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2014 – A Year of Critical Issues for International Criminal Justice

2014 – A Year of Critical Issues for International Criminal Justice. Crime prevention through criminal law and security studies , Dubrovnik, IUC March 2014. Inter - University Centre Dubrovnik. Founded in 1972 Independent academic institution

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2014 – A Year of Critical Issues for International Criminal Justice

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  1. 2014 – A YearofCriticalIssues for International CriminalJustice Crimepreventionthroughcriminallawandsecuritystudies, Dubrovnik, IUC March2014

  2. Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik • Foundedin 1972 • Independentacademicinstitution • Aimofpromotingacademicanduniversitycooperation • More than 172 universitieshavebeeninvolvedin IUC activities, courses, seminars, conferences

  3. IUC building • Constructedinearly 20th century • Originallyitwas a school • Richhistory • Building wasseverelydamagedduringbombardmentin 1991

  4. 2014 - Threemainfocuses • Securityandcyberspace • Traffickingin human beings • Deathpenalty

  5. Securityandcyberspace • Physicalworld vs. virtual (online) world • Privacyissues • Cybervictimization • Applicabilityoftraditionalcriminallaw to cybercrime • The role ofregulatoryagencies • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E65SsT2PRc

  6. Traffickingin human beings • Modern age slavery • Notjust a crime but a human rightsviolation (Rantsev v. Cyprusand Russia, ECHR) • Changing nature ofthephenomenon • Palermo protocoland COE Convention • COE monitoring mechanisms – GRETA andCommitteeoftheParties • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHJepW-LL7U

  7. Deathpenalty • Right to life • Retributionandprevention (throughdeterrence) • Cruelandunusual? • Effects? Costs? • Evolvingstandardsofdecency • International cooperationincriminalmatters • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t59f53irwTA -

  8. Thankyou!

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