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Remail.io is a follow-up automation service for email outreach

https://remail.io/, Remail.io is a follow-up automation service for email outreach, short description, cold email tips<br>

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Remail.io is a follow-up automation service for email outreach

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  1. Remail.ioisafollow-upautomationserviceforemailoutreach THE ULTIMATECOLD EMAILCHECKLIST Allthethingsyouneedtoknowbefore you start sending your coldemail RemailInc.

  2. 1 of5 Remail.ioisafollow-upautomationserviceforemailoutreach + NEVER USE YOUR OWNDOMAIN Youcandothingswrongandtheriskto screwupyourprefessionaldomainistoo big. NEVER USE A FREE EMAILACCOUNT Free Gmail accounts (@gmail.com) are blockedquicklyafteranymistake,withno chance to re-openthem. CALCULATE YOUR EMAIL WITHIN G SUITELIMITS Sending follow-ups will increaseyour volume quickly, so do plan that in advance. MAKE SURE SPF AND DKIM ARE SET FOR YOURDOMAIN You’llgostraighttothejunkfolderifyou don’t. SPF with G Suite DKIMwith G Suite WithprofessionalaccountslikeGSuite, youhaveaccesstobusinesssupportin caseyouraccountisblocked. Bydefault,allGSuiteaccountsarelimited to500emailsperdayuntilyoureach$5in billing. YoucoulduseGSuitewithanewdomain. Whengettinganewdomain,youcouldbe put into a spamlist (fresh) automatically. It’s only to mention higher risk of spam and it lasts about 1 month before being automatically delisted. You can use less knownextensionsthan.comtoavoidthat asnotallextensionsaremonitored. Pre-pay$5tounlock2,000/daytoavoid bouncesfromGmailwhenyourvolume will increase withfollow-up. RemailInc.

  3. 2 of5 Remail.ioisafollow-upautomationserviceforemailoutreach CHECK YOUR DELIVERABILITY Use services like mail-tester.com to check your deliverabilityscore.Thenlookhowitcouldbeimproved by using all theirrecommendations. MAKE SURE YOU CAN REACH THE EMAILS FROM YOURLIST It’s of utter importance to make sure the emails you deliverwon’tbounce.Gmailandotheremailproviderwill block your account quickly. Bounce = spammer. So makesureyouhavetherightemails. AVOIDSIMILAR CONTENT Similar content gets flagged as spam. Use custom attributestomakesureeachemailisuniqueaswellas afewemailvariations(likeA/Btesting,notfortesting buttoensureenoughvariationsinwhatyousend). Neverbuylists,andmakesureyoualwaysuseservices likeBriteVerifyorKickboxtoclearyourlistfirst. RemailInc.

  4. 3 of5 Remail.ioisafollow-upautomationserviceforemailoutreach DELAY MESSAGE SENDING Bydefaultremail.iospacesemailsby30seconds(you canincreasethisnumber).Thehigherthenumber,the lesschancesofbeingflaggedasspam. DON’T ADDIMAGES ON FIRSTEMAIL Don’taddimagesinyourfirsttouchemailifyoucan. Usuallythetextofthefirstemailisshort.Addingan imagehasabadtext-to-imageratioandspamfilters don’t likethat. NO MORE THAN 1LINKPER EMAIL. DON’T MASKLINKS Ifyoutracklinks,makesuretheyarenotcomingfroma shorteningservice(e.gBit.ly).Suchlinksarelikelytobe added to spam lists already. Spammers use that as obfuscationtechniques. Use description instead of URL. E.g. if your link is Use descriptioninsteadofURL.E.g.ifwww.mydomain.com, use “My Domain”. Don’t put in the text “www.mydomain.com” asthe tracking link that will point to another address. Some services will think it’s a phishing attack. Either write the URL without making a clickable link or disableclick tracking. Trackingpixels(todetermineopenrate)areimages.So to increase delivrability, you would need to disable tracking of openrate. When follow-ups will kick in, there will be enough text nottoturntheratiocompletelyoff,soyoudisableopen trackingtojustthefirsttouchemail.Youcanstillhave anideaofyouropenratewithyourfollow-upsemails. RemailInc.

  5. 4 of5 Remail.ioisafollow-upautomationserviceforemailoutreach 50LIMIT DON’T CONTACT MORE THAN 50PEOPLE/DAY Ifyoudoitright,you’llbehavingaround20%replyrate. AVOID UNUSUAL BURST OFEMAILS It’swaybettertosendeachday50emails,thansending 250emailsonedayaweek. ONLY SEND TOINDIVIDUALS Send to individual addresses, not groups such as marketing@,info@,sales@…ifyoudo,you’llrunmore chancesofgettingflaggedasspammer. NoneedtousethemaxlimitofGmail: Spamfilterspayattentiontouncommonactivity.Soto flyundertheradar,haveacontinuousamountofemails sent daily rather than a one time event that will be caught. –It’shardtofind2000validemailsthatwon’tbounce eachday –Youdon’thavethebandwidthtoseriouslyengagewith 400 repliesanyway Don’tgoforquantity,you’llbepunishedinmanyways. Trytonail itdownwithalowvolumefirst. RemailInc.

  6. 5 of5 Remail.ioisafollow-upautomationserviceforemailoutreach DON’T DON’T SELL ON FIRSTEMAIL Thegoalofcoldemailsistoengageina conversation,nottogetasaleonthefirst email. You can sell once you got a relationship, notearlier. DON’T REPEAT YOURSELF IN AFOLLOW-UP Includepreviousemailforcontextinstead and/or provide a different call to action. Butalwaysaddvaluewitheachfollow-up TYPE AS IF IT WAS TEXTONLY It’snotabeautycontest.Writeasifyou only wrote text. No coloring, no bullet points,nobolding,nocustomfonts… USE BUSINESS EMAILS, NOT PERSONALEMAILS Avoid @yahoo.com, @gmail.com and otherfreetypeofemailsastheyaremore likely to be personal emails and not Business type. Those leads to greater spamcomplains.Forinstance,youshould avoid launching a Kick Starter campaign with coldemails People trying to sell get flagged as spammersuperfastandfutureemails will end up injunk folders. RemailInc.

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