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This project aims to address the lack of entrepreneurship skills among young people and promote entrepreneurship education in universities. Through the development of intellectual outputs, including a study, guidelines/methodology, and modules for professional development, university educators will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to integrate entrepreneurship education into their curricula. The project will also involve the training of educators and the dissemination of awareness seminars.
Professional Development of University Educators for Improving Students' Entrepreneurial Skills October 2014- September 2016
Partnership: • WSEI - UniversityofEconomicsandInnovation, Poland – coordinator • VMU - Vytautas Magnusuniversity, Lithuania • FFE - Fondo FormacionEuskadi, Spain • AlavaChamber - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Alava, Spain
Problems addressed: • Lackofentrepreneurshipskillsofyoungpeople; • Universitiesshouldbecomemoreentrepreneurial; • Common EU HE institutionsproblem – lackofentrepreneurshipdevelopmentoncross-curriculaandinstitutionallevel. Usually entrepreneurship development is related to business or economics studies and is provided by lecturers working in business management departments. • Lackofattentionfordevelopinglecturers‘ entrepreneurialmindsetsandskills, whichthenwereintegratedintocurriculaanddailyteachingpractice.
Project aim: • To promoteentrepreneurshipeducationbasedoninterdisciplinary, cross-curriculaapproach. • Theaimwill be achievedthroughdevelopment a setofinstrumentssupportinglecturersindeepeningknowlegeandskillsonentrepreneurshipandempoweringthem to incorporateentrepreneurshipeducationintothecurricula.
Project target groups: • University educators and researchers. The project will address university educators/teachers and researchers who through the professional development activities will deepen knowledge on entrepreneurship education, strengthen their entrepreneurial mindsets and skills which are relevant for developing cross-curricula for entrepreneurship education. • Students- the final users of the project outputs. The skilled educators will renew curricula for entrepreneurship education and in this way will stimulate students' entrepreneurial attitudes and skills.
Expected results: • 4 intellectual outputs; • 14 lecturers trained during short mobility visit - for testing the developed modules (O3); • 2 one-day workshops (PL and LT, 60 participants); • 2 a half-day round-table discussions (PL and LT, 60 participants); • Awareness and dissemination seminars (ES, 60 participants).
Project intellectual outputs • O1- Analysisofentrepreneurshipeducation – study (EN); • O2- Modelofentrepreneurshipeducation – guidelines/methodology (EN, LT, PL); • O3 – 4 modules for educators' professional development - learning/teaching/trainingmaterial(EN, LT, PL); • O4 – 7 scenarios for integration of entrepreneurship model into specific curriculum subjects - learning/teaching/trainingmaterial (EN, LT, PL).
MORE INFORMATION • Pablo Almaraz Ruiz de Eguilaz • E-mail: palmaraz@camaradealava.com