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Understanding CPU Virtualization and Binary Translation

Explore concepts of CPU virtualization, interpretation, and binary translation. Learn about the key techniques for virtualizing CPUs, including emulation and direct native execution.

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Understanding CPU Virtualization and Binary Translation

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  1. Distributed SystemsCS 15-440 Virtualization- Part II Lecture 24, Dec 7, 2011 Majd F. Sakr, Mohammad Hammoud andVinay Kolar

  2. Today… • Last session • Virtualization- Part I • Today’s session • Virtualization – Part II • Announcements: • PS4 is due today by 11:59PM • Project 4is due on Dec 13 by 11:59PM (No deadline extension) • On Monday Dec 12, each team will present its work on project 4

  3. Objectives Discussion on Virtualization Resource virtualization Resource virtualization Partitioning and Multiprocessor virtualization Virtual machine types Virtualization, para-virtualization, virtual machines and hypervisors Why virtualization, and virtualization properties

  4. Computer System Hardware CPU Memory MMU Controller Local Bus Interface High-Speed I/O Bus Frame Buffer NIC Controller Bridge LAN Low-Speed I/O Bus CD-ROM USB

  5. Resource Virtualization Resource Virtualization CPU Virtualization Memory Virtualization Memory Virtualization I/O Virtualization I/O Virtualization

  6. CPU Virtualization • Interpretation and Binary Translation • Virtualizable ISAs

  7. CPU Virtualization • Interpretation and Binary Translation • Virtualizable ISAs

  8. Instruction Set Architecture • Typically, the architecture of a processor defines: • A set of storage resources (e.g., registers and memory) • A set of instructions that manipulate data held in storage resources • The definition of the storage resources and the instructions that manipulate data are documented in what is referred to as Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) • Two parts in the ISA are important in the definition of VMs: • User ISA: visible to user programs • System ISA: visible to supervisor software (e.g., OS)

  9. Ways to Virtualize CPUs • The key to virtualize a CPU lies in the execution of the guest instructions, including both system-level and user-level instructions • Virtualizing a CPU can be achieved in one of two ways: • Emulation: the only processor virtualization mechanism available when the ISA of the guest is different from the ISA of the host • Direct native execution: possible only if the ISA of the host is identical to the ISA of the guest

  10. Emulation • Emulation is the process of implementing the interface and functionality of one system (or subsystem) on a system (or subsystem) having different interface and functionality • In other words, emulation allows a machine implementing one ISA (the target), to reproduce the behavior of a software compiled for another ISA (the source) • Emulation can be carried out using: • Interpretation • Binary translation Guest Source ISA Emulated by Host Target ISA

  11. Basic Interpretation Source Memory State Source Context Block • Interpretation involves a 4-step cycle (all in software): • Fetching a source instruction • Analyzing it • Performing the required operation • Then fetching the next source instruction Program Counter Code Condition Codes Reg 0 Data Reg 1 Reg n-1 Interpreter Code Stack

  12. Decode-And-Dispatch • A simple interpreter, referred to as decode-and-dispatch, operates by stepping through the source program (instruction by instruction) reading and modifying the source state • Decode-and-dispatch is structured around a central loop that decodes an instruction and then dispatches it to an interpretation routine • It uses a switch statement to call a number of routines that emulate individual instructions Source Code Interpreter Routines Source Code Dispatch Loop Decode-And-Dispatch Interpretation Native Execution

  13. Decode-And-Dispatch- Drawbacks Source Code Interpreter Routines • The central dispatch loop of a decode-and-dispatch interpreter contains a number of branch instructions • Indirect branch for the switch statement • A branch to the interpreter routine • A second register indirect branch to return from the interpreter routine • And a branch that terminates the loop • These branches tend to degrade performance Dispatch Loop Decode-And-Dispatch Interpretation

  14. Indirect Threaded Interpretation • To avoid some of the branches, a portion of the dispatch code can be appended (threaded) to the end of each of the interpreter routines • To locate interpreter routines, a dispatch table and a jumpinstruction can be used when stepping through the source program • This scheme is referred to as indirect threaded interpretation Interpreter Routines Interpreter Routines Source Code Source Code Dispatch Loop Indirect Threaded Interpretation Decode-And-Dispatch Interpretation

  15. Indirect Threaded Interpretation- Drawbacks Interpreter Routines Source Code • The dispatch table causes an overhead when looked up: • It requires a memory access and a register indirect branch • An interpreter routine is invoked every time the same instruction is encountered • Thus, the process of examining the instruction and extracting its various fields is always repeated Indirect Threaded Interpretation

  16. Predecoding (1) • It would be more efficient to perform a repeated operation only once • We can save away the extracted information of an instruction in an intermediate form • The intermediate form can then be simply reusedwhenever an instruction is re-encountered for emulation • However, a Target Program Counter (TPC) will be needed to stepthrough the intermediate code PowerPC source code Lwz r1, 8(r2) //load word and zero Add r3, r3, r1 //r3 = r3 +r1 Stw r3, 0(r4) //store word PowerPC program in predecoded intermediate form 07 1 2 08 (load word and zero) 08 3 1 03 (add) 37 3 4 00 (store word)

  17. Predecoding (2) • To avoid a memory lookup whenever the dispatch table is accessed, the opcode in the intermediate form can be replaced with the address of the interpreter routine • This leads to a scheme referred to as direct threaded interpretation 07 1 2 08 (load word and zero) 001048d0 1 2 08 (load word and zero) 08 3 1 03 00104800 3 1 03 (add) (add) 37 3 4 00 00104910 3 4 00 (store word) (store word)

  18. Direct Threaded Interpretation Interpreter Routines Interpreter Routines Source Code Intermediate Code Source Code Predecoder Indirect Threaded Interpretation Direct Threaded Interpretation

  19. Direct Threaded Interpretation- Drawbacks • Direct threaded interpretation still suffers from major drawbacks: • It limits portability because the intermediate form is dependent on the exact locations of the interpreter routines • The size of predecoded memory image is proportional to the original source memory image • All source instructions of the same type are emulated with the same interpretation routine Interpreter Routines Source Code Intermediate Code Predecoder

  20. Binary Translation • Performance can be significantly enhanced by mapping each individual source binary instruction to its own customized target code • This process of converting the source binary program into a target binary program is referred to as binary translation • Binary translation attempts to amortize the fetch and analysis costs by: • Translating a block of source instructions to a block of target instructions • Caching the translated code for repeated use

  21. Binary Translation Binary Translated Target Code Interpreter Routines Source Code Source Code Intermediate Code Binary Translator Predecoder Direct Threaded Interpretation Binary Translation

  22. Static Binary Translation • It is possible to binary translate a program in its entirety before executing the program • This approach is referred to as static binary translation • However, in real code using conventional ISAs, especially CISC ISAs, such a static approach can cause problems due to: • Variable-length instructions • Register indirect jumps • Data interspersed with instructions • Pads to align instructions Data in instruction stream Inst. 1 Inst. 2 Inst. 3 jump Reg. Data Inst. 5 Inst. 6 Pad for instruction alignment Uncond. Branch Pad Inst. 8 Jim indirect to ???

  23. Dynamic Binary Translation • A general solution is to translate the binary while the program is operating on actual input data (i.e., dynamically) and interpret new sections of code incrementally as the program reaches them • This scheme is referred to as dynamic binary translation Source Program Counter (SPC) to Target Program Counter (TPC) Map Table Translator Interpreter Miss Hit Emulation Manager Code Cache

  24. Dynamic Binary Translation Start with SPC Look Up SPCTPC in Map Table Hit in Table No Use SPC to Read Instructions from Source Memory Image ----------------------- Interpret, Translate, and Place into Code Cache Yes Branch to TPC and Execute Translated Block Write New SPCTPC Mapping into Map Table Get SPC for Next Block

  25. CPU Virtualization • Interpretation and Binary Translation • Virtualizable ISAs

  26. Privilege Rings in a System • In the ISA, special privileges to system resources are permitted by defining modes of operations • Usually an ISA specifies at least two modes of operation: • System (also called supervisor, kernel, or privileged) mode: all resources are accessible to software • User mode: only certain resources are accessible to software Apps (User Level) User Mode System Mode Kernel Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Simple systems have 2 rings Intel’s IA-32 allows 4 rings

  27. Conditions for ISA Virtualizability • In a native system VM, the VMM runs in system mode, and all other software run in user mode • A privileged instruction is defined as one that traps if the machine is in user mode and does not trap if the machine is in system mode • Examples of Privileged Instructions are: • Load PSW: If it can be accessed in user mode, a malicious user program can put itself in system mode and get control of the system • Set CPU Timer: If it can be accessed in user mode, a malicious user program can change the amount of time allocated to it before getting context switched

  28. Types of Instructions • Instructions that interact with hardware can be classified into three categories: • Control-sensitive: Instructions that attempt to change the configuration of resources in the system (e.g., memory assigned to a program) • Behavior-sensitive: Instructions whose behaviors or results depend on the configuration of resources • Innocuous: Instructions that are neither control-sensitive nor behavior-sensitive

  29. Virtualization Theorm • Virtualization Theorem: For any conventional third-generation computer, a VMM may be constructed if the set of sensitive instructions for that computer is a subset of the set of privileged instructions User Nonprivileged Privileged Privileged Sensitive Sensitive Critical Does not satisfy the theorem Satisfies the theorem

  30. Efficient VM Implementation • An OS running on a guest VM should not be allowed to change hardware resources (e.g., executing PSW and set CPU timer) • Therefore, guest OSs are all forced to run in user mode An efficient VM implementation can be constructed if instructions that could interfere with the correct or efficient functioning of the VMM always trap in the user mode

  31. Trapping To VMM Instruction Trap Occurs Dispatcher Privileged Instruction These instructions desire to change machine resources (e.g., load relocation bounds register) Interpreter Routine 1 Privileged Instruction Privileged Instruction Interpreter Routine 2 Allocator Privileged Instruction These instructions do not change machine resources but access privileged resources (e.g., IN, OUT, Write TLB) Interpreter Routine n

  32. Handling Privileged Instructions • Guest OS code in VM • (user mode) • Privileged Instruction (LPSW) • Next Instruction (Target of LPSW) VMM code (privileged mode) Dispatcher LPSW Routine: Change mode to privileged Check privilege level in VM Emulate Instruction Compute target Restore mode to user Jump to target

  33. Critical Instructions • Critical instructions are sensitive but not privileged– they do not generate traps in user mode • Intel IA-32 has several critical instructions • An example is POPF in IA-32 (Pop Stack into Flags Register) which pops the flag registers from a stack held in memory • One of the flags is the interrupt-enable flag, which can be modified only in the privileged mode • In the user mode, POPF can overwrite all flags except the interrupt-enable flag (for this it acts as no-op) Can an efficient VMM be constructed with the presence of critical instructions?

  34. Handling Critical Instructions • Critical Instructions are problematic and they inhibit the creation of an efficient VMM • However, if an ISA is not efficiently virtualizable, this does not mean we cannot create a VMM • The VMM can scan the guest code before execution, discover all critical instructions, and replace them with traps (system calls) to the VMM • This replacement process is known as patching • Even if an ISA contains only ONE critical instruction, patching will be required

  35. Patching of Critical Instructions Code patch for discovered critical instruction Trap to VMM Scanner and Patcher Patched Code Original Code

  36. Code Caching • Some of the critical instructions that trap to the VMM might require interpretation • Interpretation overhead might slow down the VMM especially if the frequency of critical instructions requiring interpretations increases • To reduce overhead, interpreted instructions can be cached, using a strategy known as code caching • Code caching is done on a block of instructions surrounding the critical instruction (larger blocks lend themselves better to optimization)

  37. Caching Interpreted Code Specialized Emulation Routines Block 1 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Code section emulated in code cache Control Transfer, e.g., trap Translation Table Code Cache Block 2 Block 3 Two critical instructions combined into a single block. Patched Program VMM

  38. Resource Virtualization Resource Virtualization CPU Virtualization Memory Virtualization I/O Virtualization I/O Virtualization

  39. Memory Virtualization In Real Machine • Virtual memory makes a distinction between the logical view of memory as seen by a program and the actual hardware memory as managed by the OS • The virtual memory support in traditional OSs is sufficient for providing guest OSs with the view of having (and managing) their own real memories • Such an illusion is created by the underlying VMM Virtual Memory Address (seen by a program running on OS) Physical Memory Address In Virtual Machine Virtual Memory Address (seen by a program running on guest OS) Real Memory Address Physical Memory Address

  40. An Example Virtual Memory of Program 1 onVM1 Virtual Memory of Program 2 onVM1 Real Memory of VM1 Virtual Memory of Program 3 onVM2 Real Memory of VM2 1000 1500 1000 500 1000 Not Mapped 2000 3000 5000 3000 4000 Physical Memory of System 4000 500 1000 3000 Page Table for Program 1 Page Table for Program 2 Page Table for Program 3 Real Map Table for VM1at VMM Real Map Table for VM2 at VMM

  41. Resource Virtualization Resource Virtualization CPU Virtualization Memory Virtualization I/O Virtualization

  42. I/O Virtualization • The virtualization strategy for a given I/O device type consists of: • Constructing a virtual version of the device • Virtualizing the I/O activities directed to the device • A virtual device given to a guest VM is typically (but not necessarily) supported by a similar, underlying physical device • When a guest VM makes a request to use the virtual device, the request is intercepted by the VMM • The VMM converts the request to the equivalent request understood by the underlying physical device and sends it out

  43. Virtualizing Devices • The technique that is used to virtualize an I/O device depends on whether the device is shared and, if so, the ways in which it can be shared • The common categories of devices are: • Dedicated devices • Partitioned devices • Shared devices • Spooled devices

  44. Dedicated Devices • Some I/O devices must be dedicated to a particular guest VM or at least switched from one guest to another on a very long time scale • Examples of dedicated devices are: the display, mouse, and speakers of a VM user • A dedicated device does not necessarily have to be virtualized • Requests to and from a dedicated device in a VM can theoretically bypass the VMM • However, in practice these requests go through the VMM because the guest OS runs in a non-privileged user mode

  45. Partitioned Devices • For some devices it is convenient to partition the available resources among VMs • For example, a disk can be partitioned into several smaller virtual disks that are then made available to VMs as dedicated devices • A location on a magnetic disk is defined in terms of cylinders, heads, and sectors (CHS) • The physical properties of the disk are virtualized by the disk firmware • The disk firmware transforms the CHS addresses into consecutively numbered logical blocks for use by host and guest OSs

  46. Disk Virtualization • To emulate an I/O request for a virtual disk: • The VMM uses a map to translate the virtual parameters into real parameters • The VMM then reissues the request to the disk controller Real Block Addresses VMM Guest OS 0006 000 VM1 --- Host OS 001 0002 CHSLBA 0008 002 003 Real Block Addresses Guest OS 004 --- VM2 0002 Physical Disk Drive (CHS) Logical Block Addresses (LBAs) --- 0005

  47. Shared Devices • Some devices, such as a network adapter, can be shared among a number of guest VMs at a fine time granularity • For example, every VM can have its own virtual network address maintained by the VMM • A request by a VM to use the network is translated by the VMM to a request on a physical network port • To make this happen, the VMM uses its own physical network address and a virtual device driver • Similarly, incoming requests through various ports are translated into requests for virtual network addresses associated with different VMs

  48. Network Virtualization- Scenario I • In this example, we assume that the virtual network interface card (NIC) is of the same type as the physical NIC in the host system VMM VMM sends packet on virtual bridge to device driver of physical NIC (e.g., OUTS 0x280, …) Device Driver NIC device driver launches packet on network using wire signals User on VM1 User sends message to external machine (e.g., using send()) OS on VM1 OS converts into I/O instructions for virtual NIC, (e.g., OUTS 0xf0…) To Network

  49. Network Virtualization- Scenario II • In this scenario, we assume that the desired communication is between two virtual machines on the same platform VMM VMM sends packet on virtual bridge to device driver of physical NIC (e.g., OUTS 0x280, …) VMM raises interrupt in receiver’s OS Device Driver NIC device driver converts send message to a receive message for receiving VM User on VM1 User sends message to local virtual machine (e.g., using send()) OS on VM1 OS converts into I/O instructions (e.g., OUTS 0xf0…) User on VM2 Receiver gets packet OS on VM2 Interrupt handler in OS generates I/O instructions to receive packet

  50. Spooled Devices • A spooled device, such as a printer, is shared, but at a much higher granularity than a device such as a network adapter • Virtualization of spooled devices can be performed by using a two-level spool table approach: • Level 1 is within the guest OS, with one table for each active process • Level 2 is within the VMM, with one table for each guest OS • A request from a guest OS to print a spool buffer is intercepted by the VMM, which copies the buffer into one of its own spool buffers • This allows the VMM to schedule requests from different guest OSs on the same printer

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