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SRAC stimulus on emerging legislative changes that influence the global OHS environments Chris Wales. “ Salus Populi Suprema Lex ” The Safety of the people is the highest law.
SRAC stimulus on emerging legislative changes that influence the global OHS environments Chris Wales
“SalusPopuliSupremaLex” The Safety of the people is the highest law
H.W. Heinrichin examining hundreds of thousands of accidents found that 88 percent were caused by workers’ unsafe actions (in 1931). • Statistics now show that only about 4 – 5 % of all injuries occur because of equipment failure or component malfunction, weather or road conditions. • In fact once the systems are in place we find that around 95% of all incidents are from unsafe behaviours.
Every success recorded in OHS breakthroughs in our workplaces is credited to the commitment given by leadership and the support of all staff and even contractors in strict compliance to pre-set operational safety policies and guidelines. In the context of this presentation, we will refer to OHS legislation & economics as a workplace management strategy guided by corporate social responsibility to reduce cost, improve safety, leading to improved health of employees and the working environment, productivity and increase employees’ morale. Most countries of the world are growing in different dimensions with the strong hope of being market leaders in various capacities, there is a great need for adaptation of such markets & investments to the principles of Occupational Health and Safety.
OHS principles are capable of guarantying the following:• Security of capital investment • Security of lives, properties and environment• Sustenance of corporate reputation• Mitigating legal consequences Operating standards will help such business investments wisely, in operating to fulfil the following imperatives:• Social Imperatives• Fiscal imperatives• Legal imperatives E E E
B = f(P , E) Human Factors Psychology Human factors works to apply principles of psychology to designing products and creating work environments that boost productivity while minimising safety issues. The field of human factors formally began during World War II, when a range of experts worked together to improve the safety of airplanes. Since that time, human factors psychology has continued to grow and today plays an important role in many other fields, including computing, manufacturing, product design, engineering, military and government industries. Experience Emotion Environment SHE – Safety, Health & Environment Because Safety comes first Behaviour can be viewed as a Function of the Person and the Environment - B = f(P , E) Kurt Lewin
OHS / SHE legislation, Economics & Human Factors are all fundamentally hinged on four cardinal safety principles known as the SRAC model, an acronym culled from the following: • Standard• Responsibility• Accountability• Consequence People-Based Safety begins with creating an understanding of why we do what we do. The curriculum then provides practical ways to change behaviour and create positive changes in attitudes. When do you think the first written code of laws was written?
Code of Hammurabi 1780bc
If during an unsuccessful operation a patient dies, the arm of the surgeon must be cut off. • If a human talks back to another human their lips shall be hewn off . • If a man knocks the teeth out of another man, his own teeth will be knocked out. - If he break another man's bone, his bone shall be broken. • If a builder builds a house for some one, and does not construct it properly, and the house which he built falls and kill it’s owner, then that builder shall be put to death. • First written code of laws • It created a sense of order & • Established a coherent “rule of Law” which was independent of ethnic or tribal custom or even familial or monarchical whim • For the first time, the notion of a separate judiciary as part of the overall government was implemented
Standard: This can be referred as standard for workplace operations and they are provided via enabling legislation and policy formulations to create platforms for healthy, healthful and accident free work processes. SRAC • Standard• Responsibility• Accountability• Consequence These standards are recorded and used as National information document forming the compendium of workplace standards and requirement that must be met in setting up investments in different geographical locations. These standards are also applied in the formulation of organisation’s corporate safety policies in their attempts to avoid regulators’ penalties and control direct and indirect cost arising from occupational accidents.
Responsibility: The SRAC model paradigm imposes upon organisations (PCBUs) and investments the obligation to initiate, develop, implement & review processes to meet standards that have been set through Legislation, ISOs, Policies & SHEMS. Steps to fulfilling these responsibilities are all defined in the corporate safety policies & SHEMS of organisations; roles are assigned with timely evaluation on performance. Tasks naturally brings about responsibilities and responsibilities bring about expectations. SRAC • Standard• Responsibility• Accountability• Consequence SHEMS – Safety, Health & Environment Management Systems
Accountability: This is the obligation to fulfil a task in line with set standards to attract positive or negative consequence. When you are accountable, your performance is measured against some specific criteria or standards and consequences are applied appropriate to the level of quality of performance. This in summary is the evaluation of your performance upon assigned responsibility using the collectively determined pre-set standards as measure of assessments. SRAC • Standard• Responsibility• Accountability• Consequence Consequences: This is referred to as the outcome, reward or punishment received upon measurement of performance in line with pre-set principles or standards. Consequences are either positive or negative resulting from your actions upon evaluation; this comes in the form of rewards and punishments. SRAC • Standard• Responsibility• Accountability• Consequence
What you already know & do - SRAC No economy or sector can build security for lives and investments without safety standards and policies. Consequences should not be what businesses aim at getting, rather focus more on proactive strategies that will alienate you from the weight of the regulators correction sticks. Periodically evaluate your processes and correct errors where necessary. Training and supervision are key points to incident cost reduction. The best OHS strategy is planning (proactive approach), it is a global best strategy.
Responsibility Standard Consequences Accountability
SRAC • Standard• Responsibility• Accountability• Consequence Experience • The ‘Safety and Human Factors Tetrahedron – SaHFT’ highlights a four dimensional face to Human Factors Psychology, the many facets underpin the varied individuals within not only a working environment but also on the home fronts of society. Emotion Environment “SalusPopuliSupremaLex” The Safety of the people is the highest law
AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environment AS/NZS 4801:2001 Safety AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality AS/NZS ISO 22000:2005 Food HACCP Cater Care is located in booth 4/5. Take Care With Cater Care Safety Matters 2011 WINNER of the ExxonMobil Business Excellence thorough OHS&E Management Award