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Winnipeg General Strike: Impact and Consequences on Society

Explore the historical Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, covering the demands of workers, reasons for paralysis, government fears, police actions, and responses from key figures. Learn about the infamous "Bloody Saturday" and its aftermath.

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Winnipeg General Strike: Impact and Consequences on Society

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  1. Winnipeg General StrikeAnswer the following questions based on page 112-1131. What demands did the metal and building workers have when they walked off the job in May, 1919?2. Why did “Winnipeg become paralyzed”?3. Why did the government fear a revolution?4. Why were the police fired? Who replaced them?5. Explain how the following people dealt with the Winnipeg General Strike: Business leaders, Winnipeg’s Major, Federal government & the Prime Minister 6. Explain what happened on “bloody Saturday”

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