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RO04 Reduction of Hazardous Substances Vidar Berg Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology Campus Oslo Norway. The main activities of our group. Food safety Environmental monitoring of persistent.organic pollutants (POPs) and pharmaceutical products in wild life Toxicology research
RO04 Reduction of Hazardous SubstancesVidar BergLaboratory of EnvironmentalToxicologyCampus Oslo Norway
The mainactivities of ourgroup • Food safety • Environmentalmonitoring of persistent.organicpollutants (POPs) and pharmaceuticalproducts in wildlife • Toxicologyresearch • Education • International cooperation
Food safety • The laboratory has for manyyearscarriedout screening of POPs in food for the Norwegian Food SafetyAuthority. • This screening includesa variety of chemicals, such as POPs and pharmaceuticalcompounds. • As an extencion of thefoodsafetyaspect, thelevels of pollutants in humans (mothersmilk) have beenmonitored in different regions of Norway
Environmentalmonitoring • Persistent organicpollutants (POPs) and pharmaceuticalproducts in wildlife • Monitoring of possibleeffects of pollutants in wildlife species. Examples of effectsaredirectobservation of animal health and biomarkers.
Toxicologyresearch • Environmentalmonitoring and effects in wildlife is alsoresearch (and published in respected journals). • In vivo animal model studies arecarriedout by thelaboratorysresearchgroup. The zebrafishmodel is frequently used. • In vitroresearchon human and animal cells is carriedout by thegroup.
Education • The laboratory has a highproduction of master students and PhD students. • This includes students at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and students from otheruniversities.
International cooperation • A number of institutionsoutside Norway arecooperating in researchprojects. • As an example, thelaboratoryscooperationwithcountries in Africahas resultedin numerousPhDthesis