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Spansk kurs for grupper | Spanskkurs for skoleklasser Spania

Tilpasset spansk kurs program for åpne eller lukkede grupper, f.eks skoleklasser, studieturer og firma teambuilding. Kombinere intensive gruppekurs. Spansk kurs i Spania, Lær spansk i Malaga Spania. Tilpasset spansk kurs program for åpne eller lukkede grupper, f.eks skoleklasser, studieturer og firma teambuilding. Kombinere intensive gruppekurs

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Spansk kurs for grupper | Spanskkurs for skoleklasser Spania

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  1. T hursday, Oct 21, 20 10 http://www.spain-plus.com/ Search... Lo cal Web Images Learn Spanish Spanish Courses Accommodation Spanish schools Prices Activities Book Now! Spanskkursfor grupper Spanskkurs i Malaga f orgrupper: Alhambra Instituto i Málaga holder særdeleshøykvalitet. Dessutenerhttp://www.spain-plus.com/ valgmulighetenemangebådenårdet gjelderspråkkursoginnkvartering. Málaga har et behageligklima hele året, og kan tilbygode f orhold f or f ritidsaktiviteterogsportsaktiviteter somtennis, golf ogbrettseiling. Tilpassetspanskkursprogram f or åpneellerlukkedegrupper... Readthe Full Story PDFmyURL.com

  2. Programme f or teenagers Special Of f ers Courses f or Adults and Seniors Groups Packages Ref erences Image Gallery Top Ten Spanish Learning Tips Contact us Wide variety of Spanish language courses Alhambra Instituto Situation Spanskkurs på språkskoler i Malaga - Spania Tilpasset spanskkurs pro gramfo r åpne eller lukkede grupper. (+ 9 studenter) Dette spansk pro grammet er tilrettelagt fo r grupper på mer enn 9 studenter so m ønsker å gjenno mføre et eget spansk pro gram, iht. deres egne beho v o g ønsker. Gruppen må ledsages av en læ rer eller en gruppeleder. Når læ reren o g elevene er ko mmet sammen, læ reren vil velge innho ldet i kurset, hvo r mange spansk leksjo ner de vil ha (minimum 15 leksjo ner pr.uke), samt velge kulturelle aktiviteter o g utflukter under o ppho ldet. Fo r å kunne lage et spanskkurs pro gram med har høy kvalitet o g service, so m passer alle studentene o g deres beho v, har Alhambra Instituto laget to typer grupper: ÅPEN GRUPPE: Alle so m deltar i denne gruppen har fo rskjellig spansknivå. Det fører til at deres spanskleksjo ner blir undervist separat, men de har deres kulturelle klasser sammen med gruppen. Denne typen av grupper er kun tilgjengelig fo r de so m tar sko lens Generelle Spanskkurs ( 20 leksjo ner + 5 Mini-Seminarer pr. uke). LUKKET GRUPPE: Alle so m deltar i denne gruppen har samme spansknivå, så de er alle plassert i samme klasse (minimum 15 leksjo ner pr. uke) i samme klassero m. Maksimum 10 studenter pr. klasse. PDFmyURL.com SiteMap F.A.Q.

  3. Gratis Brochure SPANSK KURS FAKTA Malaga, Spain Te m p: Du ka n sta r he lst ma nda g he le å re t: e ge n pla n St ar t d at o 20 °C Fe e ls Like :20 °C Hum idit y: 6 8 % 1-4 uker Kur s leng d e (g r up p e) Spe e d: 16 km/h Ant all leks jo ner p r .uke Minimum 10 le ks jo ne r p r.uke Dire ct .: 130 ° Pre ssure :10 21.0 mb Sho w mo re details Inng ang s nivå Maks . ant all i klas s en Alde r f o r de t t e kurse t Fra he lt nybe gynne r til Ava nsse rt (Kurse t gis på tota lt 6 spa nsknivå ) Å pe n gruppe : 10 stude nte r Lukke t gruppe :10 stude nte r SE ( g r up p e) Alde r fo r andrekurse t VelkommenPar t y, Bes ø k b yen, t o kultur elle s eminarer 12 - 18 16 Gratis Lo c al Po lle n Re p o rts Airp o rt Co nd itio ns Lawn and G ard e n We athe r Rus h Ho ur Traffic Pro vi d e d b y: O ver nat t ing i s p ans ke enkelt-eller do bbeltro m 55 min le ksjone r, i.h.t. e ge n pla n Ifølge med bestillingen: egen plan Ifølge med bestillingen: egen plan f amilier Und er vis ning He nt ing på f lyplasse n Eks amen Alhambra Instituto o ffers Spanish teachers a rewarding experience taking students abro ad to study Spanish in o ne o f the nicest destinatio ns in Spain: Malaga "city o f the Paradise". Alhambra Instituto has fo r years been o ffering co urses fo r Clo sed Gro ups: the pro gram m e s are t ailo re d t o suit t he gro up’s pro f ile and requirements at a favo rable price fo r gro ups o f peo ple who have similar interests and co urse o bjectives. Price s f o r Gro ups in MALAGA pe r we e k/pe rso n PDFmyURL.com

  4. Tuit io n 4 le sso ns/d ay + Acco mmo d at io n in f amily / d o ub le ro o m / half b o ard Tuit io n 4 le sso ns/d ay + Acco mmo d at io n in f amily / d o ub le ro o m / f ull b o ard Ext ra nig ht in Sp anish f amily / d o ub le ro o m Tuit io n 4 le sso ns/d ay + Acco mmo d at io n in Ap art me nt / d o ub le ro o m Ext ra nig ht in Ap art me nt / d o ub le ro o m Airp o rt p ick- up ( p rice p e r way) f o r a g ro up o f 8/15/24 /4 0 Le isure p ackag e A f o r a g ro up o f 8/15/24 /4 0: We lco me Part y, Visit t he cit y, 2 cult ural se minars 24 0€/we e k 26 0€/we e k 185€/we e k 27/20/15/10€ C o mp lime nt ary 22€ 22€ Leisure p ackag e B f o r a g ro up o f 8/15/24 /4 0: Welco me Part y, Visit t he cit y, 2 cultural se minars, D ine r wit h Flamenco , B ullring Museum Leisurep ackag e C f o r a g roup o f 8/15/24 /4 0: Welcome Part y, Visit t he cit y, 2 cultural se minars, Diner wit hFlamenco , Bullring Museum, e xcursio n t o G ranad a http://www.spain-plus.com/learn-spanish/spanish-for-groups.htm Clo se d Gro ups Gro up pro grammescan be t ailo r-m ade t o suitbudge t s, int e re st s and specific re que st s , such as number o f students per class, hours, pro grammecontent, and accommodatio n. Weconsiderthestudents’ ages and subject o f focus with/o ut a pro ject and always balance thetuitio n with a so cial and entertainmentelement. Belowis a SampleProgram. A Standard programincludes 4 Spanishlessons/day ExperiencednativeSpanishteachers Ho mestay in a family in a do uble ro o m withhalfboard. Air Co nditioning and Classro o m comfort PDFmyURL.com 35€ 70€

  5. Classro o ms equipped with the latest interactive teaching Included in Malaga Museum & Mo nument tickets Ado be Flash Playe r no t inst alle d o r o lde r t han 9 .0 .115 ! Included the co st o f excursio ns and airpo rt pick up (as agree) Excursio ns o n Saturday and/o r Sunday (to Granada is included). Guided visit to Malaga to see the attractio ns o f the historical city center. Sport activities with the material included (3 per week). Visit different co mpanies in the City Fre e acco m m o datio n and leisure activities is o ffered to every accompanying teacher/gro up leader per 15 students. Co ursesfo r Open Gro ups are available all year. Accommodationhttp://www.spain-plus.com/learn-spanish/spanish-for-groups.htm No rmally all the gro ups have Ho mestay: Spanish families are renownedfo r their ho spitality, sense o f humo r and enjoyment o f life. Students usually feel co mpletely at ho me with their families and enjo y this unique o pportunity to fully integrate into Spanish family life. The intimate relationship with the family encourages the natural use o f every-day Spanish.Most families live very clo se to the scho o l and all o f them are lo cated in less than 10 -15 minutes walking distance. PDFmyURL.com

  6. Remember ClosedGro up pro grammes are tailo r-made to your requirements and as such prices can o nly be quo ted o nce yourgro up details and requirements have been defined. Please email us at groups@alhambra-instituto .o rg giving us details o f start date, number o f weeks, number o f students and their ages, number o f accompanying teachers/gro up leaders, tuitio n requirements and number o f lesso ns, accommodatio n details and preferred activities including requests fo r any particular event such as co mpany, educational o r institutional visits. http://www.spain-plus.com/closed-group-spanish-courses/spanish-summer-courses.htm Learning Spanish in Malaga gives an o pportunity o f living and learning mo re about the language and the culture. Malaga is a wonderful city, full o f o pportunities. The city is an o pen, cheerful and happy place with wonderfull sandy beaches. Learning Spanish in Alhambra Instituto in Malaga is a truly unforgettable experience! Only 10 minutes by bus fro m citycentre Our staff speak English, French, German and Po lish Fully equiped dancero o m fo r flamenco & salsa Vario us so cial activities everyday Scho o l fo unded in 19 8 0 6 -8 student average per classro o m Free Wifi internet co nectio n The scho o l is 50 meters fro m the beach Spanish Scho o ls in Spain wit h Alham bra Inst it ut o PDFmyURL.com

  7. T hursday, Oct 21, 20 10 Search... Lo cal Web Images Learn Spanish Spanish Courses Accommodation Spanish schools Prices Activities Book Now! Spanskkursfor grupper Spanskkurs i Malaga f orgrupper: Alhambra Instituto i Málaga holder særdeleshøykvalitet. Dessutener valgmulighetenemangebådenårdet gjelderspråkkursoginnkvartering. Málaga har et behageligklimahelehttp://www.spain-plus.com året, og kan tilbygode f orhold f or f ritidsaktiviteterogsportsaktiviteter somtennis, golf ogbrettseiling. Tilpassetspanskkursprogram f or åpneellerlukkedegrupper... Readthe Full Story PDFmyURL.com

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