiffany has mental health needs that are not covered by Medi-Cal. Even though she got her high school diploma she is frustrated by the constant rejection in trying to find a job. She was fired from her last job, part-time at $8 an hour, when her son was hospitalized for his asthma. Thankfully the bulk of her housing costs are covered by Section 8, but each month she is tempted to return to the streets to cover her $50 share. Because her children qualify, Tiffany receives WIC and she receives a food allotment from TANF, but she never really learned how to cook so she feeds the kids TV dinners at least five times a week and frozen nuggets the other two. Family support is non-existent. Tiffany aged out of the foster care system + she doesn’t get any help from the fathers of her children. She is trying to get on her feet to provide her kids a better life. • Data • E. Oakland is 51% Black • E. Oakland’s teen birth rate is 3x’s the county average, and risk of 2nd birth within year is extremely high • 90% of SEM are survivors of childhood sexual molestation • 33% of E. Oakland residents are on some form of public assistance, more than 3x’s county average • 71% of E. Oakland ’s CalWORKs participants are Black • Nearly 40% of all Oakland families female-headed households, growing # of households headed by single dads • Among Blacks, respiratory disorders is the #1 cause of hospitalization, the rate of Asthma hospitalizations is 67% higher than County average • Fast food, including soda, consumption is the leading cause of childhood obesity
Nguyens Facts Bao + Dung Nguyen are refugees from Vietnam raising their four young children in EO. The Nguyens have limited English proficiency + they live in a dilapidated building, but it is the best they can afford. Bao works under the table for a construction company + Dung works in a family-owned nail shop. They do not have medical insurance. To supplement, the family receives some public assistance which entitles the children to Medi-Cal. The Nguyens are concerned because their children are frequently bulled + picked on the by other kids at their school and in their neighborhood because of their speech, the condition of their housing and the condition of their teeth. The teasing bothered their oldest daughter Phuong so much that she missed 103 days of the 4th grade. The Nguyens are hoping to move into a better home and a new school. • Data • E. Oakland is only 4% Asian, but a fast growing part of the community • 56% of E. Oakland residents are renters • Alameda County has an estimated 120,000 uninsured Latinos and APIs • 33% of E. Oakland residents are on some form of public assistance, including Medi-Cal • About 55% of E. Oakland’s Medi-Cal only participants are Asian/Pacific Islander • Dental disease - not asthma or obesity - is the #1 health issue for children in the county. Proven link between oral health problems and the negative effect on overall well-being • School attendance is the greatest predictor of academic performance • 43% of East Oakland residents ages 25 and over did not have a high school diploma
ISSUE IDENTIFICATION Health Education Built Enviro Leadership Medical Care Health Challenges Real Health Needs Information Access School Location + populations Student Achievement Parent/ Family Engagement + Involvement School Services + Offerings Green Space Water, Soil, Air Health Street Access + Use Public Transit Industries Building Development Businesses – Development + Types Accessibility Awareness Skills Building Agenda Building Decision-making Processes
SYSTEMS INVOLVED Health Education Built Enviro Leadership Public Safety US Dept of Health & Human Services Centers for Disease Control (CDC) CA Dept of Public Health Alameda County Health Dept Alameda County Social Services * Foster Care * Welfare US. Dept of Education CA Dept of Education UC + Cal State Systems Peralta Community College Alameda County Dept of Education OUSD US Dept of Trans-portation US Dept of Labor Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) BART Board AC Transit Board Oakland Redevelop-ment Agency Planning Commission National, State, Local Elections Federal Government * Rep. Barbara Lee State Government * Assemblyman Sandre Swanson Alameda County Board of Sups Mayor + City Council Boards & Commission Neighborhood Associations Courts District Attorney Public Defender Police Sheriff CHP Federal Prisons/ Parole State Prisons /Parole County Jails/ Probation Oakland Dept of Human Services Neighborhood Groups
ALIGNMENT OF PRELIMINARY PRIORITIES Health Education Built Enviro Leadership Food Quality, Access, Consumption, Marketing, Advertising + Messaging Access to “Health Homes” Holistic Approach for Mental Health Safety + Violence Prevention Co-Located Services School Provision Early Childhood Services + Parent Support Community-Building, Safety and Gang Prevention Integrated Services to Support Whole Families Contextual + Cultural Competence Quality Services Financial Stability + Empowerment Air quality, water and soil health Building development, green space and land use Housing Industries and employment Public transportation, street access and transit use Resident need accessibility * Fuel * Food * Banking Political Advocacy * Voting * Policy Change • * Civic Engage • Family + Youth Empowerment • Skills + Resource Development • * Youth + Adults
Informing Strategies • Distinguishing Efforts • Services vs. Policy/Systems Change • Understanding Change • Using Case Studies to Understand How Families, Community + Organizations Move Systems + Policy Change
UNDERSTANDING CHANGE Change Strategies 4 Sector Areas Family Community Org. System Policy Human Services JAMAL Health Education Built Environment