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Make Your Products Safer & Sound With Custom Corrugated Boxes | Retail Packaging

Dodo Packaging offers various excellent different add-ons for the beautification of the custom corrugated boxes. You can use the Embossing/ debossing technique. Furthermore, Gold/silver foiling finishing add shine and gives a luxurious and captivating look to the boxes.

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Make Your Products Safer & Sound With Custom Corrugated Boxes | Retail Packaging

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  2. NowYouDon't HaveToWorry! Doyoufinditchallengingtoorganizeandother accessoriesathomeorintheoffice? Nowyou don'thavetoworry! Becausecustomcorrugated boxeshavemadeiteasyforpeople. The corrugatedboxesarebeneficialinmanyways, fromstoringtoshippingofvariousproducts. Theseboxesarestructurallyfirmandvisually impressive.

  3. CustomPrinted CorrugatedBoxes Customprintedcorrugatedboxesmanufacturedatdodopackaging arestronganddurableenoughtokeeptheproductssafefrom damage. However, corrugatedcardboardboxesareconsideredthe bestoptionforpackingandstoringvariousimport-exportandretail stores. Theseboxesarenotjuststrongbutarecomparativelycost- effective. Moreover, theyarelighterinweightthanothers, which makesthemanidealoptionforshipping.

  4. GetCustomCorrugated BoxesWholesale Sometimescustomcorrugatedboxeswholesalehastostoresensitiveproductsthatmightget damagedeasilyduetootherenvironmentalharms. Coatingsareadvantageousinthisregard. They giveasmoothanddecentlooktotheboxes. Differentcoatingsoptions, suchasglasscoatings, provideaglossylooktotheboxes. Ontheotherhand, mattecoatingsaddanon-polishedlookto theboxes. SpotUVcoatingsareusedtomakethelogos, titles, orcaptionstopopout.

  5. WhyChoose Us? Moreover, DodoPackagingoffersvariousexcellentdifferentadd- onsforthebeautificationofthecustomcorrugatedboxes. Youcan usetheEmbossing/ debossingtechnique. Furthermore, Gold/silver foilingfinishingaddshineandgivesaluxuriousandcaptivatinglook totheboxes. Addingribbons, beads, andbowstothecorrugated boxesistheperfectwaytopresentgiftstoyourlovedones. Youcan goforvariousstylingoptionswiththecorrugatedboxes, suchas perforation, scoring, anddie-cutwindow.

  6. How It Works? SHARE YOUR IDEA Get in touch with our Production specialists, so we may implement your technical specifications and artwork design, over the live chat, phone, info@dodopackaging.com or send an email at WE CAN PRINT A SAMPLE Receive our 3D digital illustration/prototype of the Box to ensure the final product is exactly the way you want it. FINALIZE AND DELIVERED Choose a lamination for your box's finishing. This is the final step before the order is processed.

  7. Get Social TWITTER @dodopackagingus/ FACEBOOK @dodopackaging/ INSTAGRAM @DodoPackaging/

  8. HowtoReach MAILINGADDRESS 82-104CountryPointeCircle, 1stFloor, Us BelleroseManorQueensNewYork, 11427, USA EMAILADDRESS info@dodopackaging.com PHONENUMBER 1-646-503-1158 WEBSITE www.dodopackaging.com

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