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CONFEMADERA SPANISH CONFEDERATION OF WOODWORKING INDUSTRIES. PILAR CALVO INDUSTRY: RADISA GROUP. SPANISH SECTOR´S MAIN FIGURES. 38,267 companies 233,423 workers 4.1% Business turnover. Mainly small and medium-sized companies 99.8% of woodworking companies have less than 20 employees
SPANISH SECTOR´S MAIN FIGURES • 38,267 companies • 233,423 workers • 4.1% Business turnover • Mainly small and medium-sized companies • 99.8% of woodworking companies have less than 20 employees • 33.7% of these industries have no employees.
SECTOR´S MAIN FIGURES • Main Spanish wood product imports from: • France • Portugal • U.S.A • Germany. • 67% of total imports come from countries in the European Union.
WHAT IS CONFEMADERA • The Spanish Confederation of Woodworking Industries CONFEMADERA was first established in 1977, in order to defend the woodworking sector in Spain. • CONFEMADERA consists of 29 associations and encompasses all Spanish woodworking associations, both regional and sectorial.
WHAT IS AEIM • The Spanish Timber Importers´ Association AEIM is a private organization, which consists of timber importers in Spain as well as timber agents and shipping agents, the latter two of which as attached members. • An organization with 176 members: • 126 importers of all types of timber products. • 50 agents, brokers and sales offices in Spain.
RADISA GROUP- WHO WE ARE A group of family-run companies dedicated to the distribution of lumber and wood products.
RADISA • A 70,000 m2 facility in Getafe (Madrid) used to store wood, lumber and veneer as well as to sell to the public • A 12,500m2 showroom located in Madrid displaying doors, kitchens, wood flooring, etc. • WOOD IN GENERAL: • Soft wood • Hard wood • Tropical hard wood • More than 60 species ORIGIN OF WOOD: 40%from U.S.A. 15%from Africa (European agents) 35%from Europe
CAMASA • Located in Valencia, whose seaport receives the largest variety of woods from abroad. • It has 38.000 m2 of storehouse facilities. • Currently, it commercializes a great variety of lumber species from countries all over the world. Veneers, all kinds of plywood, flooring, carpentry and it sells these products all over Spain as well as in some overseas countries.
REVASA Rechapados Valencia was founded in 1976. It is located in Valencia and it is our only factory dedicated to cover chipboard with natural and engineered veneers. • REVASA currently exports • mainly to : • United Kingdom • Germany • France
ENVIRONMENT POLICY The respect for nature and environmental protection are important issues for RADISA . Thus, RADISA´s policy is to buy wood adhering to the laws and rules as they relate to the import of woods as well as sustainable forest management. Moreover, we have obtained Chain-of-Custody certification from PEFC as well as FSC and continue to operate under their norms and requirements. The applicability of the certification extends to timber, veneers, doors, flooring, and boards.
ENVIRONMENT POLICY • In order to comply with the new Appendix 7 of the PEFC system as well as FSC-CoC-40-004/005, Radisa will not purchase product from suppliers suspected of not conforming to sustainable forest management practices. Radisa also works within the guidelines identified below to further promote better environmental protection practices: • As exposed last year, AEIM established the “Good Environmental Practices Code” and Radisa, as a member, adheres to this code. • As a member of CONFEMADERA, RADISA supports the Woodworking Sector's Environmental Strategy.
Best Practices Commitment The companies associated with CONFEMADERA assume environmental protection practices. Specifically, we strive to control the origin of raw materials: • Compliance with European, national and local legal requirements related to social and environmental issues • Close monitoring of raw material sources • Maintain and improve responsible purchase policies to ensure that resources come from well-managed forests. • Promote the implementation of Forest and Chain-of-Custody Certification Standards and Environmental Management Systems. • We are strongly opposed to illegal logging and in this sense we support the European Action Plan: Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT). • More information can be found at: www.confemadera.es
PROJECTS • In order to achieve these objectives CONFEMADERA: • Convenes conferences, forums and conventions • Publishes handbooks, brochures, posters, etc. • Prepares press releases • Provides consultancy services to companies requesting Chain- of-Custody certification • Establishes cooperative agreements with the main Spanish accredited certification bodies.
PROJECTS Chain-of-Custody certifications issued in Spain with CONFEMADERA assistance.
CERTIFIED FORESTS IN SPAIN PEFC: Certificated forest area of 525,155.99 hectares, a 36.63% increase since 2006, mainly in the region of Castilla y León FSC: Certificated forest area of 119,982.00 hectares CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY CERTIFICATES CONFEMADERA has provided assistance with the certification process. In 2006, 44 companies, many of which are saw mills, have been granted certification. This number represents 20% of the national total. There are more companies that are pending receipt of certification. AEIM associated companies have been granted 50% of all certifications ever issued in Spain.
CHALLENGES • Government involvement to ensure that only certified wood is used for public construction • Industry awareness to promote companies to conduct reliable verifications of their purchases to prevent illegal logging • Consumer awareness and cooperation to assume higher costs in the purchase of certified wood • To develop a larger variety of certified wood species and measurements • Homogenize the different chains-of-custody in order to prevent confusion in their application • Guarantee that the guidelines of standards are globally accepted and controlled.