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Perfect Fluidity of QGP at RHIC?. 平野哲文. Tetsufumi Hirano Institute of Physics University of Tokyo Komaba, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan. 东京大学. References: T.Hirano and M.Gyulassy, Nucl.Phys.A 769 (2006)71. T.Hirano, U.Heinz, D.Kharzeev, R.Lacey, Y.Nara, Phys.Lett.B 636 (2006)299. OUTLINE.
Perfect Fluidity of QGPat RHIC? 平野哲文 Tetsufumi Hirano Institute of Physics University of Tokyo Komaba, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan 东京大学 References: T.Hirano and M.Gyulassy, Nucl.Phys.A 769(2006)71. T.Hirano, U.Heinz, D.Kharzeev, R.Lacey, Y.Nara, Phys.Lett.B 636 (2006)299.
OUTLINE • “RHIC serves the perfect liquid” • Elliptic flow • Results from hydro + cascade model • Ratio of viscosity to entropy • Summary
What is “Perfect Liquid”? A possibility of “Perfect Liquid QGP” is intriguing. In this context, a lot of people say, “QGP viscosity is small”. Viscosity is “small” in comparison with …, what??? I will discuss this issue later.
What is Elliptic Flow? Ollitrault (’92) How does the system respond to spatial anisotropy? No secondary interaction Hydro behavior y f x INPUT Spatial Anisotropy 2v2 Interaction among produced particles dN/df dN/df OUTPUT Momentum Anisotropy 0 f 2p 0 f 2p
Elliptic Flow from a Kinetic Theory ideal hydro limit Zhang et al.(’99) View from collision axis Time evolution of v2 b = 7.5fm v2 • Gluons uniformly distributed • in the overlap region • dN/dy ~ 300 for b = 0 fm • Thermal distribution with • T = 500 MeV t(fm/c) generated through secondary collisions saturated in the early stage sensitive to cross section (~m.f.p.~viscosity) v2 is
TH&Gyulassy(’06),TH,Heinz,Kharzeev,Lacey,Nara(’06) Hydro Meets Data for the First Time at RHIC: “Current” Three Pillars • Perfect Fluid (s)QGP Core • Ideal hydro description of the QGP phase • Necessary to gain integrated v2 • Dissipative Hadronic Corona • Boltzmann description of the hadron phase • Necessary to gain enough radial flow • Necessary to fix particle ratio dynamically • Glauber Type Initial Condition • Diffuseness of initial geometry A Lack of each pillar leads to discrepancy!
TH et al.(’05-) (CGC +)QGP Hydro+Hadronic Cascade Hadronic Corona (Cascade, JAM) t sQGP core (Full 3D Ideal Hydro) 0.6fm/c z 0 (Option) Color Glass Condensate c.f. Similar approach by Nonaka and Bass (DNP04,QM05)
(1) Glauber and (2) CGC Hydro Initial Conditions Which Clear the First Hurdle Centrality dependence Rapidity dependence • Glauber model • Npart:Ncoll = 85%:15% • CGC model • Matching I.C. via e(x,y,h)
pT Spectra for identified hadronsfrom QGP Hydro+Hadronic Cascade dN/dy and dN/dpT are o.k. by hydro+cascade. Caveat: Other components such as recombination and fragmentation should appear in the intermediate-high pT regions.
TH et al.(’06) v2(Npart) from QGP Hydro + Hadronic Cascade • Glauber: • Early thermalization • Mechanism? • CGC: • No perfect fluid? • Additional viscosity • is required in QGP Result of JAM: Courtesy of M.Isse Importance of better understanding of initial condition
Large Eccentricity from CGC Initial Condition y x Pocket formula (ideal hydro): v2 ~ 0.2e @ RHIC energies Ollitrault(’92)
v2(pT) for identified hadrons Glauber type initial condition CGC initial condition Mass dependence is o.k. v2(model) > v2(data)
Viscosity and Entropy • Reynolds number Iso, Mori, Namiki (’59) R>>1 Perfect fluid where • 1+1D Bjorken flow Bjorken(’83) • Baym(’84)Hosoya,Kajantie(’85)Danielewicz,Gyulassy(’85)Gavin(’85)Akase et al.(’89)Kouno et al.(’90)… (Ideal) (Viscous) h: shear viscosity (MeV/fm2), s : entropy density (1/fm3) h/s is a good dimensionless measure (in the natural unit) to see viscous effects.
Why QGP Fluid + Hadron Gas Works? h: shear viscosity, s : entropy density TH and Gyulassy (’06) Kovtun,Son,Starinets(’05) • Absolute value of viscosity • Its ratio to entropy density ! Rapid increase of entropy density can make hydro work at RHIC. Deconfinement Signal?!
Digression [Pa] = [N/m2] (Dynamical) Viscosity h: ~1.0x10-3 [Pa s] (Water20℃) ~1.8x10-5 [Pa s] (Air 20℃) Kinetic Viscosity n=h/r: ~1.0x10-6 [m2/s] (Water20℃) ~1.5x10-5 [m2/s] (Air20℃) hwater > hair BUT nwater < nair Non-relativistic Navier-Stokes eq. (a simple form) Neglecting external force and assuming incompressibility.
Summary • Perfect Fluid QGP + Dissipative Hadron + Glauber initial conditions does a good job. • Manifestation of deconfinement? • CGC initial conditions spoil this agreement. • Viscous QGP may compensate “CGC effect”. • Importance of better understanding initial conditions. To be or not to be (consistent with hydro), that is THE question. --Anonymous
Thank you! TH&Gyulassy(’06) QGP mixed hadron Energy in (four-)velocity plane at midrapidity Energy density in the transverse plane at midrapidity
Viscosity from a Kinetic Theory See, e.g. Danielewicz&Gyulassy(’85) For ultra-relativistic particles, the shear viscosity is Ideal hydro: l 0 shear viscosity 0 Transport cross section
A Long Long Time Ago… …we obtain the value R (Reynolds number)=1~10… Thus we may infer that the assumption of the perfect fluid is not so good as supposed by Landau.
A Final Piece of RHIC Jigsaw Puzzle? or Glauber CGC Or any other possible scenarios based on non-equilibrium models, instabilities, etc. for thermalization / isotropization mechanism. A much better understanding of initial condition is desperately needed. Distinguish via 3D jet tomography Adil, Gyulassy and TH (’06)
Results from Hydro + Cascade (III) Glauber-BGK CGC
v2(pT) from Hydro: Past, Present and Future 2000 (Heinz, Huovinen, Kolb…) Ideal hydro w/ chem.eq.hadrons 2002 (TH,Teaney,Kolb…) +Chemical freezeout 2002 (Teaney…) +Dissipation in hadron phase 2005 (BNL) “RHIC serves the perfect liquid.” 2004-2005 (TH,Gyulassy) Mechanism of v2(pT) slope 2005-2006(TH,Heinz,Nara,…) +Color glass condensate Future “To be or not to be (consistent with hydro), that is THE question” -- anonymous XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ????????????????? 20-30% History of differential elliptic flow ~History of development of hydro ~History of removing ambiguity in hydro
Temperature Dependence ofh/s • Shear Viscosity in Hadron Gas Danielewicz&Gyulassy(’85) • Assumption:h/s at Tc in the sQGP is 1/4p Kovtun, Son, Starinets(‘05) No big jump in viscosity at Tc! • We propose a possible scenario:
Ideal QGP Fluid + Dissipative Hadron Gas Models hydro cascade